clt provides more UNC CHeat scandal.

Closing the barn door years after the horse escaped.


clt says the horse escaped, won games, and good ol Roy didn’t see nothing

The N&O won’t post this, but Fat’s girlfriend is who would get the football and basketball players declared learning disabled, so they could get someone else to take tests and write papers for them (Tydreke Powell talked about the trips the players were taken on to her office in Durham, where they were told to intentionally fail a test so they could be designated). She was also possibly involved in the Adderall scandal. This guy was a linchpin in their cheating until very recently.

clt bets they are still CHeating

clt says the CHeat fans are blaming the academic advisor and whistleblower, rather than the fraudulent athletic department.

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We can no longer point fingers since we just hired a head coach from that school.

Sure we can

Well, the argument can be made that the new baseball coach had nothing to do with the scandals.
To me that’s kind of like employing a hooker with a heart of gold. Still a hooker and still a Tar Hole.

You leave Julia Roberts out of this!

The NCAA Cannot Be Happy With An NC State DL Arriving At Fall Camp In A $300k Car

clt applauds NCSU. Well done.

News & Observer’s Dan Kane revealing NCAA hypocrisy at its best! :roll_eyes:

More BS. The ncaa is SCARED the big, rich, traditional power teams and conferences will leave the ncaa and start their own organization if they put pressure on them to abide by any rules. A clusterfuck, if you will.

UNC-Chapel Hill has contracted with a company that provides attendance-monitoring software to keep tabs on players. “An individual entered [a professor’s] class and requested to install a device on the wall. When she asked him what kind of device he was installing, the man said it was a tracking device that worked with an app to make sure athletes are in their classes.”

They should also install these in their illegal vehicles

clt says don’t forget the free Jordan gear
The Carolina Way.

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