I got to see Galen in action again last Saturday night in my home town of Perth, Australia. Galen’s Townsville Crocs were in town to play the Perth Wildcats. This is the 2nd time iv’e seen Galen play in person. Some of you might remember my post around 2 months ago where i was in Sydney and got to see Galen play, and after the game i shouted to him and point to my 49ers tattoo and he gave me the number one sign.
Anywayz I got there early to see him but i missed shouting out to him after they had done there warmups. I have season tickets and usually sit near the back but bought some tickets close to the floor for this game.
Galen didnt have his finest offensive game but he doesn’t look to score all that much. He finished with 10 points (4-10) 9 rebounds and 7 assists. I took some pictures so ill upload them a bit later if yall want to have a look.
10/9/7 is an AWESOME line for a sf/sg. I mean, another rebound and a few more made shots off his passes, and that’s a triple double. He really is a great all-around player.
Thanks for the update! Galen was always one of my favorite Niners. Great player and even better person.
Normmm not just a fan, a huge fan.
Most of you know that i have a big charlotte 49ers tattoo on my arm. Even though I have never been to Charlotte. I get up at anytime of the morning to listen to everygame, weather it be 2 in the morning or 4 oclock. I deck all my mates out in Charlotte 49ers gear.
I cant get enough
[QUOTE=Basden05;277568]Normmm not just a fan, a huge fan.
Most of you know that i have a big charlotte 49ers tattoo on my arm. Even though I have never been to Charlotte. I get up at anytime of the morning to listen to everygame, weather it be 2 in the morning or 4 oclock. I deck all my mates out in Charlotte 49ers gear.
I cant get enough[/QUOTE]
Wow, we need more fans like this dude… or should I say “mate.” You need to get up to NC sometime.
Normmm not just a fan, a huge fan.
Most of you know that i have a big charlotte 49ers tattoo on my arm. Even though I have never been to Charlotte. I get up at anytime of the morning to listen to everygame, weather it be 2 in the morning or 4 oclock. I deck all my mates out in Charlotte 49ers gear.
I cant get enough
[QUOTE=Basden05;277568]Normmm not just a fan, a huge fan.
Most of you know that i have a big charlotte 49ers tattoo on my arm. Even though I have never been to Charlotte. I get up at anytime of the morning to listen to everygame, weather it be 2 in the morning or 4 oclock. I deck all my mates out in Charlotte 49ers gear.
I cant get enough[/QUOTE]
I did some things similar to this when I was a kid. In the early 80’s I watched a guy named Herchel Walker and became a UGA football fan after watching one game and not having any connections with the school. Even earlier than that, and before TBS, I watched a Braves game and my dad told me that Hank Aaron was the all-time HR king. I immediately became a Braves fan.
[QUOTE=Normmm;277595]I watched a Braves game and my dad told me that Hank Aaron was the all-time HR king. [B]I immediately became a Braves fan.[/B][/QUOTE]
We all do silly things as children… :biggrin:
Galen Young was one of the finest representatives of our basketball program
in its history. First class guy. I know it’s not realistic at this time, but I’ve
always thought his jersey should be retired, IMHO.
[QUOTE=fishniner;277601]Galen Young was one of the finest representatives of our basketball program
in its history. First class guy. I know it’s not realistic at this time, but I’ve
always thought his jersey should be retired, IMHO.[/QUOTE]
I’m in 100% agreement with everything said here. His number should be in Halton.
Hey Fellas
Ok to answer your questions. I first started following the 49ers in 2001. Basically i didn’nt have a college team and im a big Detroit Pistons fan. So when Rodney White got drafted i choose to follow the 49ers. Ever since then i’ve been a die hard fan. Eddie Basden is clearly my fav 49er of all time.
Does anyone know which game this is from? “Another loose ball pickup for Eddie, his gunna shoot this one, Got it, oh my Eddie Basden are you kidding me”
Galen did have a good game. But it typical Galen fashion. He doesnt stand out as the star player but he does all the small things and then you look at the stat sheet he nearly has a triple double. I was shouting out whenever Galen did something good and everyone else was looking at me, haha.
I’ve seen about 7 Townsville games this year (5 on TV and 2 in person) Galen is playing somewhat out of position because Townsvilles other recruit was a power forward who is out for the year. Forcing Galen to play the 4 were he is much better suited to the 3. He started out the season slow but now is really hitting his straps half way through the season. What i love about his game is his unselfishness and his always looking to pass. If it were up to him he wouldnt score at all just rebound, play awesome D and dish out assists.
Check bak later, when i get home ill upload some pics from the Sydney and Perth game, and also upload a picture of my 49er Tattoo, you all know u want one.
Ive seen the Tat before… i think it was on myspace or something… Its great… Gotta love it when our NINERS are represented across the seas… Basden05s been around for awhile now… I think you were in the shoutbox talkin to beasleys mom with me before… am i right??
yeah man ive talked to her before on the shoutbox. Yeah ive pretty much been around since 01. Although i dont post on here everyday i check this site about 10 times a day.
Same here Basden… Im on all the time just not posting… guess im just lurking in the corners… You gotta make a trip to Halton… It seems like a few years ago you were planning on tring to come… did you ever make it??
Yeah ive been planning it for a while now, but dont worry its gunna happen soon. Hopefully ill be there at the start of 09, which is only a year and a bit away. Cant wait