Greatest Niner MBB Players

Davis was great for his 4 years, no doubt. I am a Withers voter as he had Jarvis Lang’s attitude of, I have the ball, you can’t stop me and I WILL dunk on you whenever possible.

I am trying to find the old article written by an AP / NCSU beat writer for that game where he says something like when he saw us coming out of the locker room with 6’9 guys and Charlotte across the chest, he thought the wolfpack might accidentally be playing the NBA team instead of UNCC. That was such a great article.


Demarco is the best 49er player I’ve seen play, but he was prior to the 21st Century.

It’s tough to pick between Eddie and Withers. Eddie did so many things better than most. Withers was a beast on the boards and offensively.


It’s too bad Demarco was on fire before digital video was more common. He might not have dunked like Withers, but he is the best scorer I have ever seen in a Niners uniform, no question to use a Lambert phrase

Demarco and Sean Colson were a nasty combo. Colson could find him with needle threading skip passes and DJ would execute a post move and get the bucket. It was straight :moneybag:, everytime.

Their games were extremely complimentary - DJ wasn’t the most athletic guy, but Colson could get him the ball. And DJ was a stone cold technician once he had the ball. That drop step…


Every time. It was kind of surprising sometimes if Demarco missed a shot. When he did, he often followed it for a put back, or another Niner did because Demarco had 2 or 3 defenders all over him, as I recall

That was an awesome night!!

I went with my dad who went to NC State. We destroyed them and he was speechless. I remember having a hard time getting tickets but finally had to go through Fordham to get tournament tickets.

Also, the 49er fans took over that place late in the game, even taunting Anthony Grundy while he was shooting free throws, chanting “Urkel”

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I had listen by radio and the Niners crowd was loud. It was awesome

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I think that may have been around one of the last times I worked at the Observer. Seems like I walked into the Sports Desk the next day puffing my chest out. That was such a “we have arrived” moment. They were opening their brand new pro style arena and we absolutely destroyed them. Really got people’s attention.


clt misses having shooters like Jobey, Plavich, Leemire, Brown…


I was there for the DeAngelo Alexander days and that was some exciting ball. Im not a bball stats guy but had a blast going to those games.

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  • @ the Charlotte win against NCSU
  • not @ the Charlotte win against NCSU

0 voters

Me too…we sat front row in PNC Arena (or whatever it was called then) for that one in a co-workers NCSU season ticket seats.

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Colson was low-key one of our best PGs ever-----I guess the fact we was only here for 2 years hurts his legacy, but it shouldn’t. He was REALLY good. Of course DJs finishing skills helped Sean’s assist numbers as well.


We sat close to each other. We had a friend who was an usher who moved us down to the big fluffy seats after the game started! Otherwise, we would have been in the rafters.

We were on the front row, upper deck in the end zone. :laughing: Didn’t care. That was one of the most enjoyable weekends of Niner b-ball ever. Stomping state in their new arena in their tournament was golden. Pun intended.


I would say Eddie’s last year is the best we have seen. But overall Wither had a better career. Eddie really had to work on his game to improve, and he ended up taking it to a whole new level. His last year was incredible.


Except for when they went cold and we lost by 20. Or they put Cameron Bennerman on Plavich for the second half and we lost by 12. Running through three screens to hit a fade away was great when it went in. Absolutely infuriating when it didn’t.

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I gotta go with Joby Thomas because I am thinking of putting my house on the market and I don’t want to pay a lot of relator fees :slight_smile: