FAU Postgame

Ugly game of football. Way too much of the same turnoveritis. We simply cannot turn the ball over like this and expect to improve.

Defense gave it their all tonight and looked respectable.

Itā€™s time to put this 3 quarterback rotation to bed. Itā€™s not a thing. It just makes us worse.

Quarterback has to be #1 recruiting priority.

The play calling was brutal all game, too. Perfect example. We are down by 3, driving, and get into four down territory. 3rd and 6. KP has run for about 35 yards on the drive. First play call, sail a pass over the head of Kofa. Second play call, almost throw a pick, incomplete, turnover on downs. The 3rd down play had to be a damn run to make it fourth a 1 or 2 (if not get a first). Instead, two horrid play calls relying on our quarterbacks with 5 combined picks to make something happen on 3rd and 6 and then 4th and 6, when a first down likely gets us in field goal range to tie the game. BRAINLESS PLAY CALLING.

Tonight Charlotte played a football game under the lights. The stands were full until half-time in the rain. There is much to be happy about. We were within striking distance the entire game, even though we did not get it doneā€“thanks defense.

great post. we exist.

bulshitā€¦had to listen to the game on the radio. As far as i am concerned it is time to run a pro style offense. It is clear we cant throw the ball but we can run the ball. We need a LSU mentality and shove it down peoples throats. QB Huge problem. Johnson is the best option, but this season we arenā€™t bowl acceptable. So run barden for the rest of the season and earn the growing pains

Holy crap Iā€™m drenched.
The refs were horrid but the offense did nothing to deserve to win this game.
D was very respectable.

Completely on Brad Lambert

Hard fought game that made me proud of our defense and the fans that showed up despite the bad weather.
I have no idea what the coaching staff can do to improve the quarterback play.
At this point, I wouldnā€™t mind seeing them go back to Matt full-time.

Great defense

Poor play calling and tired of qb changes

Great fan support in the rain. Woulda been awesome if McNeil connected with duke for that late TD

Rain > 90+ degree heat

We have 0.5 QBs on our roster (matt is 1/2)

Fire Mullen

Fire Lambert

Our defense answered the call, time and time again. Amazing resiliency and persistence.

GDit Mullen, we were down 3 OL and KP was carving them to pieces, and you killed every GD drive forcing the passing game. WTF! Hand the ball off 3 more times to KP and we would have been in makeable FG range.

And its called a screen pass. If we cant protect and they are loading 8 or 9 in the box and blitzing, throw a GD screen. Football 101.

This one is all on the coaching staff. FAU was very beatable, and though ā€œwe existā€ is right, I hate seeing an effort like our defense gave tonight go unrewarded.

And I am beside myself with incredulity that we didnā€™t bring in a 5th year or JUCO QB. Its mind boggling. I am not satisfied with our QBs on the active roster for next season. None of them can play at this level.

We are all gonna slowly kill this horse, neverthelessā€¦

Defense played really well. QBs combined for 11/34, 89 yards, 6 int. We had more total yards (206-184) and more first downs. Receivers need to catch the ball 8/10 times, and we NEED to have better play calling. Why in the world do we do a keeper with Matt on 3/6, then 4/4. That is just God awful.

That all being said. We watched our FBS Football team play under the lights in front of 17K+ fans while it was raining.

We could have been blown out.

It could always be worse.

If by Brad Lambert you mean Jeff Mullen then I completely agree. QBā€™s are bad, OC is worse, Phillips was a beast, and defense played great.

Try a fucking screen pass or shuffle pass.

Mullen blew this game with his play calling. It was atrocious to say the least. No pacing, poor tempo and just sOne dumb decisions from the sidelines.

Defense was superb. Punting game was good despite the one fumble. Too bad that turnover is what led to the first TD.

Proud of the students and the fan base for coming out in such nasty weather. We played a FBS night game on campus that is pretty awesome!

As a student, I was very happy to see so many there for so long into the game. Better than the other half was at kickoff for the first game since maybe 1st one against Campbell.

If by Brad Lambert you mean Jeff Mullen then I completely agree. QBā€™s are bad, OC is worse, Phillips was a beast, and defense played great.

Try a f***ing screen pass or shuffle pass.[/quote]


Our defense played lights out tonight and KP carried us on offense, he had 165 yards on the groundā€¦ We desperately need a quarterback, even though Matt turns the ball over WAAAYY too much, the offense runs much better with him in. Sure he will throw an int or 2, but we also will score, unlike when lee and brooks are in. We need to play matt and only matt. Also those refs were awful!!! so many missed calls.

really not sure how the coaching staff doesnā€™t think there needs to be a qb change in this game. McNeil had 0 scoring drives. Not all McNeill fault but you gotta make the change to try to move the ball.

And that first Matt int, wasnā€™t that like his first time in game? Yea, Im sure the other coaches have no scouting on Matt Johnson. It was forced and the receiver could have made a better effort to at lest knock it down but at after the rough time McNeil was having, why not leave your experienced QB in the game?

This game was absolutely on Lambert. FAU is horrible. Lee needed to come out and Barden needed more snaps

[quote=ā€œNinerAdvocate, post:9, topic:29845ā€]GDit Mullen, we were down 3 OL and KP was carving them to pieces, and you killed every GD drive forcing the passing game. WTF! Hand the ball off 3 more times to KP and we would have been in makeable FG range.[/quote] This is what I didnā€™t get. Iā€™d just add that the weather was terrible. So even if we had good QBā€™s, the smart move in rain is to run it more. Probably cost the Niners at least a tie near the end there when they took over on downs, right after Phillips had marched the Niners up the field. Really really poor playcalling.

Iā€™ll echo othersā€™ suggesting the QB rotation needs to stop. It isnā€™t working well at all, and just might be making things worse.

Itā€™s fun to compete against a couple FBS teams in our first year at the top level, but itā€™s still disappointing when the coachesā€™ game management seem to be hurting us as much as the lack of talent/experience/depth.

Lambert and company need to realize we arenā€™t Ohio State and stick with a QB for consistency purposes. On top that, this doesnā€™t bode well for any QB recruit considering us. The fanbase showed up big time including the students despite the weather. On to the Panthers game tomorrow!!!