Fire lutz

Iā€™ve said it before, Lutz needs to go. No offense, no defense. Time for a change. Been that way for quite a while. Bring back Mullins and the ā€œMotion Offenseā€.

we cannot fire Lutz, heā€™s done too much for us that he isnā€™t deserving of ā€œfireā€. I vote to get him to resign at the end of the season somehow.

[QUOTE=tm49er;206930]Iā€™ve said it before, Lutz needs to go. No offense, no defense. Time for a change. Been that way for quite a while. Bring back Mullins and the ā€œMotion Offenseā€.[/QUOTE]

I love the motion offense, it makes the other team actually play defense for the full 35 seconds, and if they donā€™t bam easy layup or wide open J.

he hasent earned the right to go out the way he wants. he is a good guy and i like him personally but he has always been a bad coach and he has never taken us far in the ncaa tournament. he seems to have quit on the team so i do not think he should be allowed to go out the way he wants.

no defense, no creativity, no adaptation, too many 3ā€™s, too many bad losses, refuses to recruit anyone who can shoot within the 3 point line, never a post season threat, in love with the letter ā€œTā€ā€¦is this what he listed on his resume for tennessee? no wonder he didnt get the job.

recently i was looking at some photos of a couple games in halton from the late 90ā€™s and i could not find an empty seat in the house. i miss that.

iā€™m not a genius, but i do know that when your home court is barely at 50% capacity on a consistent basis its generally a reasonable indicator that the current direction of your program has just about run its course.

i dont care if its early in the season, ax him by the start of the next one

FOR ALL of YOU Calling for BOBBYā€™s hEaD you SHoulD be AsHaMED, because we beat the Valporaiso Crusaders tonight. You know ThAt team that beat Us in HaLtOn last year. You Know that team who won a game in the tourney with Bryce Drew (Coachā€™s boy) HittInG the shot.

Yea WE Beat Valpo, Most definately if we beat PowerHouse Wyoming Who we also lost to last year in Lauramie (am i correct). If we beat them then we are MOst DefinateLY headed to the tournament and You know it!. F*ck RPI, this team Is going To WIN THE A-10 Tournament and come first in Conference Play. Then we are going to Pull a George Mason and fly all the way To the Final Four. Final Four 06ā€™

LIGHT UP THE 3! DA for Wooden Award (POY), Lutz for COY!


[QUOTE=Ninerballin;206954]FOR ALL of YOU Calling for BOBBYā€™s hEaD you SHoulD be AsHaMED, because we beat the Valporaiso Crusaders tonight. You know ThAt team that beat Us in HaLtOn last year. You Know that team who won a game in the tourney with Bryce Drew (Coachā€™s boy) HittInG the shot.

Yea WE Beat Valpo, Most definately if we beat PowerHouse Wyoming Who we also lost to last year in Lauramie (am i correct). If we beat them then we are MOst DefinateLY headed to the tournament and You know it!. F*ck RPI, this team Is going To WIN THE A-10 Tournament and come first in Conference Play. Then we are going to Pull a George Mason and fly all the way To the Final Four. Final Four 06ā€™

LIGHT UP THE 3! DA for Wooden Award (POY), Lutz for COY!


i hope youā€™re not planning on driving any time soon.

FOR ALL of YOU Calling for BOBBY's hEaD you SHoulD be AsHaMED, because we beat the Valporaiso Crusaders tonight. You know ThAt team that beat Us in HaLtOn last year. You Know that team who won a game in the tourney with Bryce Drew (Coach's boy) HittInG the shot.

Yea WE Beat Valpo, Most definately if we beat PowerHouse Wyoming Who we also lost to last year in Lauramie (am i correct). If we beat them then we are MOst DefinateLY headed to the tournament and You know it!. F*ck RPI, this team Is going To WIN THE A-10 Tournament and come first in Conference Play. Then we are going to Pull a George Mason and fly all the way To the Final Four. Final Four 06ā€™

LIGHT UP THE 3! DA for Wooden Award (POY), Lutz for COY!


Iā€™m glad crack cocaine wasnā€™t available to me when I was in college.

I may not have the connections that a Lefty does, for example, but I do know some of the major donors to the program. THEY are not very happy with the state of affairs in NINER LAND and it really has nothing to do with this season. Too much inbreeding in the administration , no forward thinking beyond their little world, etc.

Look for some changes at the end of the year, from the top down.

Also, the powers that be have finally REALIZED we messed up not getting foorball, and we will have football within five years.

This will be a long season, but I think we will have a bright future.

[QUOTE=sf49er;206976]I may not have the connections that a Lefty does, for example, but I do know some of the major donors to the program. THEY are not very happy with the state of affairs in NINER LAND and it really has nothing to do with this season. Too much inbreeding in the administration , no forward thinking beyond their little world, etc.

Look for some changes at the end of the year, from the top down.

Also, the powers that be have finally REALIZED we messed up not getting foorball, and we will have football within five years.

This will be a long season, but I think we will have a bright future.[/QUOTE]

Who are the powers that be?

I hope there is some truth to that sf. We are clearly headed in the wrong direction so I think it would be a mistake if they didnā€™t make some kind of changes. A win over Valpo (who now has 8 losses before Christmas) doesnā€™t make me feel any better.

[QUOTE=LeftyNiner;206977]Who are the powers that be?[/QUOTE]

I am 99% sure Mac Everett, who is chair of the trustees, wants football badly.

Lefty I am not at liberty to disclose names, I am sure you understand that, but I can tell you that even folks high up in the administration relalize we made a HUGE mistake, as METRO has been pointing out for years, not getting football soonerā€¦

We ALL want our school to be the best it can be, but sometimes as a leader, when you surround yourself with ā€œlike thinking peopleā€ and the direction you are going is wrong, you have to make a CHANGEā€¦

[QUOTE=metro;206983]I am 99% sure Mac Everett, who is chair of the trustees, wants football badly.[/QUOTE]

Mac can make it happen. So if thatā€™s true, the Chancellor should be giving the go-ahead any day now.

[QUOTE=sf49er;206988]Lefty I am not at liberty to disclose names, I am sure you understand that, but I can tell you that even folks high up in the administration relalize we made a HUGE mistake, as METRO has been pointing out for years, not getting football soonerā€¦

We ALL want our school to be the best it can be, but sometimes as a leader, when you surround yourself with ā€œlike thinking peopleā€ and the direction you are going is wrong, you have to make a CHANGEā€¦[/QUOTE]

As far as football goes, what type of level are you talking about in general, Administration, board, Athletic dept, individual donors?

High up in the Administration to me means the Chancellor and the Chancellor isnā€™t budging unless he just happen to change his mind last week after reading another football email.

Weā€™ll see if I am right:)

[QUOTE=sf49er;206998]Weā€™ll see if I am right:)[/QUOTE]

i believe you are correct.

even though the chancellor is opposed to it. he may not have the final say.

We ALL want our school to be the best it can be, but sometimes as a leader, when you surround yourself with "like thinking people" and the direction you are going is wrong, you have to make a CHANGE..........

At this point, wholesale changes need to be made within the athletic department.

I stand by my post the other day, the wheels are in motion for football, whether the ad likes it or not.

[QUOTE=sf49er;207174]I stand by my post the other day, the wheels are in motion for football, whether the ad likes it or not.[/QUOTE]

Good maybe weā€™ll get rid of Judy and the whole athletic department in the process. Unless the US Open is going to be played at this new tennis stadium, I donā€™t see any reason why Judy wantā€™s to build a new tennis stadium. Judy needs to get a grip and needs bring and build things for sports that helps the Athletic Departmentā€™s image and revenue. She is honestly retarded if she thinks there wonā€™t be revenue in football. I can see donations increasing by more than 25%, more sponsors coming in, more expansion/revenue opportunity for basketball (and all of our sports). Those of you who say that football doesnā€™t make money may be right that football doesnā€™t make money at a lot of places by itself, but if you would put out a survey and see how may donors would decrease or cease their donations if their wasnā€™t football at the school they are donating too I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see many of the donors saying they wouldnā€™t donate or donate as much if it wasnā€™t for football. I would like to see a study of a univeristy like App. State, to see how much money in donations their Athletic Department would lose if there wasnā€™t football.