New Britney Spears song

I’m assuming you’re being sarcastic, Robby, but in case you aren’t:

The phrase “if you seek Amy” sounds similar to the phrase “f*ck me” with the offensive word spelled out. I think the rest of the world should write a response song called “No Thanks.”

Ok I listened to it and my ears are bleeding.

The song is awful and sounds like every other “pop” song out now and the chorus doesn’t even make sense. It is completely forced.

That being said, I look forward to the video.

Ok, somebody please explain to me in small words and very slowly, what the point of this song is. I don't get it.

Holy **** kid… were you home schooled in a bomb shelter?

[QUOTE=CharSFNiners;383294]Holy **** kid… were you home schooled in a bomb shelter?[/QUOTE]

Ok, somebody please explain to me in small words and very slowly, what the point of this song is. I don't get it.
I'll take the bait:

Sing slowly If you seek Amy outloud 100 times.

Eventually hopefully your brain will realize it sounds exactly like F*** me.

My next single is gonna be a barfight drinkin’ song called “my dixie wrecked”.

Hand me my million$.

You could write a song called Love Comes in Spurts. Or name an album For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.

Or, if you want to be more brazen, just call the song Orgasm Addict.

Let’s not forget the countless songs/bands named if you see kay.

Anybody else notice that the most active thread today is about Britney Spears?

Didn’t she offer her ex-husband $ to knock her up w/ another kid?
Hell, honey, I’m not above being a male gigolo. I won’t charge much. But you’re going to act like you have some damn sense around my kid.

[QUOTE=stonecoldken;383323]Didn’t she offer her ex-husband $ to knock her up w/ another kid?
Hell, honey, I’m not above being a male gigolo. I won’t charge much. But you’re going to act like you have some damn sense around my kid.[/QUOTE]

I don’t think you meet her minimum requirements, sorry.

Why? Because I have a degree, unlike her last husband.

[QUOTE=stonecoldken;383325]Why? Because I have a degree, unlike her last husband.[/QUOTE]

Uh yeah, that’s it.