Attention all campers!! (and everyone else)

No, I am not calling out the alumni, we have some good alumni support, I never questioned that, but there is a lot of seats over there where people sit watch the game and enjoy the game. If Halton is supposed to be one of the toughest places to play, I could only imagine if the entire lower level was on their feet during the game and was vocal, that’s all I was asking about

[i]Originally posted by SKEET SKEET[/i]@Nov 20 2004, 07:23 PM [b] Is there not a way where we could make our section bigger and put some of the season tickets up in the 2nd level, has it been talked about or anything like that? [/b]
Are you kidding? Who do you think is funding the athletic department? If anything the students need to be moved behind the baskets so the lower level seats behind the benches can be sold to alum and corporations. They know they could sell them if they were available and I know it has been talked about but Woodward won't allow it to happen under his watch. He will be gone soon and it might happen and should. They have plenty of potential donors if those seats become available.
[i]Originally posted by Chisox17[/i]@Nov 20 2004, 07:17 PM [b]f*** you frat boy wannabes[/b]
Speaking of frat boys, it looks pretty bad over in 105 as always. The frat that wore those yellow shirts is gone and everyone else moved down. The guys replacing them were all wearing frat letter shirts, none of which were green. Also some people sitting all game over there. The sororities didn't have a hint of green either. The only green we get over there is the bright green the first frat wears.

If frats are your thing, that’s cool, but with all the money those guys pay/get I think it would be a good investment for them to get a Niner green shirt made for every member. Have their frat letters all over it, it doesn’t matter, but it would look 100 times better if 104 and 105 were washed out in green. The frats are good fans, the majority of them are always on their feet and yelling all game long, gotta love that, but it would just look so much better if they all wore green.

And another note on this topic, a lot of other schools with unified shirts have those made through the school. Whether it’s part of a bigger student group(ala Gang Green, but with some schools their group is pretty much mandatory to join if you want good seats) or if they just lay out shirts before a game on the seats. If everyone who set down low HAD to be part of some group(call it Gang Green, call it whatever you want, it doesn’t really matter) and they paid a small fee to join (I think GG is $10) and were given a t-shirt, I guarentee there would be MUCH less of a problem getting people to wear green. Include frats in it as well, just give them the rights to distribute ALL lower level student seats, don’t change how they distribute tickets(still have campouts, ect), but make it so that if you aren’t in that group, you can only get upper level seats. I don’t think anybody here or who puts in the effort to sit lower level would be against a small fee to get a shirt. Just some ideas, a lot of other schools seem so unified and have so much school spirit, but a lot of those schools have the school itself involved in getting all of that set up. Right now people are ASSUMED to wear green in the lower level, but if they paid and everyone had the same green shirt, they would become EXPECTED to wear green. I know most of us would expect people to wear green now, but I know people who go to school here and don’t own a Charlotte shirt. MAKE them pay the fee and hand them a shirt, they will have no excuses then.

I didn’t mean to piss everyone, but I mean I went to NC State for a year and The Wolfpack Club funds 100% of all scholarships and everything the athletic department needs and everything and the Student’s section still makes a large section at Basketball games. Maybe instead of alumni moving, maybe the guys who hold up their hands in diamonds instead of picks during free throws should move…

My Boy Chisox… I saw that dude in the Carolina hat and I thought of you. Wish you would have called him out at the game, love to see a brawl in the student section. I think the most important thing we can do is come up with a uniform shirt that everyone can wear to the games. It is amazing to go to Wake games now and see every single student and half of all the other fans wearing those ugly ass tie dyed deacon shirt. You would want to wear them anywhere else, but at the games they look awesome and I think make a huge difference. Who do we need to talk to to get this shirt thing done???

[i]Originally posted by Jimmyhat49er[/i]@Nov 20 2004, 07:58 PM [b]My Boy Chisox.... I saw that dude in the Carolina hat and I thought of you. Wish you would have called him out at the game, love to see a brawl in the student section. I think the most important thing we can do is come up with a uniform shirt that everyone can wear to the games. It is amazing to go to Wake games now and see every single student and half of all the other fans wearing those ugly ass tie dyed deacon shirt. You would want to wear them anywhere else, but at the games they look awesome and I think make a huge difference. Who do we need to talk to to get this shirt thing done???[/b]
It can't be that hard, if a group of a small number of students could get those Niner Nation shirts made and sold at a reasonable price(was it $10?) with advertising on the back, I don't see what's stopping the school from doing it and getting enough sponsor money to give them out for free. There's a lot of room on the back of a t-shirt, sell it all and have Niner Nation on the front and place them on the 104 and 105 seats. I understand the school has official sponsers and stuff, but if they can get Pepsi to pay up for headbands I'm sure they can get a combination of sponsers to get enough money for shirts.

It just seems like the school isn’t willing to do the work to get it done, just doesn’t seem like a priority to them. Heck, I even heard that those new camping rules were done by students. And the headband last year was proposed by that article in the UTimes, written by a student. Niner Nation shirts were done by students…I’m seeing a trend here. To the school’s credit they do seem to be very willing to help and do what they can, but it just doesn’t seem like they are ever going to be the ones to jumpstart anything.

[b]It just seems like the school isn't willing to do the work to get it done, just doesn't seem like a priority to them. Heck, I even heard that those new camping rules were done by students. And the headband last year was proposed by that article in the UTimes, written by a student. Niner Nation shirts were done by students.....I'm seeing a trend here. To the school's credit they do seem to be very willing to help and do what they can, but it just doesn't seem like they are ever going to be the ones to jumpstart anything.[/b]

Good point…like the adv. for the games. The only thing I ever see is a 2 x 2 sign at the front walkway.

[i]Originally posted by Powerbait[/i]@Nov 20 2004, 12:53 PM [b] If you've got a problem with me at games man, just say something to my face... [/b]
lol yeah PB, i have a problem, you arent loud enough and arent enthusiastic at all. and you are way too kind to the refs! :smirk:

Skeet, good to have you aboard.

First off, of course I wish everyone in Halton stood and yelled the whole game. But…I would not expect the alumni section to stand the whole time and be as enthusiastic as we are. Many of us on here live and breathe 49er basketball. We sit down there because we love it and we wait all summer to watch it.

As we are forced to move to the alumni side (and upstairs), we can hopefully change that. But I can image how it is for someone over there that wants to scream and yell, when you’re surrounded by old people. That’s gotta dampen your enthusiasm somewhat.

Second, hell would have to freeze over before it would be a good idea to move the money-makers upstairs. Want to guess how fast they would jet? If they aren’t appreciated, many would leave…with their money, and our athletics program.

I think the whole Greek thing needs to move along too. But that’s not going to change until there is enough student demand for those seats that they have to fight for them, and show that they earn it. Right now the hard-core fans fill up one section - 104. There are others of course, but for the most part, we know where to find the hard-core fans.

Let’s make sure Monday that 104 looks good, and well…we’ll worry about the rest of the student section for the next game. If you’re brining people, try to make sure they’re wearing green. If somebody shows up in their Carolina hat, let them know that’s not acceptable - not necessarily run them off, but let them know you think they suck.

We go through this every year, but judging by the last campout, I’d say we’re making progress.

[i]Originally posted by Butter49er[/i]@Nov 20 2004, 08:21 PM [b]It just seems like the school isn't willing to do the work to get it done, just doesn't seem like a priority to them. Heck, I even heard that those new camping rules were done by students. And the headband last year was proposed by that article in the UTimes, written by a student. Niner Nation shirts were done by students.....I'm seeing a trend here. To the school's credit they do seem to be very willing to help and do what they can, but it just doesn't seem like they are ever going to be the ones to jumpstart anything.[/b]
Butter...goodness, that's just a funny name...I agree that I wish the school was more directly involved, but I honestly do think it's the job of the students to make things like the campout and the shirts happen...or at least get them rolling. That's normally where the best ideas are going to come from, as well as the most supported ideas.

They’re our team. If we want something to improve or change, I think we would have very little trouble getting the athletic dept to listen. We just have to let them know what we want, and get the student/alumni support for it to make it happen.

you hardcore campers should form a mafia like cartel and teach the others how things should work :slight_smile:

are the niner nation shirts still available?

Students…email the Student Body President and ask her to have SGA develop a GAME shirt to be sold at the games and the bookstore at a low cost, say $10 or $12…make the shirts Gang Green or niner nation or whatever…typically funds are provided to clubs and organizations on campus, hence Gang Green, a club recieved $919 this year SGA Clubs and Organ. Budget…students should not have to be in a club or organization to take advantage of the STUDENT ACTIVITIES FEES that they pay, however, having a group such as Gang Green provides organization. It would be nice if Gang Green, greeks and all groups were required to recieve their tickets as other students, camping or waiting in line…but that’s another debate…

FROM SGA’s website:

Stephanie Hodgin
President of the Student Body
Member of the Board of Trustees
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Office: (704) 687-4607

Her thoughts on the future of UNC Charlotte

“I see a more united UNCC. I believe that at the end of this year many of the student organizations will have developed strong networks in which they [can] use each other as resources. These networks will make goals much easier to accomplish. I see a more informed UNCC, where students know about organizations on campus and what they have done and are doing. I also see a more involved UNCC, where students are compelled to get involved because they see the goals and accomplishments that make a difference. There will be a more visible SGA,” said Hodgin.

SGA is comprised of three branches:

The Executive Branch consists of the Student Body President, Vice President, and Chief of Staff.

The Student Senate is given the responsibility of ensuring the student voice is heard.

The Student Judiciary, composed of the 21 elected hearing panel members of the Student Hearing Panel, the University Advocate’s office, and the Student Defense office.

If you have questions or issues to be addressed, please drop by the SGA office located at 369 Cone or call
(704) 687-4606.

Every member of SGA keeps an open door policy and would love to talk to you and assist you in any way possible. Remember…we’ve got your back!



please not gang green

Our most loyal fans should be an organization, with a unified student voice more things would get done. Gang Green sucks, the organization reminds me of the band in high school, nobody knows really remembers anything they did, all they remember is that they were at the games. I really doubt that any of the members would even think about camping out for tickets, they don’t have the spirit that 104 has, but they do have things that 104 doesn’t, including uniform shirts, and recognition as a student organization. Gang Green has good intentions but the organization has no leadership and no direction at all. Maybe just an idea I’m throwing up, but if some of us campers decided to crash the party by taking over Gang Green we could create a campus buzz which would build enthusiasm for Charlotte Basketball. I mean one the first things that would have to change is that gay name. Niner Nation is a much better name than Gang Green, if our student’s organization is named after a disease who the hell would want to join, diseases belong in Greenville. After the name change and 2 sections that are rowdy, loud, and downright nasty, who wouldn’t want to be in that. After all, half of Charlotte’s students wants to do what is “trendy”. I think there are a lot of closet fans who are afraid to come out b/c their roommates for whatever reason “Don’t feel like going”. With an organization and a prevalent name on campus which is composed of Die Hard Niner fans, I think the bandwagon would break and Halton would be, even more, an amazingly tough for all opposing teams to play in.

Amazing that you can say


a hundred times and not hear a rebuttal. Proves none of them read this board. They just keep getting smaller in number every game. Cant even feel up one section.

[i]Originally posted by Hooligan[/i]@Nov 21 2004, 08:17 PM [b]Amazing that you can say


a hundred times and not hear a rebuttal. Proves none of them read this board. They just keep getting smaller in number every game. Cant even feel up one section.[/b]

It’s a nice group, but it’s for the semi-‘hardcore’ fans. People who really care are on this board and put in the effort to camp or show up early and get 104 seats. Gang Green is for the people who want to be guarenteed the lower level seats, but don’t want to put in the effort to get them, which is fine.

I don’t know if a new student group is reasonable for now, this thread is about wearing green, all we want is a better way to get out unified green shirts to fans in 104.

Just thinking of the options:

  1. Are there more Niner Nation shirts in the works? Whoever did them last year or knows the people that did, when(if at all) are the new ones coming?

  2. Go to the school. Either SGA, or the ticket office or someone else with the offical(legal) power to produce shirts. Who got the headbands done last year?

  3. Frats. Anyone who knows a higher level frat guy that could talk to them about getting the correct color shirts made for this year. don’t know if this is really reasonable, I think it’d be easier if 104 all had unified shirts first.

Let’s just get the ball rolling on this, either through the people who did it last year or through the school. The school seems extremely willing to cooperate with students on issues like this, who can we contact who has the power to get something like this done? Doesn’t even have to be free, most people would pay $10 for them, probably more. Just get something started, give us some names for those of you who know who needs to be contacted about this.

Correction, I was a member for 3 years and have been following the forum since it was hosted on, I just knew better than to bother responding :smiley:

I have since graduated, and agree that it’s not what it used to be, but I do have to commend them for being loud and wearing green, which is all this topic started out about anyway. I would much rather they be there than any of the frats, especially the ones brilliant enough to wear yellow and red to opponents like Marquette and Cincy.

Watch the first 3-4 rows of the section, those are your hardcore fans who will attend tons of other sporting events in order to build up points for those good seats. They may not camp out, but they do a good job supporting other sports.

Alas, I have the lower level’s back this year…I’m up in the student section or 216 :lol:

Here’s the deal on Niner Nation shirts.

There will be a total of 125 shirts printed. We are in talks with potential sponsors. They should be ready asap.

Regular T-shirts will be $10. 75 available in various sizes.
Long Sleeve shirts will be $15. 25 available.
Hoodies will be $20. 25 available.

This is what is likely going to happen, PIcasso’s will be the main sponsor again, but because we are looking to get new sponsors, we hope to broaden what we can make. The hoodies won’t have any sposor logos on the back (if we make them).

If the shirts sell well, we will certainly make another batch of them. We almost sold out last year, and there is demand this year, but we don’t want to sink money into this (ours and other people’s) and not have them sell.

The Niner Nation group can be contacted at . We’re trying to have a nicer design this year, but it’s been hard getting everything together. We hope to have them by Alabama or Davidson, but no promises. We wanted to have them ready by home opener, but real life gets in the way (work/school), plus we have to deal with the bookstore. We want to be able to sell the shirts on campus this year, it would make things a lot easier for everyone.

Preorders will also be handled at, so if you are seriously interested, let us know. If we get enough people who want shirts, we may go ahead and make some more. We’d like to see the whole lower level in green, either NN shirts, or Charlotte shirts or even UNCC Shirts. Whatever it takes, just because we’re going to be getting a lot of national exposure after we go undefeated in the regular season. Gotta look good for the cameras

Gang Green is like any group, there are a variety of people. Certainly those who set in section 104 are all different just as those who sat in the Gang Green section are. That doesn’t make the group bad. I was in Gang Green for 2 years and had a great time doing it. My proposal as always been to try and get people to wear green and come out. Then you will have a loud arena and we won’t be debating who was screaming the loudest on row 4 or 5. I don’t camp out for every game and I don’t think that makes me less of a fan. Everyone should wear green to the game if they can though. I would hope that would be the focus for now.

[b]It would be nice if Gang Green, greeks and all groups were required to recieve their tickets as other students, camping or waiting in line...but that's another debate...[/b]

Amen! I have a particuarly beef with the greeks who don’t wear green.