[quote=“49or bust, post:9, topic:25193”][quote=“max, post:3, topic:25193”]WILL: So basically…YOU HAVE NO STANCE…either you agree that we won’t make the NCAA’s in three years or you don’t agree? Man up…YOU SAY WHAT? If you are going to hold me to the fire…be a man and hold yourself accountable…fair is fair. Also, if Majors gets fired before then…I guess we’re done here right?
Since I’m 49, fathered five kids, married two women and owned a few businesses over those years…think I"m pretty familiar with how fast 3 year goes by. LOL.I hope I’m wrong, but don’t beat me up if I’m right…which I’m sure will happen knowing this board.
Let me know your “He said What?” prediction as well…
See you in three years…or sooner.[/quote] That’s not how this works. If one person makes a dumb and over the top prediction, it doesn’t mean anyone else has to meet their level of ridiculousness. The whole point is to make people pay or be vindicated for whatever words they choose.
I’m guessing you didn’t read my whole post or something? I already told you what I think will happen and even made an unnecessary consolation because my stance isn’t as strong as yours. Holding myself accountable for what I have predicted too (2 of the predictions are firm).
Yea, if Major is fired then that vindicates you and I’ll be wrong.
Serious question, you’re not related/close friends with metro are you?
EDIT: I feel like quantifying “suck.” I would say that if we have sub-20 win seasons for each of the next 3 seasons, that we have “sucked.”[/quote]
No offense Will, but you seem like a 25 year old with no fulltime job, lot’s of time on his hands, who doesn’t have two nickles to rub together and an angry-at-the-world attitude. You are smug and Clearly this board and the opinions of your fellow posters means alot to you. I get that and that’s fine with me. I’m not on here that much and have alot more meaningful things to do with my time, so I’ll let you bully me and insult me just so you can look at yourself in the mirror and say “I am somebody”…no biggie.
I think my dumb thoughts were well thought out in my expressed opinion, but clearly you think otherwise. We’ll see in three years. But if it makes you feel good for now…call me dumb, radical and over-the-top. If I’m right, I’m sure you’ll still have something derogatory to say about me when it happens just to bandage your wounded ego…apparently that’s how you roll.