New Chancellor

Has any information leaked out as to the candidates for Chancellor

It is actually illegal to leak anything after the shit show when unc picked their last chancellor, so don’t expect any leaks.

My understanding is the new chancellor will be named at the April 17 BOG meeting, so only a couple of weeks to wait.

Masterplan announcement at same time? :wink:

Bobby Lutz

Our BOT picked the final three (I think it was three) and then the UNC system picks the selected candidate. I say this just to enforce that our BOT picked the finalists not the BOG.

Picky. Picky. I think our BOTs submits three and the BOG selects the “winnah” from that list. At least that’s the way it used to work back in the previous Century.

Hearing clt is going to be the new chancellor

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Our new chancellor is Dr Sharon Gaber, formerly president of Toledo University.

Credit @ImfromClayton for this find. Just adding it to the thread.


Email was just sent out

Skoddy thats terrible hype. We expect more from you. We might have to fire you for lack of hype.

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So we hitting this lady with the email storm for name change the way we did Dubois on football?


More info

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So lets all request a meeting about name change.


At least she comes from the University of Toledo not Ohio State University - Toledo. The University of Toledo also has a medical school. I’ll be optimistic until I’m given a reason not to be optimistic.


I am going to think positive that she is going with University of Charlotte in the near future.


My one request is to go about the name change the way we went about football, not the way we went about #FJR. FJR is going to be the default because of recency bias and the way we communicate has changed, but the football push is the much more effective way.

Organize. Present valid points. Don’t ad hominem attack the critics. Win people over with good information. Rally student and alumni support.

Literally the opposite of FJR. Lest we go about it the wrong way and it have the wrong intended effect.

She will have a stout list of things she wants to tackle first. Getting Name Change on the list is important, but she won’t let it obstruct her other goals. So turn up the correct info and evidence to show how the name change benefits and enhances her goals, not distracts her from them. Make sense?

She’s got a background in city and regional planning. One of the biggest reasons to change the name is more interconnectivity with the city, more embrace of the alliance, more ownership of the U. Use that as an angle. Just as an example.


I agree with you 100%

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