NinerNation.Net Pregame Party - Role Call

I just wanted to get an idea of who may be in attendance for the party… I also want to take a minute to thank JCL for organizing this. It should be an interesting afternoon hopefully followed by a Pirate Stomping.

Hope everyone can come out and have some fun before the game. Regardless of how light you may think our schedule has been, we’re still sitting at 9-2 and have a chance to do some damage in conference if we play to our potential.

Everyone come out and meet some people for an hour or so and then let’s head over to Halton to beat up on EZU.

Where will the party be?

[b]Where will the party be? [/b]

Please see the announcement on the top of the sports forum for full details.

The short of it, however, is Picasso’s University before the ECU game on January 8th.

The wife and I are in…

Wife & I possibly along with sister-in-law are in.


49erband (a.k.a. Ms. TF) and I will be there until we have to go over to Halton. Should be fun.

Good this won’t change my schedule at all.

Wish I could but last time I drove down we lost in triple overtime. Don’t want to jinx this one.

I’ll be there…good luck finding me. Probably be sitting next to 49erpi :biglaugh:

BUMP for some increased post-holiday board activity

Anyone coming that WON’T just be be there lurking anonymously? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll be there and Hootie will be paying for my beer…

I should be there pounding a few beers …Go Niners!! :fastgun:

And the sentinels?

I’ll of course be there.

I’m only going if CLT goes.

EJ. you didn’t ask if I wanted to be there.

[i]Originally posted by EJNiner[/i]@Dec 31 2004, 07:49 PM [b] I'll be there....good luck finding me. Probably be sitting next to 49erpi :biglaugh: [/b]
Doubt it.

Okay Everyone, this is right around the corner now… Who else is coming?

clt will be there in spirit.

[i]Originally posted by cltniners[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 10:52 AM [b] clt will be there in spirit. [/b]
I'll be the token clt.