NinerNation.Net Pregame Party - Role Call

[i]Originally posted by NormanNiner[/i]@Jan 7 2005, 07:50 AM [b] I believe CharlotteAlum is a woman. [/b]
I'm blown away that it took this long for most people to realize that. Thought it was pretty obvious from day one. :P

Did anyone see yesterday on Channel 62 that I went out with Whitley Gilbert? It truly was a good day jackals.

[b]Yes she was. You purposely and clearly referred to her. I don't care how you spin it. The reference was completely unecessary and the intent was malicious. [/b]

It referred to you and the fact that for your situation (happy?) that you should act as a responsible and mature adult, which clearly from your actions on this board (yes your actions on a internet messageboard) show that you do no such. And tell me how it was malicious??? The definition of malice is feeling a need to see others suffer. To me, it’s more like feeling the need to have a more positive experience out of this board which your immaturity in the majority of threads prevents.

[b]I still have them as well. I asked you more than once to remove it and you refused. What a guy.[/b]

Okay, well then refer back to them and you’ll see that you did not ask me to remove it until the 4th response after several threatening and insulting messages. I’m sorry but you cannot disrespect someone and then expect them to listen to your demands. I don’t know about you but it doesn’t work like that in my house or my life for that matter. And by the time that you did ask me to delete it the thread was already locked and off of the main page. Besides, once a thread is locked you cannot edit any posts genius!

[b]This may be the most chickensh*t statement I have ever read.

Could you be a bigger wuss? Who said anything about an altercation anyway? You and BigD are paranoid.

Let me get this straight…you and BigD instigate and take cheapshots at me…then you two decide that I am looking for a physical altercation…now I have two guys threatening to press charges over something they initiated and that would never occur to begin with?

This is an all time classic. Now I can’t wait to meet these guys.

Do you not understand that I am a woman?!? How much clearer do I need to make it?? Any guy that lays a finger on me with ill intent, or even threatens to, I will have arrested without even blinking an eye. You should have more respect to women that to do such and I was making my intentions very blatant to you since you can’t seem to take hints. Besides, I don’t want my husband to get involved in this petty argument.

How else would someone take it when you keep saying, I can’t wait to meet you, or see you… Blah Blah?? If you don’t plan to take action then you are one big talker with nothing to back it up pi.

What I said was not a cheap shot. It was a simple statement that anyone could make by observing you which you have made it blantantly obvious who you are. You are then one that threatened me and took it to PMs which if you refer back to, I was the innocent party while you were the foul mouth, trash talking instigator.

Oh and everyone take notice that pi always has to have the last word. It’s kind of funny really. He would PM me until I got tired of his antics and stopped responding, and then a couple of days later out of the blue he would start again. So don’t think that you’ll ever get the last word, I certainly don’t expect to. So go ahead pi, tell me how I’m wrong, that I’m this word, or that word, I hope it makes you feel better. Does it improve your ego? Does it make you sleep better at night? Does it fix other things that may not be right in your life? I hope so because to me it seems awfully pathetic and immature.

[b]QUOTE (NormanNiner @ Jan 7 2005, 07:50 AM) I believe CharlotteAlum is a woman.

I’m blown away that it took this long for most people to realize that. Thought it was pretty obvious from day one. [/b]

Yeah it just takes some longer than others to see the obvious. And I look forward to finally meeting you tomorrow JCL. I hope that the event turns out really well. I already know that the Banner will Kick some major Boo-Tay!

I hope that all of you that are able will turn out - it will be nice to put a face with all of the names.