6/10. Slightly better than average. Poor compared to past posts. LAN’s work, like that of most artists, tends to fall off the more work he produces. Either way, I’ll keep coming back for more. His early posts changed my life.
I guess for your whole life you have been the fat boy who just sat on people. That’s all you had to do. Just sit on them until they couldn’t breathe.
I encourage you to shed this identity. Don’t be the dough boy who justs sits on others. Do something yourself! Have an original thought. Stretch yourself. Don’t let that blubber gather in the mean pockets. There are tools to flense you but it is safer that you lose that blubber by yourself. There is another person inside you a more creative and interesting person, release that hostage J Felt.
[quote=“LiberalAtheistNiner, post:10, topic:26659”]I guess for your whole life you have been the fat boy who just sat on people. That’s all you had to do. Just sit on them until they couldn’t breathe.
I encourage you to shed this identity. Don’t be the dough boy who justs sits on others. Do something yourself! Have an original thought. Stretch yourself. Don’t let that blubber gather in the mean pockets. There are tools to flense you but it is safer that you lose that blubber by yourself. There is another person inside you a more creative and interesting person, release that hostage J Felt.[/quote]
I realize there is still some time left, but this could very well be post of the year!
[quote=“LiberalAtheistNiner, post:10, topic:26659”]I guess for your whole life you have been the fat boy who just sat on people. That’s all you had to do. Just sit on them until they couldn’t breathe.
I encourage you to shed this identity. Don’t be the dough boy who justs sits on others. Do something yourself! Have an original thought. Stretch yourself. Don’t let that blubber gather in the mean pockets. There are tools to flense you but it is safer that you lose that blubber by yourself. There is another person inside you a more creative and interesting person, release that hostage J Felt.[/quote]
NLP shouted LAN is his favorite poster a couple weeks ago, and you know what? I found it confusing because I actually thought NLP was LAN!
Credit brave you, LAN, for making use of this forum to express your feelings through a (no offense) silly hate veil, a less straight departure you wear beautifully awkward; the subtext wobbling on hartbreakingly nu legs.
I am not HI49. But it is pretty amazing that Nostradamus Loser Pussy has gotten so desperate that he has created a username and then tried to palm it off on me.
I don’t use Traveler anymore. So until I get run off the board I will just use LiberalAtheistNiner.
If I come back with a new name later it will be in peace. I will try to mask myself and fit in just talking about bball and football until some morons like the “Kitty Posters”, Nostradamus Loser Pussy, Dough Boy Felt, and Fuckit annoy me and I have to put them down again.
Why would you get ran off the board? Paranoid much? I think you have a lot of pent up aggression, would probably serve you well to hang out some with Hootie to knock the edge off.
I am sure I do have pent up aggression for someone my age. But that’s my problem. Paranoid I don’t think so. I was on here for ten years just mostly quietly watching trying to pick up information about Niner basketball.
But I saw a sea change of people dominating the board. I lived through the Metro years and gave him crap sometimes. But he self-destructed. Then a group of snarky “Kitty Posters” took over and the board went downhill. They lack so much and offer so little. Just quote other people add a dumb line. Post a picture with a silly tag line and then giggle over how clever they are.
You do a good job with the recruiting info. I do appreciate it. You just happen to have some dopey friends. It happens.
2K I know there are some people on here who are sincere. But there are others who are not. So there is no healing me. I’m not broken. I will give s*** to those who deserve it. And enjoy it.
There is a new sociological concept which I find funny.
They used to say “don’t trust anyone over 30” because they had become so dull and mainstream, keen on law and order and not concerned with civil rights, basically so conservative as to be untrustworthy.
Now people in their 40s and 50s they are saying “Don’t trust anyone under 30”, because they are so boring and mainstream and will only follow norms they believe are prescribed by society.
[quote=“LiberalAtheistNiner, post:16, topic:26659”]I am sure I do have pent up aggression for someone my age. But that’s my problem. Paranoid I don’t think so. I was on here for ten years just mostly quietly watching trying to pick up information about Niner basketball.
But I saw a sea change of people dominating the board. I lived through the Metro years and gave him crap sometimes. But he self-destructed. Then a group of snarky “Kitty Posters” took over and the board went downhill. They lack so much and offer so little. Just quote other people add a dumb line. Post a picture with a silly tag line and then giggle over how clever they are.
You do a good job with the recruiting info. I do appreciate it. You just happen to have some dopey friends. It happens.[/quote]