Bless his heart is all I have to say. HC career suicide in these eyes but I’m sure I’d take the $$$$ too at that age
Well, it’s either take the job and get paid for a year, or lose your job next week.
Maybe he’ll surprise us. Certainly hope so
clt says Hill with some shade at sanchez
I hope he kills it but going the interim route we put recruiting on hold for a year. This is tough, even with the timing I’d hoped we could have landed a HC. Sanchez inflicted max damage on us with the timing.
- let’s go!
- oh boy…
- maybe lutz can consult
0 voters
Yes he did. Major dick move by Sanchez.
Most professionals in good standing do not leave their employers in such a lurch.
Oh wait. He’s not a professional and he wasn’t in good standing.
So screw him.
“have been told”
clt says that jabroni writes like a child
I call BS on “a lot” of candidates turned us down. I suspect we didnt land our top couple picks and decided not to settle. These “experts” are so full of $hit.
Perhaps, but this smells of failure to me.
We did get turned down by at least 1 coach.
I’m glad we didn’t settle for a bottom of the barrel candidate, and then be stuck with him for 4-5 years.
New coach next year should have plenty of schollys to burn on portal guys.
Also looking forward to Fearne keeping his undefeated streak going, now at 2-0.
clt says what a jerk
It’s going to be a rough year, but being patient and getting the right coach in at the right time will pay off in the long run. What’s another year of sucking???
I hope Fearne promotes Dinkins to associate head coach
We suspect it will be a rough year,but things dont always go as expected. We all know Sanchez was terrible, so perhaps Fearne may really show us HOW bad Ron was…and over perform expectations.
- 15 wins
- 20 wins
- 25 wins
0 voters