Lavin on College Gamenight...

Lavin talked about how dangerous we were and really did a large piece on Plav–his conditioning and his status as the best catch and shoot stroker in the country. He went on to say that the school and coach are up and coming and very, very underappreciated. BUT then…he went on to say that Lutz very likely will move on, especially if someone steps up with a lot of money to offer. He then joked that Lutz owes him 5% for his on air “help” with marketing Bobby to other schools…jackass. I mean, he gave us props, but shopped our coach at the same time.

I understand $, but if we are so “up and coming”, why can’t we keep a good coach and keep building?

I mentioned to my friend today that I just get the feeling that there is something going on behind the scenes with Lutz and other opportunities. Lavin might be just letting the cat out of the bag to make himself look like the first to say it and give himself props on it later. It is hardly a coincidence that he was just here doing color and probably talked to Coach for a while. Hell who could blame him after tonights attendance.

Don’t leave Bobby!

I saw it, too! I can’t believe how much pub they gave us! They really think highly of Plavich! That’s obvious! They showed his before and after body pictures, which Preston Greene deserves credit for, along with Plavich! They also showed all of his Cincy shots and mentioned that he had “Reggie Miller” range.

Also GREAT publicity for Lutz! Sucks that they mentioned him leaving, but obviously his name will be in the mix for these things. All we can do is wait and see and hope Judy Rose comes up with a BIG paycheck to keep him.

Go Niners!

of course they are going to say it. they have 5 Underrated coaches every year they talk about, bobby has been mentioned years before.

I really think that Bobby is getting tired of the weak attendance numbers that we have. We have a large student population and students are not showing up.

This team deserves support for how well they play!

I blame our lack of attendance and our lack of support in the area on our Sports Marketing! There is no buzz in the City about this team, and there should be.

I know we are in “ACC County”, but that is still no excuse. People for the most part prefer to see games in person, and we have an exciting team to watch.

We need to get a “street team” together like record labels do when an artist is about to release a new album. We need to get people out there informing people about the Niners!!!

[i]Originally posted by TheShowDawg[/i]@Feb 10 2005, 12:38 AM [b] Hell who could blame him after tonights attendance. [/b]
I keep mentioning this, but I do feel there is something to Bobby's "If we had this every game, no telling how good we'd be at home," statement and his comments about the crowd on the post-game show. I think the frustration of getting a lack of support on several fronts is bothersome to him.

Sports marketing?? Can’t you see by promotions such as “Fan of the Game” that there are geniuses working there? To be honest, it seems like that department focuses only on “in game” things rather than getting the word out. That’s just not going to work.

[i]Originally posted by morningwood[/i]@Feb 10 2005, 09:16 AM [b] I really think that Bobby is getting tired of the weak attendance numbers that we have. We have a large student population and students are not showing up.

This team deserves support for how well they play!

I blame our lack of attendance and our lack of support in the area on our Sports Marketing! There is no buzz in the City about this team, and there should be.

I know we are in “ACC County”, but that is still no excuse. People for the most part prefer to see games in person, and we have an exciting team to watch.

We need to get a “street team” together like record labels do when an artist is about to release a new album. We need to get people out there informing people about the Niners!!! [/b]

i agree, publicity for this team is terrible. its not anyones fault but our schools. Its going to be quite difficult to get random fans to buy a ticket for HOUSTON on duke carolina night. I think if duke carolina were a different night, we would have seen a 500-1000 more people. thats just the way it is, its the biggest rivalry in college basketball.

[i]Originally posted by brewcrew9[/i]@Feb 10 2005, 09:43 AM [b] Sports marketing?? Can't you see by promotions such as "Fan of the Game" that there are geniuses working there? [/b]
why is it always some guy "galluping" waiving his hands like a bird? seriously, they always do the same thing. the little kid dribbling the basketball, now that was pretty good.

I hate to say it as well, but I do sense that this could be Lutz’s last year here. I HOPE NOT. But if you look to Skip Prosser at Wake, with all his successes there, Virginia would be crazy not to go after Lutz. Prior to Wake, Prosser had a very similar run at Xavier…look how he’s turned out.

[i]Originally posted by ninerID[/i]@Feb 10 2005, 08:46 AM [b] thats just the way it is, its the biggest rivalry in college basketball. [/b]
According to whom? All the pro-ACC spin doctors? Dick Vitale? The Charlotte Observer? Geez...

I think our AD has been a lot of the problem for Lutz -> The blunder on conference affiliation being the biggest yet. I would love to see Mullins come in as AD.

[i]Originally posted by run49er+Feb 10 2005, 09:19 AM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (run49er @ Feb 10 2005, 09:19 AM)
[i]Originally posted by Powerbait[/i]@Feb 10 2005, 09:23 AM [b] Our game against Houston last night was probably more fun to watch. [/b]
Yeah... for the Basden dunk if nothing else.

I caught the last 10 minutes or so of the UNC-Duke game after I got home from Halton. It wasn’t a bad game - both teams are very fast and run well. I think Plavich is a better shooter than Redick, but that’s just my $0.02.

Anyway, I used to care about the rivalry when I was in HS and everyone was either a UNC fan or a Duke fan (I am a rehabilitated former UNC fan, by the way). But now, I just don’t understand it. Duke has won 15 out of the last 17 - doesn’t that kind of make it a bit one-sided to be a true RIVALRY?

[i]Originally posted by UNCCTF+Feb 10 2005, 10:52 AM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (UNCCTF @ Feb 10 2005, 10:52 AM)
[i]Originally posted by UNCCTF[/i]@Feb 10 2005, 09:52 AM [b] Duke has won 15 out of the last 17 - doesn't that kind of make it a bit one-sided to be a true RIVALRY? [/b]
Heh, I just told that to someone. Cue the Huggins' quote about it not being a rivalry if only one team wins...

I agree with Coach that we need/deserve more support. But you can’t complain too much when you A) have a big buzz going into the season, then choke against Rutgers B ) have a chance to be ranked, then choke vs. ECU C) haven’t made it out of the first weekend of the NCAA tourney in quite some time.

If we’re 18-2 right now instead of 16-4, we have more butts in the seats last night. If we’re top 20, we would have had a bigger crowd. It’s really sour grapes to be complaining when your best win is a 1 pointer over Cincy and you really haven’t won a thing yet.

[i]Originally posted by Florida49er[/i]@Feb 10 2005, 11:00 AM [b] If we're 18-2 right now instead of 16-4, we have more butts in the seats last night. If we're top 20, we would have had a bigger crowd. It's really sour grapes to be complaining when your best win is a 1 pointer over Cincy and you really haven't won a thing yet. [/b]
I disagree. I think the crowd is the exact same last night 16-4 or 18-2 because there are too many UNC and Duke fans at this school.
[i]Originally posted by NinerFan[/i]@Feb 10 2005, 10:21 AM [b] I think our AD has been a lot of the problem for Lutz -> The blunder on conference affiliation being the biggest yet. I would love to see Mullins come in as AD. [/b]
Mullins already was AD once. How did Judy screw up conference affilliation?? We are going to the A-10 which is much better that what will be left of Conference USA. I you think Bobby's pissed we didn't get in to the Big East your crazy. That was never going to happen and Bobby knows that. Bobby knows that the A-10 is a good basketball conference, his problem is he knows alot of uneducated fans think the A-10 sucks and he thinks attendence will be worse.

In the 90s we were ranked for a few weeks and every game had mucho fan support. I think if we got on the national radar we would become more popular at home. It’s sad that it will take that, but it will. I remember being ranked 17th or something like that and plyaing Tulane at the Coliseum. We had over 13,000 in attendance that day. Although I am dissapointed in our fans, this program can still do more on the court to get support. Here are a couple of things that will get 8000-9000 out weekly:

  1. Get Ranked (Stop losing to ECU when you are on the brink of being ranked. This happens all the time).
  2. Make a deep run in the NCAA. This will provide for a period of great support the following season, unless we go a long time without being ranked.

Barring this, all of the sports promotions in the world are not going to help. The average fan just doesn’t know how good we are. They need supporting documentation they can understand (NCAA Success/National Ranking). If we beat SLU and get ranked, I bet we have close to 9000 in the arena the next game.