Advocate says I trash ya’ll on the tiger board…well, that’s a ball faced LIE. I challange you to find one single thing I have said good or bad about UNCC.
[QUOTE=missjtiger;366595]yep…some things never change huh ? My dogs are doing just fine, thank you.[/QUOTE]
How is Cal’s wife doing? Hired any recruits dads/given their bestfriends scholarships lately? Do all your players wear fur and hang out with hookers now or is it still only a select few? Who is your resident thug this year and how many “final chances” has Calimari given him this year? Oh, and what’s SConway’s bowling avg/World of WarCraft ranking now?
Advocate says I trash ya'll on the tiger board.....well, that's a ball faced LIE. I challange you to find one single thing I have said good or bad about UNCC.:lmao: is that like a "bold faced" lie?
who is UNCC? Is that like Memphis State?
[QUOTE=missjtiger;366610]Advocate says I trash ya’ll on the tiger board…well, that’s a ball faced LIE. I challange you to find one single thing I have said good or bad about UNCC.[/QUOTE]
So why would you even show up here?
Ohhh… I get it. Not enough people on the tiger board care about your dogs and all that ****, but you’re guaranteed to get noticed here!
Attention whore.
oh wow…now you’ve gone and hurt my feelings :weep:…just wanted to stop by for a sec…I’ll leave now so you can all be happy.
[QUOTE=forDniner;366611]How is Cal’s wife doing? Hired any recruits dads/given their bestfriends scholarships lately? Do all your players wear fur and hang out with hookers now or is it still only a select few? Who is your resident thug this year and how many “final chances” has Calimari given him this year? Oh, and what’s SConway’s bowling avg/World of WarCraft ranking now?[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=missjtiger;366615]oh wow…now you’ve gone and hurt my feelings :weep:…just wanted to stop by for a sec…I’ll leave now so you can all be happy.[/QUOTE]
on a serious note, if Memphis and Charlotte are ever playing in the same building again at a tourny, I [U]will find[/U] you and scconway and verbally dismantle you with a public flogging, then pour a coke on your mullets.
Anyone know where I can find a nice fur coat?
Mempiss fans… all the same.
Actually rook...HP got so mad at NA and our mods for allowing Memphis' mod scconway to have dbl standards, that HP fled cusatalk and got TBR to start a Niners forum. I'd say half of the board went to TBR until nnn begun.I still picture scconway as that homo in Silence of the Lambs. Only fatter.
What a rook…
You gotta quit posting that stuff- gives me chills and want to throw up at the same time when I know how far away we are from that now…
WTF HAS HAPPENED TO US…WTF HAS happened to us…WTF has happened to us…wtf has happened to us…wtf…
- Trying to rag on someone while showing a picture of the NC game they are in is kinda counter productive.
um… agreed showdawg
[QUOTE=missjtiger;366604]kinda weird that so many around here think we are all fat…Steve isn’t fat and neither am I. Is there a fat complex around here ?[/QUOTE]
Here’s some history, for the newbies. A picture of Yinzer, 49erpi, and myself landed on the internet, with a few Memphis fans giving me **** about having a gut. I was about 240 at the time.
One of our posters, ( I can’t remember who) got into the Memphis chat under a Memphis name, and both SCconway and MissJ had stomach staple surgeries. Miss J bragging about dropping 180 pounds. Yes, with God as my witness, 180 pounds. She almost lost what I weigh, and i’ll be the first to admit, I’m no small fry.
My friend Barry saw her at the last CUSA tournament, and told me she is still large. She has the insane amount of flabby skin under the arm, kind of like a birthday card you would find in Spencer’s at the mall, know what I mean? In her eyes, losing a full size human being makes her think she is small, but she is not.
She used to wear a Malcom X shirt when the movie came out, but then a helicopter landed on her back.
As much as I detest Mempiss fans, this makes me miss the good old days. There was nothing quite like the forum wars we had with these guys. Though, with our current state of affairs, it wouldn’t be quite as much fun ripping idiots like missj and Conway.