Chin Nutz AKA Vincent Grier

He is going off for Minnesota!!! He is perfect from the field and already has 16 in the first half! His jump shot looks so much better then when he played here. He is a one man show. All highlights are of him. How did we let him get away???

Nice 'do, too.

He’d still be on the bench here. He’s a good player, obviously a LOT better than he was his one year here, but I don’t think Lutz would ever have trusted him as a starting guard and the SF spot is locked up this year with Eddie and next with Drayton(of course if Grier is here, do we ever get Drayton, blah blah). He’s got his eyes set on the NBA, no way we could have kept him knowing he would ride our bench for possibly all 4 years.

Anyone else think Plavich’s practice performance the year he set out(Grier’s year here) convinced Grier to leave? He knew had to have known Lutz wouldn’t start him over Plav.

[i]Originally posted by Butter49er[/i]@Nov 30 2004, 08:21 PM [b] Anyone else think Plavich's practice performance the year he set out(Grier's year here) convinced Grier to leave? He knew had to have known Lutz wouldn't start him over Plav.


That couldn’t be any further from the real reason he left.

[i]Originally posted by 49erpi+Nov 30 2004, 08:31 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (49erpi @ Nov 30 2004, 08:31 PM)
[i]Originally posted by Butter49er+Nov 30 2004, 08:41 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (Butter49er @ Nov 30 2004, 08:41 PM)
Originally posted by 49erpi@Nov 30 2004, 08:31 PM [b]
[i]Originally posted by 49erpi+Nov 30 2004, 08:31 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (49erpi @ Nov 30 2004, 08:31 PM)

I think there are many reasons. From what I understand, the one on the court had to do with his role/position. He wanted to play the 2 or even the point, Lutz and staff saw him as a 3 (lacked range on his jumper). His only chance in the NBA was to be a big-time scorer at the 2. The off-court stuff certainly added to it.

[i]Originally posted by forDniner+Nov 30 2004, 09:15 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (forDniner @ Nov 30 2004, 09:15 PM)
Originally posted by 49erpi@Nov 30 2004, 08:31 PM [b]

He looked like one hecka of 2 tonight. He had most of his points within the offense, which was impressive and looks like he has a nice shot.

But you would have to look at a 2005 line-up of; Grier 2, Drayton 3, Withers 4, pretty good.

This year would of been more of the issue, with PT.

[i]Originally posted by LeftyNiner[/i]@Nov 30 2004, 09:36 PM [b] I think there are many reasons. From what I understand, the one on the court had to do with his role/position. He wanted to play the 2 or even the point, Lutz and staff saw him as a 3 (lacked range on his jumper). His only chance in the NBA was to be a big-time scorer at the 2. The off-court stuff certainly added to it. [/b]
That's dressing it up a bit but we'll go with this answer.

I don’t think we want to pull on this thread again this season.

Grier looks like Princess Lea, Snoop Dogg, and Busta Rhymes had a three way and 9 months later out popped Vincent Grier.

Grier looked good in the first half. It looks like he has put on about 20 pounds of muscle. He was listed at 205. He still has that quick first step that the officials call traveling on that is BS. His shot looked good in the first half. He was keeping his elbow in and nailing the 3’s. In the 2nd half when the game was on the line that last 3 he missed looked exactaly like the shot he had at Charlotte with the elbow flying out.

Von Wafer. What could have been. I think the kid is for real. I hate to bust his bubble but at the post game interview he said he wanted to step it up because he wants to be playing in March. If he wanted to be playing in March he should have stayed at the prep school and signed with Charlotte.

Len Elmore is a terrible announcer. He said that FSU can/does not get the top 20 kids and that Hamilon must take what he can and mold them through defense. The last time I checked Wafer, Richardson, Swann, Johnson were top 20 kids. H*ll he has George Raveling and NIKE funding him.

Put it this way. From an observer of every practice when Vince and Plavich were together. Nobody was taken the 2 spot away from Plavich. He was far and away the best scorer on the team that year (although we did really stink it up that year and he was stuck on the sidelines).

I always liked Grier but realize he wasn’t going to stay about 3/4 through his first and only year here. I wish him well at Minesota and I am happy with our team without him.

I saw the game was on and tuned in late. Missed the whole first half and some of the 2nd, but what I did see of Vince didn’t impress me. Ill advised shots, and he seemed sort of a ball hog. Surprised to hear he went off in the first half, because his selfish play down the stretch just may have cost his team the game.

Austin just hit Vince on the nose. Selfish and Ballhog. Thats why he wasn’t wanted at Charlotte.

I liked Vince’s athleticism. I like Wafer too. Sucks for them they are stuck on abismal teams what will not sniff the NCAA Tourny.

in this game anyway, Wafer stepped up in crunch time when team needed it and Grier did not…difference in game I suppose

[b]lacked range on his jumper[/b]

Does he have a jumper now? He couldn’t hit the barn when he was here from anywhere. He only got layups, dunks, and putbacks. Opponents began to figure out he couldn’t shoot when conference play started, and lagged off of him daring him to shoot.

most of the time he just went straight to the rim, but he did hit one three and almost hit another. He really started to cool off in the second half when he wasn’t able to get to the rim and had problems with his mid-range jumper. I remember him shooting under 40% from the ft line his one year here, he was 4 - 5 from the line last night.