Judy talks about her "Fantasy"...........comment!!!

[QUOTE=49or bust;195672]Politicians don’t always run for elected office.[/QUOTE]

Wow…do we have different ideas of what a politician is.

I really cant believe that her comment has caused this much of an uproar…or that people are really having a hard time understanding that she might have misspoke…and that she is not some PR machine who always says the right thing at the right time…

When everyone writes their donation checks how about writing “football” in the memo section. I know there is no football account but it may get someone’s attention. Only caveat is if doing so will make the money be in limbo or something. I’m not sure how all that works. I say this as I’m looking at my Annual Giving Program pledge card.

When everyone writes their donation checks how about writing "football" in the memo section. I know there is no football account but it may get someone's attention. Only caveat is if doing so will make the money be in limbo or something. I'm not sure how all that works. I say this as I'm looking at my Annual Giving Program pledge card.

There is a football account. They just don’t talk about it because they don’t want you to give to it. You can always give to it but then it will just sit there til we finally get the team.

[QUOTE=49or bust;195975]There is a football account. They just don’t talk about it because they don’t want you to give to it. You can always give to it but then it will just sit there til we finally get the team.[/QUOTE]

So Judy was lying when she said this in her response to Jimmy?

[QUOTE]I know that we have no mechanism in place for you and other supporters to donate money for football, simply because we haven’t charted when football will become a reality. [/QUOTE]


So Judy was lying when she said this in her response to Jimmy?


Maybe she just ‘misspoke’ again.

Noreaster knows all about this football fund. He has called the school and asked about it and they confirmed its existence.

I hope you mean that having a football team would make the name of the school visible to more prospective students.

As much as I want to see the athletics of my alma mater succeed, it has nothing to do with choosing a career, and the required education.

Nope, he means people choose to not look at the school because of it. I’ve met these people I know.

And to a certain extent I understand it. You go to a school for only 4 years and you’ll probly get a good enough education not matter what, but you are alumni for the rest of your life. If you want football to remember your school by it makes some sense.

[QUOTE=kevinharbin;195996]You go to a school for only 4 years, but you are alumni for the rest of your life.[/QUOTE]
Well dang Kevin, this has got to be our new coin phrase for donations and the push… I love it!


Well, thank you ChevEE, just doing my part.:thumbsup:

when I saw Judy’s interview clip, I was irked as much, if not more, by the smug, condescending tone in which the “fantasy dollars” statement was delivered than by the word choice used.

However, the background info that “we have been burned in the past” does put Judy’s position in a more sympathetic light.

As far as a football fund, if the school doesn’t have one or doesn’t want to publicize it, why wait for them to do anything about it? Is it feasible for CFI to collect real dollars and hold them in a money market acct or something? Or maybe make CFI a closed corporation and sell shares to donors?

If the school has a FOOTBALL account, then you guys NEED to fill it! If you fill the account they will HAVE to get football.

I think CFI will mean nothing unless it takes on a more broad approach. Judy has done everything in her power to downplay you guys and do her best to kill your efforts.

Only chance you have is if you guys GET the money and GET it into the School’s Football account. Even if they don’t like it, you can still fill it!

Also, there has to be SOMEONE who knows the guy who was suppose to donate the million dollars for Football (was it really for football?)… Someone has to have a knowledge about this person. If so CFI needs to put the pressure on him and maybe make it public about this person NOT paying up. They usually make LARGE commitments to get good PR, something like BAD PR will make them pay up!

[QUOTE=ninersfan99;196015]Also, there has to be SOMEONE who knows the guy who was suppose to donate the million dollars for Football (was it really for football?)… Someone has to have a knowledge about this person. If so CFI needs to put the pressure on him and maybe make it public about this person NOT paying up. They usually make LARGE commitments to get good PR, something like BAD PR will make them pay up![/QUOTE]

The million dollar pledge was for the Basketball practive facility and offices I believe, it had nothing to do with football.

Even so, the a55hole needs to pay up.

[QUOTE=Jimmyhat49er;196023]The million dollar pledge was for the Basketball practive facility and offices I believe, it had nothing to do with football.[/QUOTE]
Yes, the money was for a different sport, but that’s one million less dollars we have to spend elsewhere because someone shafted us! Plus as ou can see, it makes the admins cautious about pledges…

Maybe she just 'misspoke' again.

Noreaster knows all about this football fund. He has called the school and asked about it and they confirmed its existence.


Edit: It currently contains a whopping $1,000. Until, that is, people send in checks and earmark them for football only.

Well, from an outsiders perspective, it seems to me that the President hasn’t made football a priority yet. Consequently, the AD isn’t going to do anything at this point in time. The AD is merely an administrator. At most schools, the AD’s major task is balancing the budget and insuring that the department complies with all NCAA, state and federal laws. Their second task is acheiving on field/court success.

Most of the time, fundraising has to be approved through University advancement. Advancement doesn’t want athletic fundraising to interfere with university fundraising. Of course, the two should not be in competition, but in the minds of University advancement officials, they are. So, until the big boss approves a fundraising campaign, athletics will not want to step on anyone’s toes. Your AD is not going to do anything, suggest she will do anything, consider doing anything, or even set up a fund for something, unless and until the big boss gives his blessing.

With this in mind, you need to go straight to your President. Have you sent him an email describing your activities and the pledges you have received? How about suggesting the University set up a fund and set goal amounts that would trigger the process. For example, once the fund reaches $10 million, the school will start non-scholarship football, $25 million for 1-AA scholarship, 15,000 season tickets and $50 million for scholarship. If the Univerisity agrees to a fundraising campaign, you are golden. Otherwise, you are dealing with a government official who is not going to think out of the box until she is told to do so.

$50 million for scholarship.

:wow: 50 million?

[QUOTE=49RFootballNow;195825] why else did ECU move up to I-A? [/QUOTE]

Haven’t they always been 1-A?

[QUOTE=MU88;196047]Well, from an outsiders perspective, it seems to me that the President hasn’t made football a priority yet. Consequently, the AD isn’t going to do anything at this point in time. The AD is merely an administrator. At most schools, the AD’s major task is balancing the budget and insuring that the department complies with all NCAA, state and federal laws. Their second task is acheiving on field/court success.

Most of the time, fundraising has to be approved through University advancement. Advancement doesn’t want athletic fundraising to interfere with university fundraising. Of course, the two should not be in competition, but in the minds of University advancement officials, they are. So, until the big boss approves a fundraising campaign, athletics will not want to step on anyone’s toes. Your AD is not going to do anything, suggest she will do anything, consider doing anything, or even set up a fund for something, unless and until the big boss gives his blessing.

With this in mind, you need to go straight to your President. Have you sent him an email describing your activities and the pledges you have received? How about suggesting the University set up a fund and set goal amounts that would trigger the process. For example, once the fund reaches $10 million, the school will start non-scholarship football, $25 million for 1-AA scholarship, 15,000 season tickets and $50 million for scholarship. If the Univerisity agrees to a fundraising campaign, you are golden. Otherwise, you are dealing with a government official who is not going to think out of the box until she is told to do so.[/QUOTE]

Makes a lot of sense. However, most people here just like to put all the blame on the AD. :wow: She’s raised over 50 million for athletic facilities over the last 10 years and runs a clean and succesful program. The Chancellor has been here for less than 2 years. He’s dealing with State funding inequities and other BS right now.

[QUOTE=MU88;196047]Most of the time, fundraising has to be approved through University advancement. Advancement doesn’t want athletic fundraising to interfere with university fundraising. Of course, the two should not be in competition, but in the minds of University advancement officials, they are.[/QUOTE]

BINGO. Until the University is treated equally in the state this will be a problem. In the past Athletics have had to raise funds in a very low key way. Athletics on one campaign even had to quit soliciting funds via telephone because of a capital campaign for academics going on at the same time ( because of fear of confusion).

It is hard to ask BOA for millions of dollars for football when we need it just as badly on the academic side. Also which donation fits into BOA’s mission statement easier and gives them more bang for the buck. Money for academics to a school they are hiring employees from or money for branding exposure when they can get a whole lot more somewhere else on a bigger stage.

I am all for football but the thought process that money is out there for the taking is a bit misleading. There is only one pie everyone is trying to get a piece of and business is business at every level when dealing with money.