Kennesaw Post Game

Oh wow.[/quote]

Between powerbait and negative niner, you would think we were 1-10

Oh wow.[/quote]

Between powerbait and negative niner, you would think we were 1-10[/quote]

Well, we only beat Kennesaw State by 14, that’s as good as a loss, right?

Oh wow.[/quote]

They would! Last years squad had Green and JB and they could both hit threes. That team would run over this team and not even notice it. Look at Davdison, we beat them at home by 23, this team wins by 4, am I losing it or does the math say that last years squad was better?!?

Oh wow.[/quote]

They would! Last years squad had Green and JB and they could both hit threes. That team would run over this team and not even notice it. Look at Davdison, we beat them at home by 23, this team wins by 4, am I losing it or does the math say that last years squad was better?!?[/quote]

Yall must have your heads so far up your asses if you seriously believe that.

Oh wow.[/quote]

They would! Last years squad had Green and JB and they could both hit threes. That team would run over this team and not even notice it. Look at Davdison, we beat them at home by 23, this team wins by 4, am I losing it or does the math say that last years squad was better?!?[/quote]

You do realize you’re contradicting yourself, right? You say we should beat EZU by more because we are at home but then get mad when we beat Davidson on the road by less.

Oh wow.[/quote]

They would! Last years squad had Green and JB and they could both hit threes. That team would run over this team and not even notice it. Look at Davdison, we beat them at home by 23, this team wins by 4, am I losing it or does the math say that last years squad was better?!?[/quote]

And there is no way this team finishes at the rim better than that squad!

Anytime you beat another team on its home court where they practice everyday is an accomplishment in college basketball. KSU isn’t a good team at all but let’s be happy we are 10-1 and move on to the next game. Why some of you want to go off on “we suck” rants after a road win is beyond me. Why do you even bother following the team if you think we suck so much?


Oh wow.[/quote]

They would! Last years squad had Green and JB and they could both hit threes. That team would run over this team and not even notice it. Look at Davdison, we beat them at home by 23, this team wins by 4, am I losing it or does the math say that last years squad was better?!?[/quote]

You do realize you’re contradicting yourself, right? You say we should beat EZU by more because we are at home but then get mad when we beat Davidson on the road by less.[/quote]

How is that a contradiction? We beat EZU by the same margin at HOME! We should have won by more than we did on the road. Also against Davidson we regressed by 19 points, against Miami we regressed 16 points. Yet you guys say that is improvement. HOW!?!?! Can I come work with you guys where a reduction in efficiency is seen as a positive? We suck plain and simple.

Give it a rest.

WOW at this. I MEAN WOW.

Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled 10-1

Quick. Someone tell me what margin of victory earns you in a basketball game/RPI/polls/anything ever.

[quote=“ninerball49, post:31, topic:27275”]WOW at this. I MEAN WOW.

Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled 10-1

Quick. Someone tell me what margin of victory earns you in a basketball game/RPI/polls/anything ever.[/quote]

Just win baby win

Oh wow.[/quote]

They would! Last years squad had Green and JB and they could both hit threes. That team would run over this team and not even notice it. Look at Davdison, we beat them at home by 23, this team wins by 4, am I losing it or does the math say that last years squad was better?!?[/quote]

You do realize you’re contradicting yourself, right? You say we should beat EZU by more because we are at home but then get mad when we beat Davidson on the road by less.[/quote]

How is that a contradiction? We beat EZU by the same margin at HOME! We should have won by more than we did on the road. Also against Davidson we regressed by 19 points, against Miami we regressed 16 points. Yet you guys say that is improvement. HOW!?!?! Can I come work with you guys where a reduction in efficiency is seen as a positive? We suck plain and simple.[/quote]

It is a contradiction because you think we should beat ECU by more at home but also beat Davidson by more at their place, not taking into consideration the home-cooking Davidson received. I’ll give you Miami even though we weren’t helped by the refs at all. (Not saying we would have won if the refs called it even, we still would have lost)

[quote=“ninerball49, post:31, topic:27275”]WOW at this. I MEAN WOW.

Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled 10-1

Quick. Someone tell me what margin of victory earns you in a basketball game/RPI/polls/anything ever.[/quote]

RPI is definitely nothing. Tournament selection committee, maybe something.

LOL, not even worth responding to some of this.

Oh wow.[/quote]

They would! Last years squad had Green and JB and they could both hit threes. That team would run over this team and not even notice it. Look at Davdison, we beat them at home by 23, this team wins by 4, am I losing it or does the math say that last years squad was better?!?[/quote]

are you serious? what percentage did those guys shoot from three? you cannot really believe that. look at the teams we lost to last year and tell me they would beat this team.

We’re still bad.

If our team repeats this performance, the top half of the A-10 will whack us. 3 games in a row of suspect play.

[quote=“JaMiNNiNeR, post:27, topic:27275”]Anytime you beat another team on its home court where they practice everyday is an accomplishment in college basketball. KSU isn’t a good team at all but let’s be happy we are 10-1 and move on to the next game. Why some of you want to go off on “we suck” rants after a road win is beyond me. Why do you even bother following the team if you think we suck so much?[/quote] Well, to be fair, “some of you” is not really accurate, as Powerbait is being sarcastic. So really “one of you” is more suitable.

I think this team probably beats last year’s team due to defense. But if last year’s team was at home, Barnett might always go off, so you never know. I do think last year’s fans were more negative than this, but this year’s fans have home court advantage due to a 10-1 record. This year’s message board wins big over last year’s message board, due to the awesome new format.

If our team repeats this performance, the top half of the A-10 will whack us. 3 games in a row of suspect play.[/quote]

I know it, holding a team to 37% shooting while shooting 64% yourself is a recipe for disaster! I can’t believe we only outrebounded them by what, 4?

On top of that (and this is the absolute worst!!!) Major still doesn’t make any half time adjustments, you know what I mean?! I can not believe that they managed to score 19 points in the second half.