Kansas State Postgame Thread

I would start off by saying that I thought the defense did a good job holding their own against this Kansas State offense given the challenge. There were some plays that had me scratching my head but I think things could have gone worse.

The offense on the other hand was a completely different story. Once again I got to see Mullens limited ability to come up with plays The lateral that resulted in a Kansas State touch down was the most glaring play call of them all. I don’t care if its a P5 team. Its a Big 12 team and not one of the elite teams at that. That conference isn’t known for great defenses, and a competent coordinator should do better than what Mullen did. If Lambert is wise he cuts his ties with him at the end of the season. Although at this point I’m much more inclined to cut ties with Lambert.

Did Klugh hitting Washington in the back of the head on the lateral have anything to do with KSt getting a touchdown? I agree though it seems we are not playing unto our potential. However, Klugh does not seem to throw with any great accuracy.

I’m beginning to wonder if our OC would draw up plays that would even make Cam look bad. Our rushing defense looked somewhat ok but we still allowed K-State to complete way more passes than they should have.

We accomplished our goal for this game, which was to make $$$$$$$, but the way we continue to look like shit is baffling.

Blaming Mullen is tiring. Special teams sucked. Offense sucked. Defense sucked. KSU first two drives they had zero third downs while having 15 plays. That ain’t good defense. Snyder took it easy on us.

Lambert is terrible.

Mullen has to go. If Brad doesn’t have the gumption to let him walk over the bye, then Brad needs to go too. It’s gotten completely inexcusable, regardless of the talent gap. Opposing Defenses have scored more touchdowns than our offense has. We are more productive when plays break down than when we execute them as planned.

My specific issues today:

We pull more offensive lineman than any team I’ve ever seen. I don’t hate this in theory, but this wears them out. I actually thought our O line was a lot better this week, but you can only do so much when you are tired and playing somebody flat out better than you across the line.

Back to back RB screens??? You don’t even call that on madden. Wasn’t shocked at all the second one was a defensive TD, even though that was a forward pass. You can’t put crap like that in the officials hands.

We called timeout to reinsert Klugh after he had been hurt and then call at quarterback power play on third and short. That’s just not smart.

The commentators kept talking about us being vanilla since the game was out of hand, but I’ve been watching this offense long enough to know that’s not vanilla, that’s who we are in this system. I really want to go back and watch old west virginia games, and see how much of their offense was Pat White and Steve Slaton compensating for sorry play calling.

In summary, I get the criticism of Klugh, but the truth is we really don’t know what we have offensively. This system is a complete joke. It’s practically impossible to evaluate talent.

I know we got taken to the woodshed, but I thought talent wise, we looked much closer to our competition than last year at Louisville. We completely handed them 14 points.

Finally, and I want to be clear this has nothing to do with who his father is, but Nate Mullen has been good for a turnover per game recently. It doesn’t matter what level you are playing, you can’t win with that.

  1. Not looking at the opponent (top 20), but rather what I saw…clt D couldn’t stop much. I knew it was going to be a long game on the very first drive. K state ran and passed with very little resistance.

  2. Saw TONS of miss tackles.

  3. Which brings up this point. We still don’t look up to speed outside our conference.

  4. The offense was hard to watch. Every single time I saw those lateral or “screen” type plays, I was just waiting for a pick 6 or for our guy to get nailed bc there was no blocking. *Mullen

  5. At this point, I was expecting a little better progress from klugh. He does scramble well and that diving TD was pretty amazing. But 58 passing yards total, not good. *Mullen

Wasn’t expecting to win this game, I get that this was a “money” game, but I at the very minimum want to see the team compete and in my eyes I didn’t see the fire. I see no swag, no confidence out there. I really hope we can pick things up after this, use this as a learning example and come and play next Saturday against A&T. Right now, I feel no team on our schedule is an automatic W. However, I will be there and depending upon the score, will probably have a hefty tab at Norms Tavern.

I expected to lose. I expected the coaching staff to look clueless doing it.

For once we lived up to my expectations.

It’s hard for me to even say a bad thing about the kids. They’re a rudderless ship.

We may not look up to speed INSIDE our conference.

I think our “fumble” that was returned for a TD will be replayed some on ESPN.

And yes, this should be a good year to drown our sorrows at Norm’s Tavern.

The announcers commented on our ‘lack of motion’ on offense and an inability ‘change tempo’ They also kept wondering where our ‘option offense’ was. Perhaps the offense is geared down to prevent turnovers?

Hey, why not try the wildcat to mix it up?

Look, we are horrendous - and this was not unexpected, but yes…even i thought we would look better.

Our offense has been bad and given away too many points - in fact they gave away more points than they scored this game, which is really hard to do.

Defense: KSU scored TD’s on 6 of their first 7 drives. The other drive was a FG only because they had a holding call when they got to the goal line.

If you found positives, please let me know what they are. For those who have always said, I’m thankful we just have a team, please let me know how many more games like this you can watch and keep saying that.

clt will donate the $20 to fix the helmet decals on the black helmets. They look so bad.

Go with white, or our actual green.

[quote=“UnclePugsly, post:9, topic:31067”]The announcers commented on our ‘lack of motion’ on offense and an inability ‘change tempo’ They also kept wondering where our ‘option offense’ was. Perhaps the offense is geared down to prevent turnovers?

Hey, why not try the wildcat to mix it up?[/quote]
We do run the wildcat. Klugh is not a qb. He is an athlete who plays qb.

At least we are getting some pub.

[quote=“sportsman1417, post:13, topic:31067”]At least we are getting some pub.

How embarrassing. It’s one thing to be a bad team, it’s another to be a bad team with no class.

[quote=“ghostofclt, post:11, topic:31067”]clt will donate the $20 to fix the helmet decals on the black helmets. They look so bad.

Go with white, or our actual green.[/quote]my roommate, a Charlotte grad, saw us on tv for the first time ever today. First thing he says when he sits down on the couch was “holy shit, those helmets look AWFUL.”

My friend, also a grad, text me and said “sweet helmets though”.

clt bets your friend wears a grey t shirt with khaki shorts.

[quote=“sportsman1417, post:16, topic:31067”]My friend, also a grad, text me and said “sweet helmets though”.[/quote]just shows opinions vary wildly I guess.

I would personally prefer them to be white.

[quote=“ImfromClayton, post:5, topic:31067”]Mullen has to go. If Brad doesn’t have the gumption to let him walk over the bye, then Brad needs
Back to back RB screens??? You don’t even call that on madden. [/quote]

The one that resulted in the backwards lateral/fumble did not appear to be a called RB screen. That’s why it bounced off of Washington’s back. KState was bringing the house and it look like Klugh panicked a little early to dump it off to Robert. I’m guessing Robert was the hot route read for a blitz dump off…but Robert wasn’t ready for it yet. But it certainly didn’t appear to be a designed RB screen to me.

Regardless…it’s amazing how bad the Offense has been in the first 2 games considering the strength of the RB’s and depth of WR and the OL was suposed to be a strength too. Not to mention Klugh having an entire offseason to prepare. Considering ALL of that…I do lean more to Mullen’s coaching and scheme…or lack thereof. On paper…it is literally our best Offense ever put together…and it looks AWFUL in every facet.

I get struggling against KState…but we didn’t seem much better against Eastern Michigan.


Plenty of other teams have had embarrassing losses this year. Baylor, Ga Southern and ECU to name a few
We beat ourselves game after game after game

Side note:
Does CUSA.Tv still stream our home games? I’d like to watch next week. But the only link I saw said “Free. Audio Only”