4 more home games this week at the Hayes. Tuesday’s game has been moved to 5:00.
Looks like we will go with lefty Chase Carson against the Wildcats.
Davidson Game notes:
I have heard that the reason that we haven’t played Davidson in so long is that we had a big brawl the last time we played them. Maybe I made that up, but I remember someone telling me that.
Davidson SUCKS!!
Why did we schedule these clowns?
Niners up 7 in the bottom of the first inning.
How is our series history vs them even close….36-25?
I guess they’ve gone downhill in the past 20 years
Good lord
Someone make it stop
I know y’all know this already, but…
Davidson really really sucks.
Is there not a mercy rule?
We didn’t start baseball until ‘77 I believe. I remember us getting destroyed for a few years after we started. It was brutal. I would bet that Davidson beat us a few times in the late 20th century.
We started in '79…Davidson has not been too bad in recent years actually. We are just punking em today though.
Making up for lost time. Gotta score 20 years worth of runs today.
Depends on if they agreed to it before the game.