For the salary they will be getting they will find plenty of takers.
That’s true but so is Mars.
None of this shit is going to work.
I’m becoming convinced that the house of cards this entire thing was built inside was only able to be held together by the mass delusion of amateurism and romantic belief in the “scholar athlete”.
That delusion has been shattered and the romantic belief in the scholar athlete is being replaced with the cold hard realization that the traditional archetype of the scholar athlete does not exist in the P4, at least not in great numbers.
The vast sums of money that permeate the P4 may keep THAT ship afloat, but where does it leave us and our peers?
Is there leadership out there can lead the institutions outside the P4 to a new way of existing in this commercially dominated world?
I’m not even saying it’s wrong. The money generated needs to go fairly to those that generate it.
But my god the amount of BS that’s being created on a daily basis in legislatures and boardrooms and law offices and courtrooms and conference offices is simply mind numbing.
At what point is one of our fine nation leading universities simply going to say enough is enough we are done?
At what point are the G6 and below going to say enough is enough we are done.
At what point are the majority of these P4 “money generators” going to actually balance their budgets?
Is college sports REALLY that important to the rich and powerful of this nation?
Now all that being said,
What’s the latest on any additional linemen coming in via the portal in the spring?
Dang it Run! That was a classic attempt at medium level humor!!!
I guess I should have put it in the same post.
Heres the odd thing. I think it can be argued that the players dont actually matter that much. It is the brand that matters. Put all the alabama players that are on their roster in a development pro league team in Birmingham and give them some random name like the Birmingham Stallions and no one will care. The only reason they generate revenue is because of the helmet they wear not their names.
I am not saying players shouldnt get something - but the main characters of this movie is the college brands not the players.
There are maybe a dozen or two dozen players AT MOST in any given season that have any true value that isn’t predicated almost entirely upon which program they play for. And most of those end up on the Heisman and other awards ballots.
The rest of these players, no matter how good they are, do not individually have value that exceeds the value they get from the name on the front of their jersey.
The sooner we all realize this, the closer we will be to trying to sort this mess out.
The rank and file players, even on an SEC or B1G squad, even starters, are worth a general small revenue share. Not these insane NIL deals we are seeing.
Also there was a tweet this week about the highest paid players in all sports, worldwide. While CR7 topped the list with his ridiculous Saudi soccer contract, a lot of Pros on that list had a significant share of their annual income coming from true NIL (endorsement) deals. Steph Curry was one that comes to mind. IIRC he makes almost twice his NBA salary from endorsements. Otherwise he would not have even been on the list.
Why aren’t college sports being handled this way? The dozen or so top stars should be signing endorsement deals on top of the same small fixed % revenue share that all the other players also receive. (eg same % from league to league, recognizing that the revenue # it applies to is going to be very different).
You have a point but a brand doesn’t actually do physical labor.
By your reasoning the coaches shouldn’t get big money cause it’s the brand.
The brands already getting paid. That’s the non coach, non player employees and all the non revenue sport scholarships, maintenance on the buildings, facilities and debt etc.
This is a market. Not a very good one but it is a market and they are getting what the market currently bears I suppose.
I still hate it.
That’s true - like I said they deserve something but when compared to say pro where the individual players drive so much of the business, in college ball the players are the least important.
Gonna keep posting it because Chuck is right.
NIL - which Chuck has contributed to - is probably going to bring an NCAAT trophy to his alma mater in April.
Exempting athletes from state income tax is beyond stupid. Absolutely ridiculous.
I swear they are trying to make me hate all college sports.
clt says attorneys are ready to challenge that exemption on behalf of normal folks who actually pay taxes on income
Yep, nothing could go wrong there.