Nice Job Bobby

Oh life does go on! Thanks guys for that chuckle.

Whit, the OJ reference leads me to think about the too huge warmup shirts. ā€œIf the shirts donā€™t fit, this team may as well quit.ā€

My sanity is hanging by a thread here.

Please people, donā€™t suggest firing Bobby and making Dalonte the next head coach. Overpay to keep him, sure, but please, donā€™t do it to me.

[QUOTE=HP49er;151310]ā€œIf the shirts donā€™t fit, this team may as well quit.ā€[/QUOTE]

So, this season is all Nikeā€™s fault ??

[QUOTE=SilvioDante;151319]So, this season is all Nikeā€™s fault ??[/QUOTE]

Phil Knight is the Devil.

[QUOTE=s9er;151321]Phil Knight is the Devil.[/QUOTE]

Phil Knight is a Duke fan? that explains a lot.

[QUOTE=SilvioDante;151319]So, this season is all Nikeā€™s fault ??[/QUOTE]
Do any of us have Niner gear from Nike (other than from the Alumni Association)? Hey, Iā€™m fresh out of excuses. For the first time in my life, Iā€™m not enthused about coming down for homecoming, nor the Saturday after in my neck of the green forest.

Please Norm, talk to the gods of basketballā€¦ quickly.

[QUOTE=HP49er;151324] For the first time in my life, Iā€™m not enthused about coming down for homecoming[/QUOTE]

welcome to my life



NO dammit, make it go away! Make the season all dissapear!!! :weep::weep:

Whereā€™ve you been? It has disappeared!!!