NinerNation.Net Pregame Party - Role Call

Holy crap ya’ll. Maybe this will distract you. :smiley:

[i]Originally posted by NormanNiner[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 05:17 PM [b] Holy crap ya'll. Maybe this will distract you. :D [/b]

A picture of Michael Vartan might work here - but she doesn’t do it for me. Sorry, I’m into “Outties” not “Innies”. I’m sure that Lutzfan will probably like it though.

Hey, iam4uncc, are you and your wife coming Saturday night?

[i]Originally posted by CharlotteAlum+Jan 6 2005, 04:19 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (CharlotteAlum @ Jan 6 2005, 04:19 PM)

I too have been on the receiving end of a pi say it to my face private message, but I’ll have to say I deserved it. :smiley:

How bout we look at Norman’s picture and move on. It’s the internet and nothing anyone says about anyone else here deminishes them as a person or means a damn thing.

I’ll be in Texas on Saturday so I can’t make the event. Hopefully we’ll have another one for another game down the road. That is as long as the riot police don’t have to be called to this one. :blink:

Aw, come on… that’s the best you can do? How come you guys get a Half nude chick and I get a fully clothed Hottie? I would like some frontal nudity too!

However the chick does help inspire me for my upcoming evening workout… Hot Yoga!! :smiley:

[i]Originally posted by CharlotteAlum[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 04:25 PM [b] Aw, come on... that's the best you can do? How come you guys get a Half nude chick and I get a fully clothed Hottie? I would like some frontal nudity too!

However the chick does help inspire me for my upcoming evening workout… Hot Yoga!! :smiley: [/b]

I will try and find a better pic of him… you know I got skillz in this area.

Can we get some (men’s) soccer team shots in the Goldduster thread as well?? :stuck_out_tongue:

[i]Originally posted by CharlotteAlum[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 04:27 PM [b] Can we get some (men's) soccer team shots in the Goldduster thread as well?? :P [/b]
I aim to please all of our members, male and female.
[i]Originally posted by CharlotteAlum[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 04:27 PM [b] Can we get some (men's) soccer team shots in the Goldduster thread as well?? :P [/b]
No. :D
[i]Originally posted by CharlotteAlum[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 04:19 PM [b] A picture of Michael Vartan might work here - but she doesn't do it for me. Sorry, I'm into "Outties" not "Innies". I'm sure that Lutzfan will probably like it though. [/b]
Shes not bad, but I prefer the Florida State Cheerleader in the golddusters thread.
[i]Originally posted by LutzFan+Jan 6 2005, 04:39 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (LutzFan @ Jan 6 2005, 04:39 PM)
[i]Originally posted by LutzFan+Jan 6 2005, 05:39 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (LutzFan @ Jan 6 2005, 05:39 PM)

Yeah, the FSU cheerleader wannabe is rather on the trashy side to say the least. MUCH better option posted right above her.

[i]Originally posted by BigDNiner+Jan 6 2005, 04:11 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (BigDNiner @ Jan 6 2005, 04:11 PM)
[i]Originally posted by CharlotteAlum[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 04:14 PM [b] [QUOTE]You brought my wife and personal life onto this board which is crossing the line.[/QUOTE]

Once again, I will tell you that YOUR WIFE WAS NOT IN THE POST. It was about YOU and how you should grow up. Plain and simple GROW UP.

[QUOTE]I sent you a pm requesting you delete it and you refused. What a guy. Don’t try to spin it any other way.

Um no, wrong again, your first PM was:

I still have the PM and could forward it to you to jog your memory. And furthermore, you didn’t ask me to delete the post until your 4th PM.

Well feel free to introduce yourself if it will make you feel better. And let me make this very clear, if you try anything, and I mean anything, I will have you arrested and I will press charges. [/b]

[QUOTE]Once again, I will tell you that YOUR WIFE WAS NOT IN THE POST[QUOTE]

Yes she was. You purposely and clearly referred to her. I don’t care how you spin it. The reference was completely unecessary and the intent was malicious.

[/QUOTE]I still have the PM and could forward it to you to jog your memory.[QUOTE]

I still have them as well. I asked you more than once to remove it and you refused. What a guy.

[/QUOTE]And let me make this very clear, if you try anything, and I mean anything, I will have you arrested and I will press charges.[QUOTE]

This may be the most chickensh*t statement I have ever read.

Could you be a bigger wuss? Who said anything about an altercation anyway? You and BigD are paranoid.

Let me get this straight…you and BigD instigate and take cheapshots at me…then you two decide that I am looking for a physical altercation…now I have two guys threatening to press charges over something they initiated and that would never occur to begin with?

This is an all time classic. Now I can’t wait to meet these guys.

number of members 49erpi has threatened: 11 (12 after he reads this post)
number of threats he has acted on: 0


and this is the guy that is calling out other people for hiding behind their keyboards? :lol:

no 49erpi, its not just a coincidence that you have made so many enemies on this board… YOU are the instigator. i don’t think anyone here would be too sad if you never posted again.

[i]Originally posted by 1990niner[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 06:32 PM [b] number of members 49erpi has threatened: 11 (12 after he reads this post) number of threats he has acted on: 0


and this is the guy that is calling out other people for hiding behind their keyboards? :lol:

no 49erpi, its not just a coincidence that you have made so many enemies on this board… YOU are the instigator. i don’t think anyone here would be too sad if you never posted again. [/b]

Oh boy, another guy on post #1= another multiple username. Talk about gutless.

[b]and this is the guy that is calling out other people for hiding behind their keyboards?[/b]

Here is the difference genious…almost everyone on this board knows who I am and where to find me. If you don’t know, just ask around and someone will tell you where I sit at games and my real name…probably my business name too and I really don’t care because I do not hide from my opinions. I have even had my picture posted on the board on purpose, so there would be no confusion. Furthermore I am at Picasso’s University before and after games and many nights in between. I’m not hard to find as everyone there knows me.

Who are you? You are “dickless” hiding behind multiple usernames.

Number of people I have threatened: 0

Chance that you are not a multiple username loser: 0


How did a thread about a party go so far down hill? :wacko:

[i]Originally posted by 49erpi[/i]@Jan 6 2005, 06:09 PM [b] I have two guys threatening to press charges over something they initiated and that would never occur to begin with? [/b]
I believe CharlotteAlum is a woman. Either that, or if it's a guy he's a switch hitter. :huh: :)

Big D Niner is an official tool. :ph34r: