Movies with really good plot twists

[QUOTE=UNCCTF;438468]That movie suuuuuuuuuuuuucked. Watch the original Wicker Man, the British movie from the 70’s, if you want to see it done right.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that is a way better movie.


Wild things. Not a great movie, but I enjoyed the…um…twists.

The Crying game, though I wouldn’t say I enjoyed that one.

the Prestige was a great one, sort of mirrored the magician’s three part act.

Arlington Road was pretty good.

Fallen has some really good twists, though the final ending was a total copout.

Some older ones:

Planet of the Apes

Soylent Green (though I knew the ending thanks to the famous quote)

Psycho - apparently it was even better, because all of the previews centered around the female character who ends up dying early on, totally surprising the audience.

When the chair gets turned around in Psycho, well, that movie gets sick on a whole new level. Great flick.

Wild things, haha, that’s a constant plot twist with denise richards naked. How can you go wrong!

North by Northwest is easily my favorite by Hitchcock though.



Ughhh, Unbreakable’s plot twist was so unbearable. It was obvious and overlong. Movie was okay, the ending was just so atrocious.

Memento and Frequency are both great movies, though I wouldn’t categorize them as plot twists, just great unusual premise to begin with. In the same category is Blood Simple, which I believe was the Coen Brothers’ first movie. A great whodunit, in which the audience knows exactly what’s going on, but the characters each have a mistaken view of it.

The single greatest plot twist of all time is easy, Chinatown. If you haven’t ever seen it, you need to see it. That is a plot twist, you won’t see it coming and it will hit you.


Yea it was pretty good.

That movie rules.

[QUOTE=Powerbait;438493]When the chair gets turned around in Psycho, well, that movie gets sick on a whole new level. Great flick.

Wild things, haha, that’s a constant plot twist with denise richards naked. How can you go wrong!

[B]North by Northwest is easily my favorite by Hitchcock though.[/B][/QUOTE]

its definitely one of his best, but Rear Window and To Catch a Thief come in higher for me

Rear window is good too. Jimmy Stewart was one of the best actors of all time.

I completely forgot about this, but The Machinist had one of the best twists I’ve seen in awhile.

I did not like that movie at all and I didn’t think it had much of a plot twist. That type of movie became cliche quickly.


Great cast.

[QUOTE=Chisox17;438463]Fight Club and Hide and Seek are a couple others. Both those twists along the same lines.[/QUOTE]

Fight club was a good movie. H&S was baaaad. Just like that movie with Johnny Depp.

[QUOTE=77grad;438466]One of the best twists was in Primal Fear, and there was also a good one in my all-time favorite movie, Field of Dreams. Another good twist in a Costner movie was No Way Out.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=77grad;438470]Forgot to mention Body Heat.

(I agree with UNCCTF on The Wicker Man)[/QUOTE]

Primal Fear and Body Heat, good movies! Primal Fear was a real headtrip. Plot twists are most effective when it isn’t obvious there is one coming and it makes total sense in the context of the story.

[QUOTE=Powerbait;438517]I did not like that movie at all and I didn’t think it had much of a plot twist. That type of movie became cliche quickly.[/QUOTE]

Well I’m not going to try to tell you that you have to like it. Heck, I didn’t even think it was that great of a movie. But to say it didn’t have much of a twist? How so? Maybe you saw it coming the whole time, but I definitely didn’t.

[QUOTE=weakjaw;438528]Well I’m not going to try to tell you that you have to like it. Heck, I didn’t even think it was that great of a movie. But to say it didn’t have much of a twist? How so? Maybe you saw it coming the whole time, but I definitely didn’t.[/QUOTE]

I worked at Blockbuster when that movie came out. I saw a ton of movies that came out at the same time with a very similar plot twist. It was a movie with a built in twist, so you’re just trying to figure it out. I didn’t know exactly how it was going to end, but it was kind of like Premonition, I had a good idea.

I enjoyed the Jacket, which was in a similar vein and I thought the number 23 was watchable. But most of those movies, like Stay, are bad.

One movie that had a significant plot twist for the worst was The Departed.

I enjoyed that movie a ton, but the plot twist in the elevator was stupid and pissed me off.

Vertigo was awesome.

I guess you can say Casablanca. It doesnt really have a plot twist as it does a surprise ending.

[QUOTE=itsbraille49;438447]Uh, hello?

its a shame that i never got to fully experience that twist though, with everyone saying “Luke, I am your father” into window-fans.[/QUOTE]

The actual quote is “No, I am your father”