Halton Arena 25 Years Old

Another great memory from this series for me is when Norm and the Davidson Wildcat got in a fight at Halton!!

I donā€™t remember which year it was, but it was one of the first times this series was played in Halton. The Wildcat had a toy horse on a stick and he kept skipping around riding it in front of Norm. He did it one too many times and Norm went after him!! Security had to break them up and the whole crowd was going crazy. I wish we had cell phone cameras back then!! Anyone else remember that?


I doā€¦we all thought it was a skit at firstā€¦then as it escalated you could tell it was legit!

For the most part, Davidson oldster fans and students donā€™t come to Halton. I think theyā€™re skeered of us underclass barbarians. And rightfully so. Itā€™s a shame really because it hurts attendance $ and a fuller arena would be such a better atmosphere. Thatā€™s why the atmosphere at davidson is more intense because we and our students show up and make noise in their little gym.

They seem to have brought more fans recently now that they have won some games in Halton.

I remember it well. I was in the pep band and watched it all unfold

Wow! Some really good posts. I would say the ā€˜quarter throwingā€™ game vs Cinci and Huggy Bear was the most ā€˜infamousā€™ - the players on both sides loved it though. Bobby Brannon his Sr season when asked what team he most liked to play, he said with a sly grin ā€˜Charlotteā€™. My favorite Halton memory - last CUSA 1.0 game vs Cinci with Basden, had my youngest son, it was amazing. If you can find the game, watch it - thatā€™s what Niner BBall was all about.

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Yep! Absolutely true story.

Norm repelling from the catwalks down onto the court.


One memory is then Tulane coach Shawn Finney and Lutz exchanging ā€œpleasantriesā€ as the teams headed to their respective locker rooms after the first half. Quite a number of F-bombs hurled between the two HCs as they left the court!


I still have my hat and baseball jersey from that program. From what I remember while the program was popular it cost a lot of money and they ended up with a ton of merchandise left over at the end of the year. I think you could only miss one or two home games in order to get the baseball jersey.

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How times have changedā€¦

clt hopes coach k is ok

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Man I miss those days of being relevant.

DUH! Donā€™t know how I missed it last time, but found my brick yesterday. It looks good after all these years. I took a picture of it for the first time.


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