Did Team USA just lose to Lithuania?

i didnt see the game, my friend told me they lost. wouldnt suprise me one bit if its true.

Yupā€¦they got lit up by Surainus Jasikavicas(the Sp is not even close) a fomer Maryland player. He dropped 28 on then as Lith came back from 8 down in the fourth. USA actually looked pretty good and actually hit a few 3ā€™s but it is amazing how bad of shooters they are.

Lithuania is a very good basketball team, and it showed todayā€¦

Yes they got beat but I think played their best team game so far. However you got to make the threes and frees to win in international play and USA did neither.

  1. The NBA players are shooting 16% from behind the 3-point arc. This is the LOWEST percentage of any basketball team in the Olympics, men or women.

  2. Percentage-wise they are the SECOND WORST shooting team overall in the games. The worst shooting team, the Russian womenā€™s squad.

'nuff said, they suck.

Says a lot for the NBA.

[i]Originally posted by HP49er[/i]@Aug 21 2004, 09:51 PM [b] 1) The NBA players are shooting 16% from behind the 3-point arc. This is the LOWEST percentage of any basketball team in the Olympics, men or women.
  1. Percentage-wise they are the SECOND WORST shooting team overall in the games. The worst shooting team, the Russian womenā€™s squad.

'nuff said, they suck. [/b]

Love it.

[i]Originally posted by Chisox17[/i]@Aug 21 2004, 01:51 PM [b] i didnt see the game, my friend told me they lost. wouldnt suprise me one bit if its true. [/b]
Yep. A group of posers, punks and bad boys will never beat a team that shoots the 3 like that. Pathetic, but don't we dunk good?!

Not really, since we canā€™t break their zones. :wacko:

[i]Originally posted by 49er1+Aug 22 2004, 05:38 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (49er1 @ Aug 22 2004, 05:38 PM)
[i]Originally posted by Jimmyhat49er[/i]@Aug 22 2004, 08:40 PM [b] Are you talking about the NBA players who gave up their summer and only time off to go represent our country for no financial gain???? [/b]
Don't tell me that you don't think adidas, Nike, Reebok and other companies haven't taken care of these players. Of course, they might get further endorsements with a gold medal too. And basketball player is a job, and it should be a treated as a year-round job, just like all of ours are. You make it sound as though they've done us a favor by playing. Each player on the Junior team would've loved to participate in Greece for the country.

Bottom line, they average slightly over 22 years, most didnā€™t go to college 4 years and they arenā€™t close to being our best. USA Basketball should send our best players regardless, they did with the Junior squad. These players were selected for marketing reasons only, not even close to being the best NBA players.

[i]Originally posted by Jimmyhat49er[/i]@Aug 22 2004, 07:40 PM [b] Just curious, which players are the posers, punks and bad boys? [/b]
The NBA. Yes, I hate the NBA, for this IS what it is and is who THEY are.
[b]Have any of the players gotten arrested?? Failed drug tests?[/b]
You do realize that Allen Iverson and Lamar Odom are on this team, right? Oh, you mean in the two weeks that they've been playing in the olympics?
[b]ust curious, which players are the posers, punks and bad boys? Are you talking about the NBA players who gave up their summer and only time off to go represent our country for no financial gain???? I think there has been a lot of misplaced venom spewed at this team. Bitch at the players that declined to go, bitch at the idiots who but the team together without any shooters. But for the people who want to constantly bitch about this team, what have the done to disgrace you other then shoot poorly and not always play the best perimeter defense. Have any of the players gotten arrested?? Failed drug tests? I think some of you might want to rethink your mob mentality and think about why your so hard on this team???? You hate the NBA, fine. But tell me how is this team different than the 49er team you root so hard for???? Just curious... [/b]

I agree JimmyHat and made a similar statement last week. Thereā€™s no doubt some of these guys just arenā€™t very good. Stephon Marbury, for example, has declined a lot since he came out of his one year in college, in my opinion. Iā€™ve never seen a guy ā€œaimā€ a basketball shot more often (okay, maybe Mitchell Baldwin).

But to say these guys are punks, etc, is just narrow minded and stereotypical. Theyā€™ve done nothing wrong from a sportsmanship standpoint. Theyā€™ve said all the right things, been gracious in defeat, etc.

The fact of the matter is, yes, some of these guys have gotten in trouble before. But if we applied the same logic to our beloved 49ers, there would be a thread titled ā€œWhat ever happened with Withersā€™ DUIā€ today. Thereā€™s not, nor will there be.

[b]But to say these guys are punks, etc, is just narrow minded and stereotypical. [/b]

Iā€™d say a millionaire professional athlete that parka his mercedes and Rolls Royce in handicapped spaces all over town could be considered somewhat punkish.

[b]I'd say a millionaire professional athlete that parka his mercedes and Rolls Royce in handicapped spaces all over town could be considered somewhat punkish.[/b]

Iā€™d say anyone that does that is a punk. Thereā€™s a guy that lives in my condos who parks in a handicapped space everyday but lives on the third floor. Thereā€™s no elevator either.

But if he went to the Olympics as, say, our badmitten representative, Iā€™d cheer for him anyway.

This showing in Athens is the NBA exposed for what it has become -> sports entertainment akin to pro-wrestling. Here you have NBA players that canā€™t hit an open 20 ft jump shot!!! Canā€™t shoot free-throws!!! The lack of basic BBall IQ and fundamentals in these NBA players is incredible!!!

Perhaps the Olympics should start a new medal for And1 Street Ball BBall. Maybe the NBA guys could shine there, in a 3 v3 half-court format.

Oh yeah, extra pts for tatooā€™s, and ā€˜hood-typeā€™ attitude!!!

Yes, the NBA sucks in terms of BBall quality.

They suck!

[b]Have any of the players gotten arrested?? Failed drug tests?[/b]
You do realize that Allen Iverson and Lamar Odom are on this team, right? Oh, you mean in the two weeks that they've been playing in the olympics?[/b]

Dont forget Stephan Marbury who got arrested for DUI - while driving his Bentley!


Hereā€™s a real Dream Team folks!!

Dream Team