New NIL - Goldmine Alliance

“donate” IE give your money to players so they can get paid to play. You are not donating to a nonprofit or to a charitable organization. They shouldn’t use the term donate.

Season 1 Nbc GIF by The Office



After listening to Hunter’s Podcast and Jeremy talking about how NIL works made ask the question, Why would I donate to the collective?

Can I take a tax deduction for it? What do the athletes get out of it?

I donate to the collective for basketball.

I get no information about how the money is used (yet).

The only thing I could choose is all to men’s, women’s or split it.

I’m not giving much so no idea if that would change if I was a whale.

Pretty much your taking it on faith that they can use it to help recruit and retain players.

You cannot claim it on your taxes.