Did Team USA just lose to Lithuania?

[b]Here's a real Dream Team folks!!

Dream Team [/b]

Oh Please! Nobody else in the world plays this sport!! Give me a freakin’ break!!

[b]This showing in Athens is the NBA exposed for what it has become -> sports entertainment akin to pro-wrestling. Here you have NBA players that can't hit an open 20 ft jump shot!!! Can't shoot free-throws!!! The lack of basic BBall IQ and fundamentals in these NBA players is incredible!!!

Perhaps the Olympics should start a new medal for And1 Street Ball BBall. Maybe the NBA guys could shine there, in a 3 v3 half-court format.

Oh yeah, extra pts for tatoo’s, and ‘hood-type’ attitude!!!

Yes, the NBA sucks in terms of BBall quality. [/b]

You just described the a lot of college basketball, too. Once again, there ARE very good shooters in the NBA. The best in the world. That’s right, I said the best in the world. Better than Jesacavicous or whatever his name is. Yes BETTER. The only problem is that none of them were invited to join this team (aside from Ray Allen and Bibby who were too selfish to go).

I just checked and the top 5 3-pt shooters in the NBA are all American. Only two of the top 10 are foreign. So, yes, there are still good shooters in the NBA, and YES, they are American. They just weren’t invited. That’s not the players who are there’s fault.


College kids are’nt paid $$$M per year-> If you are a ‘pro’, you should be able to knock down a 20’ open jumper, and hit free-throws under pressure -> that should be a given, not a ‘specialty’.

Most college teams in the upper half of Div I BBall would put together a better showing in Athens than this ‘Dream Team’ of NBA whinners.

And that’s the rest of the story!


College kids are’nt paid $$$M per year-> If you are a ‘pro’, you should be able to knock down a 20’ open jumper, and hit free-throws under pressure → that should be a given, not a ‘specialty’.

Most college teams in the upper half of Div I BBall would put together a better showing in Athens than this ‘Dream Team’ of NBA whinners.

And that’s the rest of the story! [/b]

Okay, college kids are only paid hundreds or thousands, not millions. You got me there. And you’re right about a team in the upper half of D1 making a better showing. Any “team” would do better than a third-tier NBA group of “All Stars” thrown together. But that’s not what we have is it Einstein??

Once again, if we had our best players there we would be drubbing these teams, even the Lituanians. What the hell do you think that 7’2" goon would have done against Shaq? How about Jasekavisious against Kobe? The bald guy that continued to drive on Marion and Jefferson…how would he have fared at getting around Garnett?

You see, people like you use this as an opportunity to indict the NBA. The NBA is still the top league in all the world. But, we just didn’t send the top players in the top league. And the guys that did go should be commended and supported. Not called out b/c they have tattoos and a “hood-type” attitude. You just sound like a straight up bigot with statements like that.

[i]Originally posted by bobblinlutz[/i]@Aug 23 2004, 12:00 PM [b]
[b]Here's a real Dream Team folks!!

Dream Team [/b]

Oh Please! Nobody else in the world plays this sport!! Give me a freakin’ break!!


I don’t know about other parts of the world but softball is huge in Australia and New Zealand, for men and women. I think Austalia was the only team to score a run on the US team.

"Oh Please! Nobody else in the world plays this sport!! Give me a freakin’ break!!"

Looks like the NBA doesn’t play “real” basketball either, hunh?

[b]Looks like the NBA doesn't play "real" basketball either, hunh? [/b]

That doesn’t even make sense.

I still haven’t had anyone tell me how the Olympic team is different than our 49er team…Why is that??

The Professor could break down that zone. Hot Sauce is better than Iverson.

A lot of holier than thou attitude on this thread.

[i]Originally posted by Jimmyhat49er[/i]@Aug 23 2004, 09:29 PM [b] I still haven't had anyone tell me how the Olympic team is different than our 49er team...Why is that?? [/b]
[i]Originally posted by Charlotte2002[/i]@Aug 23 2004, 10:38 PM [b] A lot of holier than thou attitude on this thread. [/b]
The NBA STILL sucks!!
[b]The NBA STILL sucks!! [/b]

Mods, can we get an age restriction on this board? I’m tired of discussing with those whose best comeback is this.

[i]Originally posted by bobblinlutz[/i]@Aug 24 2004, 07:20 AM [b]
[b]The NBA STILL sucks!! [/b]

Mods, can we get an age restriction on this board? I’m tired of discussing with those whose best comeback is this. [/b]

I used this language to make a point. It seems that maybe some can only understand when it’s put this way. My other notes above that are in a more “mature” vein seem to be lost on most of those who think the NBA is wonderful. Well it ain’t and won’t be til they start playing REAL basketball. Sorry, bobblin for hurting your feelings. Peace.

[b]I used this language to make a point. It seems that maybe some can only understand when it's put this way. My other notes above that are in a more "mature" vein seem to be lost on most of those who think the NBA is wonderful. Well it ain't and won't be til they start playing REAL basketball. Sorry, bobblin for hurting your feelings. Peace. [/b]

Just curious, but what do you mean by “real basketball”? Do you mean the kind they used as an example for making the movie “Hoosiers”? Because, I kinda get the impression that that’s what you’re talking about. If so, sorry, but that style of basketball isn’t making a comeback.

So if that’s not what you mean, do you mean a more fundamental style that involves working the ball around the perimeter for an open jumpshot? Because if that’s what you like, then how are you a 49er fan? Do you just like us because you went to UNCC or do you actually enjoy the way we play? Because, newsflash, our offense involves a lot of the same fundamentals of NBA-type offenses. It allows our players the freedom to create. (It unnerves me to no end to see Curt Withers get the ball at the top of the key and be expected to “create” w/ the shot clock winding down, but that’s another discussion).

But, 49er1, I have to tell you that the style of un"Real" basketball you mock, is a lot like the style we play. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

[i]Originally posted by Jimmyhat49er[/i]@Aug 23 2004, 09:29 PM [b] I still haven't had anyone tell me how the Olympic team is different than our 49er team...Why is that?? [/b]
There are players on the Olympic roster that would not take an NBA champoinship if it meant they had to go 0 - 20 from the field. I dare say not one Niner player would do that.

There are players on the Olympic roster that made comments, right after losing to Lithuania, about how this would just make it that much sweeter WHEN THEY WIN. I dare say that no Niner players are that stupid.

The Niners could shoot a better percentage from the floor. The Niners could attempt to play defense. The Niners wouldn’t go for a layup with 2 seconds left, down by 4.

[b]There are players on the Olympic roster that would not take an NBA champoinship if it meant they had to go 0 - 20 from the field. I dare say not one Niner player would do that.

There are players on the Olympic roster that made comments, right after losing to Lithuania, about how this would just make it that much sweeter WHEN THEY WIN. I dare say that no Niner players are that stupid.

The Niners could shoot a better percentage from the floor. The Niners could attempt to play defense. The Niners wouldn’t go for a layup with 2 seconds left, down by 4. [/b]

Wow forD, didn’t know you had an inside track on what these players would and wouldn’t do for an NBA championship. You’re talking about these players who made the committment to the team, right, not the ones that declined invitations?? Or were you not familiar with the fact that many NBA players were too selfish to serve their country and stayed home? I think that’s who you’re talking about, but I’m not sure.

No Niner players are that stupid but they’re stupid enough to threaten somebody’s life and get arrested days before our biggest game of the year on the biggest stage of the year? I could go on here, but I won’t.

And as for that last paragraph, well yeah we’d play defense. I think our Olympic team is playing defense too, not really sure what you mean by that. If you’re talking technique, sure I wish Marbury would learn how to go over top of a screen rather than going under one, but I don’t think it’s for lack of effort.

And your final point about a layup down by 4 w/ two seconds to play…well, what do you want them to do? This isn’t a video game. There are no 4-pt shots on the floor. Maybe you’re unfamiliar w/ rules differences in international, but there still aren’t any shots valued at more than three points.

[QUOTE=forDniner,Aug 24 2004, 12:30 PM][/QUOTE]
There are players on the Olympic roster that would not take an NBA champoinship if it meant they had to go 0 - 20 from the field. I dare say not one Niner player would do that.[QUOTE]

Could you please edit this to make sense so I can respond.

[QUOTE]There are players on the Olympic roster that made comments, right after losing to Lithuania, about how this would just make it that much sweeter WHEN THEY WIN. I dare say that no Niner players are that stupid. [/QUOTE]

Your absolutely right, I’m sure after we lost to Cincy the players said that it was OK because we were just going to lose in the first round of the conference tourny anyway.

[/QUOTE]The Niners could shoot a better percentage from the floor. The Niners could attempt to play defense.[QUOTE]

Let’s take a closer look at the brilliance of this statement:
USA FG %= 46%
Charlotte = 45%

USA 3Pt %= 35%
Charlotte = 24%

USA FT% = 64%
Charlotte = 64%

Wow those are very similar numbers, Charlotte is must better shooting 3’s, but that is what we have been saying the entire time. The USA a team needs a shooter, but you can’t blame the team for that.

[/QUOTE] The Niners wouldn’t go for a layup with 2 seconds left, down by 4.[/QUOTE]

I think Bobblin answered this question adaquetely.

Judging from all the thug, street ball and not playing the “real” way comments from most of you I can only assume that you don’t like the NBA players because they’re black. I hate to tell you but most of the Charlotte player are black. Do you cheer for Curtis while he is wearing a 49er uniform and then hate him when he joins the NBA and become a “thug”.

Do you root for Rodney White?? Isn’t he a typical NBA player???

I don’t have to have the inside track to know that no team wants Iverson because he HAS to get his. I don’t have to have the inside track to know that no other star wants to play for the Sixers because they have Iverson, who HAS to get his. You have two of the biggest ball hogs in the NBA on this team. I don’t have to have the inside track to know what some of these players are all about.

I never once said that I am pulling against this team, in fact, I am pulling for them for the simple fact that USA is written across their chest. I think it’s pathetic that there are other star players who had the chance to represent this great nation but chose not to. I also think it’s great that these guys chose to represent their country. I think, if given the chance to represent your country - as a citizen it is your responsibility to do so. But just because these guys have USA on their team does not mean that they are above criticism or that they deserve the gold. They don’t seem to agree with me on that (and apparently neither do you). This is not a team, but a bunch of individuals and the sad part is that it is a very accurate picture of the NBA.

As far as the threat - were you there? Considering it got dropped by the people who reported it because it was a complete fabrication and because what actually happened never got published I’m wondering how you know he did indeed do it and why you assume he’s guilty. Players on the Olympic team, were in fact quoted as saying that by reporters who were there.

[b]And your final point about a lay-up down by 4 w/ two seconds to play...well, what do you want them to do? This isn't a video game. There are no 4-pt shots on the floor. Maybe you're unfamiliar w/ rules differences in international, but there still aren't any shots valued at more than three points. [/b]
No, but maybe you can PASS the ball to Jefferson (the only one on the team who was hitting 3's that night) who can shoot a 3 plus possibly draw contact? (Which would mean........possible 4 points). Granted, it's a long shot but there's a stronger possibility of that then hitting a wide-open lay-up and getting 4 points from that. That play signified what the majority of this team is about, themselves above winning.

[QUOTE][QUOTE=forDniner,Aug 24 2004, 12:30 PM][/QUOTE]
There are players on the Olympic roster that would not take an NBA championship if it meant they had to go 0 - 20 from the field. I dare say not one Niner player would do that.[QUOTE]

Could you please edit this to make sense so I can respond.[/QUOTE]
My point is that there are players on this roster that put themselves before their team and even before winning. There are some “stars” on this team would rather lose the NBA finals and them go 38 - 40 from the floor then them win and they go 0 - 20 from the floor. Make sense now?

[QUOTE][QUOTE]There are players on the Olympic roster that made comments, right after losing to Lithuania, about how this would just make it that much sweeter WHEN THEY WIN. I dare say that no Niner players are that stupid. [/QUOTE]

Your absolutely right, I’m sure after we lost to Cincy the players said that it was OK because we were just going to lose in the first round of the conference tourney anyway.[/QUOTE]
No, but they didn’t go out and say “We’re the best team in the Nation” either, a la Rashad McCants. You telling me you didn’t laugh at McCants when he said it either?

[QUOTE][/QUOTE]The Niners could shoot a better percentage from the floor. The Niners could attempt to play defense.[QUOTE]

Let’s take a closer look at the brilliance of this statement:[/QUOTE]
Followed by;

[QUOTE]Wow those are very similar numbers, Charlotte is must better shooting 3’s, but that is what we have been saying the entire time. The USA a team needs a shooter, but you can’t blame the team for that.[/QUOTE]
Is that a contradiction? You’re telling me the players cannot be held responsible for how badly they shoot? Then who do we blame? Was somebody supposed to work on that for them? Can we blame them for not getting the ball to their scorers but instead jacking up shots themselves and missing?

[QUOTE]Judging from all the thug, street ball and not playing the “real” way comments from most of you I can only assume that you don’t like the NBA players because they’re black. I hate to tell you but most of the Charlotte player are black. Do you cheer for Curtis while he is wearing a 49er uniform and then hate him when he joins the NBA and become a “thug”.[/QUOTE]

Well you know what assume does. That’s just a stupid comment that doesn’t deserve acknowledgement. I don’t care about the color of their skin - I do care about the size of their heart and the fact that this is not a team SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO PLAY TEAM BALL!! You want the NBA and to defend it at all costs (even if it means looking like an idiot on a message board). You can have it.

I think the bottom line is that basketball is played much differently in the nba than it is in college, internationally, in high school, etc.

The question has been argued as to if our olympic team played defense. The answer is simple. By nba standards, it did. By traditional standards, it did not. The same holds true for “team” basketball. By nba standards, the olympic team played team basketball. By college, international, & high school standards, they did not.

I guess everyone is entitled to like or dislike the nba form of basketball. Personally, I dislike it. That’s partially because I grew up learning to play team basketball, play solid defense, hustle, look for open players before taking a bad shot, & block out for rebounds. I learned a long time ago that people will always have varying interests, & that’s a good thing. Some of us will like the nba style & many of us will not. Life goes on.