NinerNation.Net Pregame Party - Role Call

Will security be provided so that pi can’t beat the people he hates from here up? He seems very unstable.

[i]Originally posted by BigDNiner[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 10:57 AM [b] Will security be provided so that pi can't beat the people he hates from here up? He seems very unstable. [/b]
Maybe Big Don will let you lock yourself in the office so you can insult me and call me names on the computer, because that seems to be where you thrive.

There might be room for Swichfoot and Charlotte Alum in there as well. They seem to have aweful strong personal opinions regarding me.

[i]Originally posted by Jimmyhat49er+Jan 6 2005, 10:28 AM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (Jimmyhat49er @ Jan 6 2005, 10:28 AM)
[i]Originally posted by 49erpi[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 02:21 PM [b] Maybe Big Don will let you lock yourself in the office so you can insult me and call me names on the computer, because that seems to be where you thrive.

There might be room for Swichfoot and Charlotte Alum in there as well. They seem to have aweful strong personal opinions regarding me. [/b]

Out of curiosity pi what would you do if I said to your face I thought you were a jerk and emotionally unstable? You’d assault me for sure, at least that’s what all your “say it to my face” posts suggest.

You seem to be awfully consumed with what random strangers think of you on an internet messageboard.

I’m a drinker, not a fighter :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too. That’s why I fear the Beast from the East that is pi. :o

I think there might be a SLIGHT over reaction to PI. I don’t think he has said he’s going to kick anyone’s ass. I’m sure he has said “Say it to my face” and frankly if you have to balls to write it on the internet I think you should have the balls to say it to someones face. Frankly I think everyone needs to cool it with the chest bumping and relax. I would like to go to this event and meet as many board members as possible. Their have been plenty of people who I have disagreed with at times on this board, but I can’t think of anyone I wouldn’t want to meet. If I meet someone and decide they are a ass or they decide I am, thats fine. But it seems kinda foolish to judge someone solely by what they write on a internet chat board. We have one big thing in common, we are all 49er fans, some might express it differently but that is their right and it doesn’t change the fact that they are fans.

So let’s get into the spirit of going to this event to drink and make new friends and let’s get away from “I’m gonna beat you ass because you disagreed with me on the message board.”

If your intention isn’t to beat someone down because they say something to your face, why tell them to say it to your face? Just so you can make sure they’d do it?

pi is easily provoked on here and it’s not a big leap from him insulting you to him telling you to say it to his face. When I was growing up that was an invitation to fight.

[i]Originally posted by BigDNiner[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 04:39 PM [b] If your intention isn't to beat someone down because they say something to your face, why tell them to say it to your face? Just so you can make sure they'd do it?

pi is easily provoked on here and it’s not a big leap from him insulting you to him telling you to say it to his face. When I was growing up that was an invitation to fight. [/b]

Your right it was…when you were 11. Are you going to go to this event and walk up to PI and say he is a NON 49er loving c*** sucking bastard??? I doubt it and I don’t think you expect someone to do that to you. You are the one egging on the PI beating someone up talk, not him. It serves no purpose to bring up something that might had been discussed in a smack board thread and may have led to heated words. If you are really afraid PI is going to beat you up, hang out with me and I’ll protect you. But don’t fan the flames needlessly and ruin what should be a great time.

If you’re over 25 and still find the need to fight someone, then you seriously need to seek anger management therapy or something. Personally, I don’t have the energy to rake my backyard these days, let alone fight. I’d rather sit at the bar and discuss things over a pitcher. :slight_smile:

This is a sports messageboard. How serious can you actually get on here? :stuck_out_tongue: Everyone come and hang out for an hour or so. I’ll even buy Over40Niner a beer. Now if that isn’t an attempt at world peace, I don’t know what is. :toast:

[b]There might be room for Swichfoot and Charlotte Alum in there as well. They seem to have aweful strong personal opinions regarding me. [/b]

Whoa, if you’re going to bring me into this, let’s get the story straight shall we? You were the one sending threatening PMs to me, not the reverse as you imply. I simply said that you needed to grow up, which I still stand by and am willing to tell you so to your face. You on the other hand were the one throwing a temper tantrum over a simple statement made over the internet, so maybe you should be the one locked into the office playing on the computer so you can continue with your little threats. (insert smiley of someone shaking in their boots)

As far as I’m concerned, you are not worth my time and frankly I couldn’t care less whether or not you will be in attendance.

[i]Originally posted by BigDNiner[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 02:57 PM [b] [QUOTE=49erpi,Jan 6 2005, 02:21 PM] Maybe Big Don will let you lock yourself in the office so you can insult me and call me names on the computer, because that seems to be where you thrive.

There might be room for Swichfoot and Charlotte Alum in there as well. They seem to have aweful strong personal opinions regarding me. [/QUOTE]
Out of curiosity pi what would you do if I said to your face I thought you were a jerk and emotionally unstable? You’d assault me for sure, at least that’s what all your “say it to my face” posts suggest.

You seem to be awfully consumed with what random strangers think of you on an internet messageboard. [/b]

[QUOTE]You seem to be awfully consumed with what random strangers think of you on an internet messageboard.[QUOTE]

Quite the contrary, I don’t give a sh*t what you think about me.

[/QUOTE] “say it to my face” posts suggest.[QUOTE]

No, I say it is never a good idea to say anything on a message board that you are not prepared to say to someones face. Big difference. I also don’t think it is a good idea to go around calling anyone a jerk to their face, unless it is something you feel strongly about, then good luck in life because you are going to take some beatings, I would imagine. Why don’t you walk around campus calling people jerks and see how that works out for you?

Here’s and idea, how about just not calling people names on the board, that way you don’t have to use half a thread worrying about who you may have pissed off.

Now I have done my share of insulting on this board, however everyone knows who I am and where to find me if they want to have a beer and discuss opinions with me. Plenty of posters here have met me and we seem to get along just fine. You on the other hand are just a smarta$$ kid hiding behind a username and now you are coming off as a real puss.


Forget it, I give up…I’m going back to the Goldduster thread… Back to the happy place…

[i]Originally posted by CharlotteAlum[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 03:49 PM [b]
[b]There might be room for Swichfoot and Charlotte Alum in there as well. They seem to have aweful strong personal opinions regarding me. [/b]

Whoa, if you’re going to bring me into this, let’s get the story straight shall we? You were the one sending threatening PMs to me, not the reverse as you imply. I simply said that you needed to grow up, which I still stand by and am willing to tell you so to your face. You on the other hand were the one throwing a temper tantrum over a simple statement made over the internet, so maybe you should be the one locked into the office playing on the computer so you can continue with your little threats. (insert smiley of someone shaking in their boots)

As far as I’m concerned, you are not worth my time and frankly I could care less whether or not you will be in attendance. [/b]

You brought my wife and personal life onto this board which is crossing the line. I sent you a pm requesting you delete it and you refused. What a guy. Don’t try to spin it any other way.

[b] which I still stand by and am willing to tell you so to your face. [/b]

Well I will look forward to meeting you then. I will probably be there, not because it is a ninernation event, just because I am there before and after every game. See you then.


I agree, it was an invitation to a fight when I was 11. And only 11 year olds make it. What’s it an invitation to when an adult makes it? It makes me wonder if he’s serious.

If he really did beat me up for saying I think he’s a jerk that’d be fine with me. Wounds heel and he’d be in jail. But given the nuts that run around you never know.

[i]Originally posted by Jimmyhat49er[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 04:00 PM [b] Forget it, I give up......I'm going back to the Goldduster thread... Back to the happy place... [/b]
That sounds like a good idea. It's hot in here, but it's always sunny and a breezy 72 degrees in the Goldduster thread.
[i]Originally posted by 49erpi[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 03:52 PM [b] Quite the contrary, I don't give a sh*t what you think about me.

No, I say it is never a good idea to say anything on a message board that you are not prepared to say to someones face. Big difference. I also don’t think it is a good idea to go around calling anyone a jerk to their face, unless it is something you feel strongly about, then good luck in life because you are going to take some beatings, I would imagine. Why don’t you walk around campus calling people jerks and see how that works out for you?

Here’s and idea, how about just not calling people names on the board, that way you don’t have to use half a thread worrying about who you may have pissed off.

Now I have done my share of insulting on this board, however everyone knows who I am and where to find me if they want to have a beer and discuss opinions with me. Plenty of posters here have met me and we seem to get along just fine. You on the other hand are just a smarta$$ kid hiding behind a username and now you are coming off as a real puss. [/b]

Yet you’re willing to beat me up over it. Didn’t you call me a hypocrit at one point?

I will grant you I’m a smart a$$ but 21 isn’t exactly a kid. And if you think I’m worried about getting in a fight with you you’re mistaken. If your just some random person with emotional problems I’ll be willing to beat you down like any other if necessary. But given that I have no idea who you are you could be some gun toating psycho path.

Just trying to be prepared. In any case I have no intention of walking up to you and calling you any names. If by some misfortune we meet and your a jerk to me, I’ll happily tell you. The rest is up to you.

Jimmy I want to drink with you dude, you seem like a good guy.

[b]You brought my wife and personal life onto this board which is crossing the line.[/b]

Once again, I will tell you that YOUR WIFE WAS NOT IN THE POST. It was about YOU and how you should grow up. Plain and simple GROW UP.

[b]I sent you a pm requesting you delete it and you refused. What a guy. Don't try to spin it any other way. [/b]

Um no, wrong again, your first PM was:

[b]Keep my wife and family out of this and any other forum you f****** cocksucker. [/b]

I still have the PM and could forward it to you to jog your memory. And furthermore, you didn’t ask me to delete the post until your 4th PM.

[b]Well I will look forward to meeting you then. I will probably be there, not because it is a ninernation event, just because I am there before and after every game. See you then. [/b]

Well feel free to introduce yourself if it will make you feel better. And let me make this very clear, if you try anything, and I mean anything, I will have you arrested and I will press charges.

Is any of this “threat” crap for real?

How does one guy make so many peolpe uncomfortable?