Is Charlotte or Nashville the new Atlanta?

[quote=“49or bust, post:40, topic:23828”][quote=“NinerAdvocate, post:39, topic:23828”][quote=“49or bust, post:37, topic:23828”][quote=“unccccc, post:32, topic:23828”]I think Atlanta is the new Atlanta. Charlotte will never become Atlanta, unless it is divided into a 10’X53’ grid and shipped to Fulton county Georgia. But unless that happens I wouldn’t concern myself with becoming Atlanta. Atlanta isn’t that great of a city any way, so who cares? I mean if you are a huge fan of sprawling skyscrapers, traffic and extreme heat ATL is your place.

Personally I like charlotte it’s a nice city, it has potential, but it is definitely not metropolitan by any stretch of the imagination. Right now all it has is some nice rich neighborhoods, a pedestrianless cityscape and some interesting places here and there. And even if Charlotte is declared better by the mayor of Nashville is that going to improve your life? Probably not. So what is with all these comparisons?[/quote]
Dude’s trollin.[/quote]

Actually, I kinda agree with him. Aside from the fact that they can actually get bands I’d pay to see, I prefer Charlotte. Just too hot and way too much traffic there.[/quote]
So when you go downtown, you never see tons of people on the streets? And Atlanta has WAY more skyscrapers than Charlotte? Charlotte isn’t even close to the definition of metropolitan, but Atlanta is? All we have is some rich neighborhoods? Are you serious?


the name is bullshit, and he’s a little over the top saying charlotte isn’t at all a Metropolis (it’s not, but it’s also not some bumpkin burgh either) - but folks in Atlanta like to brag about their 3 separate skylines… while they’re stuck in miles of traffic in the 95 degree heat.

Atlanta is a fun place to visit, but unless you live very close to work, it’s a miserable place to have to live in. Just way too congested and hot. Chicago has some heinous traffic, but Atlanta’s might be worse.

If Charlotte isn’t a metropolis, I don’t think you can say Atlanta is either. We’re either talking the definition of the word which is simply “major city,” or we are talking the idea of the word many have which is of a global city like NY or Chicago.

If you are not married by 25 Charlotte probably gets pretty stale.

I’ve always said that if I ever end up living in the suburbs that I would just go back to Charlotte.

yep. The best way I can put it to me is Charlotte is like certain video games. You play it through a couple times and you never touch it again. It has little replay value.

[quote=“49or bust, post:40, topic:23828”][quote=“NinerAdvocate, post:39, topic:23828”][quote=“49or bust, post:37, topic:23828”][quote=“unccccc, post:32, topic:23828”]I think Atlanta is the new Atlanta. Charlotte will never become Atlanta, unless it is divided into a 10’X53’ grid and shipped to Fulton county Georgia. But unless that happens I wouldn’t concern myself with becoming Atlanta. Atlanta isn’t that great of a city any way, so who cares? I mean if you are a huge fan of sprawling skyscrapers, traffic and extreme heat ATL is your place.

Personally I like charlotte it’s a nice city, it has potential, but it is definitely not metropolitan by any stretch of the imagination. Right now all it has is some nice rich neighborhoods, a pedestrianless cityscape and some interesting places here and there. And even if Charlotte is declared better by the mayor of Nashville is that going to improve your life? Probably not. So what is with all these comparisons?[/quote]
Dude’s trollin.[/quote]

Actually, I kinda agree with him. Aside from the fact that they can actually get bands I’d pay to see, I prefer Charlotte. Just too hot and way too much traffic there.[/quote]
So when you go downtown, you never see tons of people on the streets? And Atlanta has WAY more skyscrapers than Charlotte? Charlotte isn’t even close to the definition of metropolitan, but Atlanta is? All we have is some rich neighborhoods? Are you serious?


Atlanta does have a ton more skyscrapers, certain skyscrapers help the city at the ground level, but I don’t think it is accurate to say that skyscrapers are somehow a physical volumetric representation of how great a city is. Atlanta has a good downtown as far as southern cities goes but a city like DC much more livable than atlanta is, and it has a total void of skyscrapers.

Charlotte isn’t just rich neighborhoods, I meant to include we have independence. Seriously I said it has some interesting places here and there but they are all pretty small like NODA, Southend, etc. Uptown is large, but if you walk 2 blocks from Tryon the main occupants are tumbleweeds in an empty expanse of parking lots. It definitely has potential, and its alright to like it, but does anyone really think we are a global city now?

imo atlanta’s traffic is worse than chicago’s. i spend time in both cities. but i have not driven all over chicago like i have atlanta, so my opinion may be skewed.

30,000 for their first football game. wow. and you are correct. the atlanta paper gave more props to ga state in a month than the observer has given us the last 5 years. and there are more georgia bulldog fans in atlanta than there are unc-chapel hill fans in charlotte.

[quote=“unccccc, post:45, topic:23828”]Atlanta does have a ton more skyscrapers[/quote] I disagree. They have more but it isn’t like it is some great discrepancy.

, certain skyscrapers help the city at the ground level, but I don't think it is accurate to say that skyscrapers are somehow a physical volumetric representation of how great a city is. Atlanta has a good downtown as far as southern cities goes but a city like DC much more livable than atlanta is, and it has a total void of skyscrapers.
I brought up skyscrapers because you made it sound as though we had none worth mentioning and that Atlanta has a ton. Also, part of the general conception of what a metropolis is is skyscrapers, whether that is accurate or not.
Charlotte isn't just rich neighborhoods, I meant to include we have independence. Seriously I said it has some interesting places here and there but they are all pretty small like NODA, Southend, etc. Uptown is large, but if you walk 2 blocks from Tryon the main occupants are tumbleweeds in an empty expanse of parking lots.
I don't see how Atlanta could be much better in this department and I don't mean to say your description is accurate.
It definitely has potential, and its alright to like it, but does anyone really think we are a global city now?
No. Do you really think Atlanta is a global city?

The definition of a metropolis is “a major city.” Major != global.

Your name is unccccc. How could I not think you were already biased against Charlotte?

30,000 for their first football game. wow. and you are correct. the atlanta paper gave more props to ga state in a month than the observer has given us the last 5 years. and there are more georgia bulldog fans in atlanta than there are unc-chapel hill fans in charlotte.[/quote]

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We are, right now, three years away from where Georgia State is right now. I’m as willing as anyone to diss the Disturber, but I have no idea what the Urinal-Constipation coverage of Georgia State Football was three years ago. This will be an oppourtunity for the Observer to step up and win some folks over in our community, I’m willing to give them a chance but for me this will be the very last chance. If getting football isn’t enough then screw them, but we’ll have to reserve judgement for the next three years. They may surprise us and we do have stadium construction to pimp as well. Time will tell.

As for Atlanta and Nashville, who gives a s***? I like Charlotte just the way it is.

clt says atlanta is bigger obviously, but their downtown stinks. all the action is mid town or formerly buckhead.

nashville is irrelevant, mostly due to corporate hq and airport. cannot compete with charlotte.

Actually, there is. Charlotte has 75 buildings that are considered mid-rise or high rise buildings. Atlanta has 231.

30,000 for their first football game. wow. and you are correct. the atlanta paper gave more props to ga state in a month than the observer has given us the last 5 years. and there are more georgia bulldog fans in atlanta than there are unc-chapel hill fans in charlotte.[/quote]

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We are, right now, three years away from where Georgia State is right now.[/quote]

good point. i look forward to our 4 blogs per year on 49er football. 4 per year * 3 years = 12 blog entries. that should keep interest up.

Actually, there is. Charlotte has 75 buildings that are considered mid-rise or high rise buildings. Atlanta has 231.[/quote]
I spend half my life in ATL

anyone who thinks ATL and Charlotte are close in scope is offbase. Buckhead alone is like our uptown.

Actually, there is. Charlotte has 75 buildings that are considered mid-rise or high rise buildings. Atlanta has 231.[/quote]
Wow. Where do those #s come from (not doubting)?

I was just eyeballing and looking at high-rise, not mid-rises.

I don’t think the pictures I’ve seen support those #s or metro’s opinion, but I’ve never really been there (passed through once) and he’s lived there so I’ll take your word for it.

Actually, there is. Charlotte has 75 buildings that are considered mid-rise or high rise buildings. Atlanta has 231.[/quote]
Wow. Where do those #s come from (not doubting)?

I was just eyeballing and looking at high-rise, not mid-rises.

I don’t think the pictures I’ve seen support those #s or metro’s opinion, but I’ve never really been there (passed through once) and he’s lived there so I’ll take your word for it.[/quote]

Atlanta has three skylines.

Lighten up Francis. :stuck_out_tongue:

I really like Nashville and would be happy living there. I have always thought that it seemed like they had more independent restaurants than Charlotte does but I came back here from 10 years in Raleigh and the triangle blows Charlotte away on that front. I think for most people it is the everyday living that should matter most and Charlotte is a very livable city. Nashville too. Going to the beach from Nashville though requires a week’s vacation, whereas we can do it for a weekend. That has to count for something.[/quote]

I grew up in the triangle, and I’m back now for a semester before gradschool. There are some nice places to eat here, but on the whole Charlotte dining > Raleigh dining. Also, Triangle = sprawling cities that are about 1/3rd the size of Charlotte. Are we in Cary? Are we in Raleigh? Are we in Fuquay Varina? I don’t know, it’s just one crowded suberbian white picket fenced neighborhood after the next piled up on already crowded roads. Charlotte is a bit better planned in my opinion, I just wish they’d get the light rail to campus and finish 485. I can’t wait to get out of the triangle. Also, if you think WFNZ sucks you haven’t listened to 99.9 the Fan. There is no talk of the Panthers, there is no talk of the Bobcats, obviously they don’t talk about us, hell, I swear they talk more about UNC, State, and Duke than all other sports combined. The triangle has its positives, such as industrial diversity and a generally educated populace, but besides that I think Charlotte has a lot more to offer.

That’s because you’re on the wrong side of Raleigh. Durham eating is better than Charlotte eating, and I love Charlotte.

Compare it to what you will but I love Charlotte! I love the city, I love the school, and regardless of the size, I love our skyline!

I don’t want to be the next Atlanta, but I love how Charlotte has continued to developed these last couple of decades. It’s been great to witness. I hope the Charlotte Knights will be in 3rd Ward by 2014, and the light rail through the university will definitely make a huge difference with connecting the school to the city. I would actually think about moving to University City, along the line if it was currently in the works. Too bad it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon…