Daily musings and oddities 🗓️

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9 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2022 College Football :football:

Whaddya think NNN?

I have my opinion but I’ll wait to share it.


Meh. It’s less tech and more parents. I mean I grew up with the 2600 and Nintendo and Gameboys. My parents wouldn’t let us play video games all day,
It was 30 mins and then done. We were outside or my dad was showing me how to change the oil in a car or we were camping, etc. Growing up my dad used to talk about how growing up all he had was a radio and a party line phone and his parents lectured him - I had TV and video games and eventually VCRs. I think every generation goes through this.

The biggest tech dynamic has been phones. My 11 yr old daughter got hers when middle school started. I was worried about the impact, but thus far shes used her phone no different than girls did when I was her age. Just instead of actually talking, shes texting. Plus because she has a phone she has freedom to stay at school for sports or go ride her bike around town. Same things I did, but as a parent I am way more comfortable with her doing these things. Her phone is locked down though so no SM. I have also noticed their lack of understanding of appointment watching tv - everything in their mind is on demand. Why sit here now - lets go do something and we can watch X whenever we want.

I will add that with the introduction of a standard model of both parents working it has allowed technology to assume a larger role in people’s lives from the time they are young.

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Hell yeah. So glad I was able to have a normal childhood before the advent of cell phones, etc.

clt says ban tick tok

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thong song beach GIF

I doubt a thong would look good on me


My only comment on technology is kids today are never bored. Never made to just be and IMO this is the biggest reason for the increase in anxiety that is an epidemic in teens now. I can remember some summer days of being bored out of my mind laying in the grass just looking at clouds but I learned how to deal with myself and being okay with your mind slowed down. Now it is a fire hose of information always at your fingertips and all that free dopamine that you will have to pay for. Dopamine like everything else if too much will cause you a problem.

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TSD hit the nail on the head. That was the answer I was going to give. And it isn’t just my kids, it’s me too. I have changed and not for the better. Same issues, though I can manage quiet time sometimes. But not all the time. I have almost quit reading books because it’s so hard to just set aside the time and focus. And everyone else gets frustrated with you for wanting so much quiet time / your cell phone is going off constantly.

One thing I will say is that people aren’t any different. When I grew up, my friends and I rode bikes, set off firecrackers, played sports, went swimming etc. Lots of outside stuff. But the second my buddy’s dad got a TRS 80 computer, complete with tape drive to load programs on, we were in from the pool / bikes trying to figure out how to play games on it. And then we all got Ataris.

We still never indulged in as much tech based distractions and dopamine delivery as people do now, but you could already see the addiction profile for pretty much everyone being established.

I wonder if the pendulum will ever swing back without some kind of catastrophic event that limits the availability of our tech.

Fun Scrolling GIF


But the free porn….
