Nelly.... diversify this

thanks for becoming an owner of the Bobcats. Loved your statement today that you are for “diversity”…this is just what we need, lets be the all “hip hop” team.

We all knew this was coming, the BET founder…a rap owner…etc. Looks like David Stern nor Bob Johnson understand what it will take to interest this community. BET and Nelly aren’t the solution. Get Bill Cosby, Oprah, or another classy african american and you might show me something, but bringing in the Nellys of the world isn’t going anywhere for my image of this team. The more hip hop this league becomes/stays the less interest Nascar dads like myself will pay attention and spend any $$ on this team. This league has lost me, and I spent tons of cash on the Hornets in their lifetime.

since we are into diversity here, maybe Bob could get Kenny Chesney or Toby Keith to ante up.

I’m all for diversity. This group isn’t diverse.

Get over yourself. You may not be a fan of “hip hop” and you may not be a fan of Bob Johnson and BET. But don’t blast Bob Johnson or Nelly for what they are trying to do for the city of Charlotte and the fans of the NBA.

In all honesty, the NBA is going in a different direction then the NASCAR dad croud. Not saying that this is right or wrong, it is just a fact. To keep the NBA growing they need to appeal to the younger generation of fans.

If the NBA was full of players that liked Kenny Chesney then I am sure that owning a team might be appealing to him.

Another argument could be why doesn’t Nelly by part of the Carolina Hurricanes or any MLS franchise. Well that is because of the type of individual that plays and participates in that sport. I am sure Nelly didn’t grow up a hockey fan or even a soccer fan. So why can’t he be part of something that he loved to watch growing up and loves to watch now?

The NBA is going one direction and it seems like that is not the direction that you are going. Well, I think they will sacrafice your attendance if it puts the youth in the seats and continues to grow the league.

I personally would rather watch college basketball, but if it wasn’t for the NBA and the dream of riches, a lot of the youth would not have ever picked up a ball and thought of it as there potential meal ticket and way to improve there life.

So instead of attacking what the Bobcats, why don’t you wait until they play a full season before you start pressing your thoughts on all of us.

[QUOTE]If the NBA was full of players that liked Kenny Chesney then I am sure that owning a team might be appealing to him.[QUOTE]

I’m sure most NBA players couldn’t pick Kenny Chesney out of a lineup. That being said, what the players like is totally irrelavent.

Bob Johnson needs to look at the people who bought season tickets, those are the people who need to be catered to. I’d be willing to bet that a majority of the season ticket holders are white and couldn’t tell you the first thing about Nelly or Hip Hop. It is his team and he can do with it what he wants, but from what I can see the ownership and management of this team is anything but diverse.

[i]Originally posted by morningwood[/i]@Jul 20 2004, 09:27 AM [b] why don't you wait until they play a full season... [/b]
thats what the hell I'm talking about. i know so many people who insist that the Bobcats are gonna be "a bunch of criminals" just because Bob Johnson is the owner and he also owns BET. it makes me sick, these people who think that just because you are black and enjoy rap music means you are a criminal. i have many friends and aquaintences who originally were excited to hear that Charlotte was getting a new NBA team, but then when the ownership started falling into place, they immediately started losing interest and started bad mouthing the team. im not saying they are racist, just saying they are EXTREMELY closed minded.

look at every player on the current Bobcats roster. how many criminals or “thugs” do you see? none.

better yet, how many hard working, respectful, repectable, classy ball players do you see? a lot.

now i do agree with parts of what Metro is saying, but not with other parts. i agree that Nelly shouldnt be going on about diversity, when clearly there is none. however, i also agree with mouriningwood about how you cant expect the ownership to be anyone other that someone who grew up loving the game. hes right about how country singers wont be owning an NBA team any time soon, just like rappers wont be owning a hockey team.

anyways, count me in as a supporter of the Bobcats.

Bob Johnson uses the term “diversity” the same way that David Stern talks about a minimum age for NBA draft eligibility. I have doubts either one is serious in what they say.

I’m surprised that you use Oprah & Bill Cosby in the same sentence. Sure they both have piles of cash. But I have 100x more respect for Cosby than I do for Oprah.

For what its worth, I think Bob Johnson is proving that associating with people like Nelly is what is important to today’s NBA fan.

Today’s NBA priorities

  1. Image
  2. Style
  3. Marketing
    X. The game of basketball

Then again, why do I care? The Bobcats could offer me 5 years worth of free “Jack Nicholson” seats and I would leave the offer on the table.

I guess I care because I’m old enough to remember the mid-80’s when the game was what mattered in the NBA.

[b]Bob Johnson needs to look at the people who bought season tickets, those are the people who need to be catered to. I'd be willing to bet that a majority of the season ticket holders are white and couldn't tell you the first thing about Nelly or Hip Hop. [/b]
[b]To keep the NBA growing they need to appeal to the younger generation of fans. [/b]

S is right, what Bob Johnson and the NBA both fail to realize is that this “younger generation” is not the one buying the overpriced season tickets. They may be dropping money on apparrel and such, but the proceeds from that will not keep the league running. The game itself sucks. Too many fouls that aren’t called. Traveling occurs nearly every possession. Handchecking is allowed. Carrying the ball is the norm. and all this ghetto imaging is a turn-off to the people that are/were buying the tickets. The “younger generation” says "so what? There’s nothing wrong with all of that stuff if you like streetball and rap records, but most of the people that can afford tickets and who like real basketball are not going to spend money on them.

[b]For what its worth, I think Bob Johnson is proving that associating with people like Nelly is what is important to today's NBA fan. [/b]

I agree with that, but also by associating with people like this he’s running off the few remaining old-school NBA fans that are left. I just hope that ticket sales get bad enough throughout the NBA that the game itself will return to resemble that of the college game.

[i]Originally posted by morningwood[/i]@Jul 20 2004, 09:27 AM [b] Get over yourself. You may not be a fan of "hip hop" and you may not be a fan of Bob Johnson and BET. But don't blast Bob Johnson or Nelly for what they are trying to do for the city of Charlotte and the fans of the NBA.

In all honesty, the NBA is going in a different direction then the NASCAR dad croud. Not saying that this is right or wrong, it is just a fact. To keep the NBA growing they need to appeal to the younger generation of fans.

If the NBA was full of players that liked Kenny Chesney then I am sure that owning a team might be appealing to him.

Another argument could be why doesn’t Nelly by part of the Carolina Hurricanes or any MLS franchise. Well that is because of the type of individual that plays and participates in that sport. I am sure Nelly didn’t grow up a hockey fan or even a soccer fan. So why can’t he be part of something that he loved to watch growing up and loves to watch now?

The NBA is going one direction and it seems like that is not the direction that you are going. Well, I think they will sacrafice your attendance if it puts the youth in the seats and continues to grow the league.

I personally would rather watch college basketball, but if it wasn’t for the NBA and the dream of riches, a lot of the youth would not have ever picked up a ball and thought of it as there potential meal ticket and way to improve there life.

So instead of attacking what the Bobcats, why don’t you wait until they play a full season before you start pressing your thoughts on all of us. [/b]

I think you missed my point. Nelly’s main statement was he was for diversity in today’s release. However, the Bobcats are proving they are anything but diverse. The only diversity they are going to have are the white guys collecting tickets every night.

Secondly, as others have so intelligently pointed out to you, the youth’s opinion is secondary. Last time I looked at the Panthers, there were more adults dropping $$ at their stadium than kids. Kids do account for getting into mom and dad’s wallet though.

my point about Nelly is that the NBA has made a huge mistake. The game is dying because of things like this. The ratings and game flourished when the players looked and at least pretended to act professional (proper looking uniforms/normal haircuts, etc). The game and ratings have taken a nose dive since the injection of hip hop…and of ALL PLACES, and the NBA’s problems here in this town, I don’t think injecting HIP HOP into the Bobcats is very savvy from one business person to another.

say what you want about youth, I am 31 and have discretionary income and I think I speak for alot of guys like me that won’t be giving $$$ to Hip Hop- 20 year olds- who skipped college- play 5 minutes a night- make 10 million a year- and play Playstation 4 hours a day.

[i]Originally posted by metro[/i]@Jul 20 2004, 09:01 AM [b] Nelly, thanks for becoming an owner of the Bobcats. Loved your statement today that you are for "diversity".....this is just what we need, lets be the all "hip hop" team.

We all knew this was coming, the BET founder…a rap owner…etc. Looks like David Stern nor Bob Johnson understand what it will take to interest this community. BET and Nelly aren’t the solution. Get Bill Cosby, Oprah, or another classy african american and you might show me something, but bringing in the Nellys of the world isn’t going anywhere for my image of this team. The more hip hop this league becomes/stays the less interest Nascar dads like myself will pay attention and spend any $$ on this team. This league has lost me, and I spent tons of cash on the Hornets in their lifetime.

since we are into diversity here, maybe Bob could get Kenny Chesney or Toby Keith to ante up. [/b]

Send that into the Observer. I don’t think Nelly is reading our board. Seriously, that’s a good piece for the paper. Mike will love it and you’ll be heard.

Bringing Nelly into the ownership group is not diversifying, it is a joke. The Bobcats are not selling season tix and bringing in a rapper to wear Bobcat jerseys and hats at his concerts and in his videos isn’t going to inspire the white business community to get on board, which is where they are failing.

I wouldn’t go to a Bobcat game at gunpoint and I could say the same for the Shinn owned Hornets, so my reasons are not racially motivated. I just think the NBA sucks and I want nothing to do with it but I can understand why many don’t see the sense in the Nelly move. Stand at center court of any NBA game and take a good look around at who is buying the tickets, then tell me if Bob Johnson is making the right moves here in Charlotte. The argument is always that the NBA is trying to diversify their audience, however it has not worked to date. The hip hop world may buy hats and jerseys, but they are not buying luxury boxes and season tickets and that is where Johnson is missing the boat.

New rules per this diverse ownership group:

  1. All Bobcats players must have at least one gold tooth.

  2. All Bobcats players must have been charged with at least one felony.

  3. Special nights include: “baby’s daddy night” and “illegitimate echiilin’ night” and “gold chain giveaway night.”

  4. Dunks are now badunka dunks.

  5. The game will be played differently too. During the game we’ll have drive-by foul shots.

All things aside, you cant complain about what they do. They are a business and will make optimal business decisions. Even if that means losing the busniness of some to gain the business of others. Maybe they have decided that all these other ghetto leagues like “and one” are cutting into their busness and that they want a tougher immage to keep that market. For instance look at Nascar. Nascar has changed thier marketing strategies and have ventured from thier southern grassroots stock car racing…the cars they race now are not stock cars like they once were, they are hand built million dollar machines. Also look how Nascar has expanded to the west and has dumped a lot of there races in the southeast. It seems like they did that to rockingham this year i believe. Anyways…Nascar may have lost fans in the southeast, but maybe gained 5 for 1 in the west.

Point made is that businesses make decitions that will increase the value of there enterprise, business is not concerned with pleasing everyone.

This has been a trend of the NBA for a long time now…I lost interest in the NBA a long time ago, but i don’t blame them.

[i]Originally posted by HP49er[/i]@Jul 20 2004, 12:44 PM [b] New rules per this diverse ownership group:
  1. All Bobcats players must have at least one gold tooth.

  2. All Bobcats players must have been charged with at least one felony.

  3. Special nights include: “baby’s daddy night” and “illegitimate echiilin’ night” and “gold chain giveaway night.”

  4. Dunks are now badunka dunks.

  5. The game will be played differently too. During the game we’ll have drive-by foul shots. [/b]

Penner was making some of the same kinds of jokes today on his show. Some of the listeners weren’t too happy about it.

It’s definitely a diversified ownership group. Maybe Hugh McColl and the banks sell the tickets, while Nellie sells the gear. Sounds like a good plan to me but what happens when the two groups come together??? I think that’s the big question and potential prpblem. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, IMO. But some people will not change and the reaction to Nellie at halftime is going to be ludicrous. :smirk:

[i]Originally posted by LeftyNiner[/i]@Jul 20 2004, 01:05 PM [b] Penner was making some of the same kinds of jokes today on his show. Some of the listeners weren't too happy about it.


Preach on, Brother Penner:

Don’t let those people get you down. We shall rise up and be heard. We may be a minority, but our ranks are growing. Today’s NBA must go. We must continue to endure the harassment of those who think Today’s NBA is good.

We may still be small in numbers, but we shall be heard. The game is not about gold teeth or bling bling. Its about a ball and a hoop. Order must be restored to our sports landscape.

Mr. Stern: Please eliminate the nonsense surrounding this game.

i think some of you guys are off base on this one. other minority owners of the bobcats include: majority owner Robert L. Johnson; Bank of America Corporation and Wachovia Corporation, two of the nation’s leading financial institutions and both headquartered in Charlotte; Skipper Beck, partner in Beck Automotive Group; North Carolina native and former NBA player and executive M. L. Carr; Astri Group partners Carlos & Jorge de Cespedes, owners of the Miami-based Pharmed Group, the largest, minority-owned distributor of health care products in the United States; Howard Levine, Chairman & CEO of Family Dollar Stores; Hugh McColl, Jr., chairman of McColl Partners and former CEO of Bank of America; Nelly, award-winning entertainer/entrepreneur; Felix Sabates, owner of NASCAR Winston Cup racing teams and the Charlotte Checkers minor league hockey club, and chairman of Trinity Yachts, the largest yacht builder in America; Nelson Schwab III, co-founder of Carousel Capital; Anderson Warlick, CEO of leading textile manufacturer Parkdale Mills; Ed Weisiger, Jr., President/CEO of Carolina Tractor; and the Professional Sports Investment Group led by managing partners Rev. Claude Alexander of University Park Baptist Church and Dr. Spurgeon Webber III, owner of a prominent local dental practice.

biz journal

biz journal

news14 (with pic)

bobcats site

sounds pretty diverse to me and not very ghetto/hip hop to me.

I would love to be a fly on the wall during an owner’s meeting.

Bob Johnson: Hugh let me introduce you to our newest owner, Nelly.

Hugh McColl: Hello Mr. Nelly how are you, that’s a, umm, nice Labron James jersey you are wearing (to an owner’s meeting).

Nelly: Sup G? Word, you know, it’s tight!!


[i]Originally posted by geeosphere[/i]@Jul 20 2004, 01:57 PM [b] i think some of you guys are off base on this one. other minority owners of the bobcats include: majority owner Robert L. Johnson; Bank of America Corporation and Wachovia Corporation, two of the nation’s leading financial institutions and both headquartered in Charlotte; Skipper Beck, partner in Beck Automotive Group; North Carolina native and former NBA player and executive M. L. Carr; Astri Group partners Carlos & Jorge de Cespedes, owners of the Miami-based Pharmed Group, the largest, minority-owned distributor of health care products in the United States; Howard Levine, Chairman & CEO of Family Dollar Stores; Hugh McColl, Jr., chairman of McColl Partners and former CEO of Bank of America; Nelly, award-winning entertainer/entrepreneur; Felix Sabates, owner of NASCAR Winston Cup racing teams and the Charlotte Checkers minor league hockey club, and chairman of Trinity Yachts, the largest yacht builder in America; Nelson Schwab III, co-founder of Carousel Capital; Anderson Warlick, CEO of leading textile manufacturer Parkdale Mills; Ed Weisiger, Jr., President/CEO of Carolina Tractor; and the Professional Sports Investment Group led by managing partners Rev. Claude Alexander of University Park Baptist Church and Dr. Spurgeon Webber III, owner of a prominent local dental practice.

biz journal

biz journal

news14 (with pic)

bobcats site

sounds pretty diverse to me and not very ghetto/hip hop to me. [/b]

good point geo,
I agree its a diverse group…
however, look at today’s Observer and tell me the “image” you see. Better yet, watch the “Its gettin hot in herre” video and tell me you want him as an owner for your hometown basketball team. Like I said, its not a race thing. I would take Bill Cosby in a second, and if Kid Rock or Fred Durst (white trash) wanted in I would have the same reaction as I do to Nelly.

forgive me, I just miss the days of sports owners being invisible and having some sort of professional image, not Nelly…and I like Nelly’s music btw.

question: Doesn’t Nelly sing “hey, must be the money”?, and thru-out the song they say “if you smoke an ounce with me”???

I think it’s diverse. Obviously, the PR is in the minority hirings or ownership opportunities which is why you see those more prominently featured in the news. The Bobcats aren’t going to put out a press release telling the world another old rich white guy bought a share of the team.

[i]Originally posted by CPA_Niner[/i]@Jul 20 2004, 02:01 PM [b] I would love to be a fly on the wall during an owner's meeting.

Bob Johnson: Hugh let me introduce you to our newest owner, Nelly.

Hugh McColl: Hello Mr. Nelly how are you, that’s a, umm, nice Labron James jersey you are wearing (to an owner’s meeting).

Nelly: Sup G? Word, you know, it’s tight!! [/b]


Nelly: yo HMac…wanna smoke an ounce up in herrrrrrr?

Hugh: :confused: