off topic bickering

[quote=“J Felt, post:661, topic:12730”]I don’t get it, I really don’t.

Go to NC State, get recruited over, be criticized when you’re not a star right away. Be remembered years afterwards as a really good point guard that came through.

Go to Charlotte, be a hero and have every future point guard compared to you. How long has it been since Colson, and everyone still wants our PGs to live up to him?[/quote]

Maybe this will help…

Tyler is most effective when he has the athletes that can run the court with him. His talent is best displayed in an uptempo offense with players that can finish at the basket.

While he has broken every record a point guard can posses at Forsyth Country Day the team still is not one of the best High School teams in the country. He just doesn’t have the supporting cast.

Tyler makes his team mates look good. He finds the open man. He sees plays develop and gets the ball to the open man on time and on target.

As a member of a National travel team he is unbelievable. Going against the best talent in the country he puts on clinics. He is a special player.

Why does he want to play in the ACC? Same reason every kid wants to play in the NBA…It’s were basketball is played at it’s highest level. If he has the skill and talent to play in the ACC that’s what he is going to do.

Why will he not be at Wake? He does not want to play for the current coaching staff.

Why did he chose NC State… Because he felt like he could come in there and be successful. He sees an opportunity to take a team that has been middle of the Pack for sometime and take them to the top of the ACC.

If he goes to UNC or Duke he will be a great player on a great team with a great tradition.

Bottom line is he can be the difference maker at State.

Would he be a difference maker at Charlotte? Yes sir! Would Charlotte then be a National Power…probably not without the players to go with him.

Tyler is not just about playing for any ACC school. Tyler really wants to play in a system that will allow him to utilize his skill set.

I can’t wait for everyone to see Tyler on national TV twice a week and get a chance to see what a rare talent he is.

So Jimmer shouldn’t have gone to BYU?
So Curry shouldn’t have gone to Davidson?

These guys should have played at big time schools, they’d have been more successful, right? They barely got noticed at those schools without big time talent around them.

If he’s as confident in his abilities as you are, then he could come to Charlotte and make us nationally relavant, make us a product to put on TV, and become a storied hero we’d always look back on.

I bet he’s a special talent, and wish him luck at NC State. It’s commendable what he’s saying about staying committed. (of course, they could hire a staff he doesn’t want to play for there, too)

I could be wrong, but I feel like he’s going to an ACC school for the same reason Jackson Simmons chose to walk-on at UNC instead of come here and be and be an immediate impact player… he wants to be able to tell all his buddies he’s going to an ACC school. He doesn’t want to tell all his friends he’s going to Charlotte and get “who? are they D1?” responses.

Kudos to the recruits we’ve landed who did not have their heads up the ACC’s ass.

Having said that, I wish Tyler the best of luck wherever he goes.

Maybe TL wants to play against top competition, can’t fault him for that. We always blame kids that choose the ACC over us. What makes us a great landing spot for a kid? Outside of playing time, we have nothing to offer (right now).

Why does he want to play in the ACC? Same reason every kid wants to play in the NBA…It’s were basketball is played at it’s highest level.

I stopped reading right here. You do realize the ACC is closer to CUSA than the Big East which is the best conference in the nation. Duke and Chapel Hill are like Memphis and everyone else is closer to mid major than the hype machine would ever allow to be said out loud. Without the tourney expanding to 68 the ACC would only have had 3 teams in this year. 3 teams for the best conference in the land is a stretch in anyones book. One of those teams FSU sometimes strugles to score 45 points.

Hopefully kids in the future will start to see thru the facade and the hype and not keep commiting to play for the ACC and start commiting to play for their college choices and the advantages that will bring.

If he wants to be on Natl TV twice a week then the deal with Raycom and the ACC will put a crimp in those plans.

Good luck to Tyler and I hope he waits and sees who they will bring in before finalizing his decison because all the reasons you listed why he would go there (great supporting cast of athletes for him to run with) could be long gone depending on the hire and new system implemented. His family seems to be connected and thoughtful on his decisions so I doubt they have not thought thru this situation and have a gameplan when the new Coach is announced.

TSD is right, the Big East is far and away the best bball in college hoops. If he wanted to play at the highest level, he could have gone to one of the thirty eight teams in that beastly league.

Yes, the grapes are very sour, can you tell? lol

[quote=“TheShowDawg, post:5, topic:25154”]Why does he want to play in the ACC? Same reason every kid wants to play in the NBA…It’s were basketball is played at it’s highest level.

I stopped reading right here. You do realize the ACC is closer to CUSA than the Big East which is the best conference in the nation. Duke and Chapel Hill are like Memphis and everyone else is closer to mid major than the hype machine would ever allow to be said out loud. Without the tourney expanding to 68 the ACC would only have had 3 teams in this year. 3 teams for the best conference in the land is a stretch in anyones book. One of those teams FSU sometimes strugles to score 45 points.

Hopefully kids in the future will start to see thru the facade and the hype and not keep commiting to play for the ACC and start commiting to play for their college choices and the advantages that will bring.

If he wants to be on Natl TV twice a week then the deal with Raycom and the ACC will put a crimp in those plans.

Good luck to Tyler and I hope he waits and sees who they will bring in before finalizing his decison because all the reasons you listed why he would go there (great supporting cast of athletes for him to run with) could be long gone depending on the hire and new system implemented. His family seems to be connected and thoughtful on his decisions so I doubt they have not thought thru this situation and have a gameplan when the new Coach is announced.[/quote]

Thank god someone said it. It was getting nauseating. Thanks for the reality check TSD.

Amen, TSD.

Is clt49ers TL’s dad?

One of my favorite things to do is listen to an ACC lackey interview someone involved with Boston College basketball. Pure comedy. “So how good does it feel to look back and realize that your school was able to move up to a true basketball power conference?”

What high level talent does he get to run with at NC State? I understand they had a highly rated class come in this year but it didn’t get them anywhere.

Middle of the pack in the ACC? You may want to check the standings of the ACC again… for the past couple seasons. The only thing middle of the “pack” about NCSU is there nickname. Wolf"pack".

Good luck to him.

I was going to comment on the ACC being the ‘highest level’ but others have covered that for me. Its really not even close. Maybe it was 20 years ago, but certainly not recently. Expansion really watered down that league.

At the same point and time, I can’t blame him. I used to think kids were crazy back in the day for going to some of these middle to end tier ACC programs when it was quite obvious we were the better choice if they wanted to get to the NCAA’s. We’re not anymore. I can see why they’d go elsewhere. That is part of the reason I’m so impressed with Major’s recruiting so far (on paper).

Expansion did not water down the ACC, lack of top tier coaches has lessened the league. Just compare the Big East coaches to those of the ACC, not even close close.

national television twice a week? Good luck with that, Chapel Hill and Duke doesn’t even get on that much.

If Duke has two games, Duke is always on twice a week. Can’t speak for UNC though.

If you do well in the ACC you have a better chance at going pro than you do if you do well in the A10.

[quote=“TheShowDawg, post:5, topic:25154”]Why does he want to play in the ACC? Same reason every kid wants to play in the NBA…It’s were basketball is played at it’s highest level.

I stopped reading right here. You do realize the ACC is closer to CUSA than the Big East which is the best conference in the nation. Duke and Chapel Hill are like Memphis and everyone else is closer to mid major than the hype machine would ever allow to be said out loud. Without the tourney expanding to 68 the ACC would only have had 3 teams in this year. 3 teams for the best conference in the land is a stretch in anyones book. One of those teams FSU sometimes strugles to score 45 points.

Hopefully kids in the future will start to see thru the facade and the hype and not keep commiting to play for the ACC and start commiting to play for their college choices and the advantages that will bring.

If he wants to be on Natl TV twice a week then the deal with Raycom and the ACC will put a crimp in those plans.

Good luck to Tyler and I hope he waits and sees who they will bring in before finalizing his decison because all the reasons you listed why he would go there (great supporting cast of athletes for him to run with) could be long gone depending on the hire and new system implemented. His family seems to be connected and thoughtful on his decisions so I doubt they have not thought thru this situation and have a gameplan when the new Coach is announced.[/quote]

How do I even respond to such a comment? Since we are speaking of Tyler and his desire to play in the ACC you basically say the level of basketball in that conference is not elite. OK here are the number of titles by conference:

13 - Pacific 10
12 - Atlantic Coast
10 - Big East
10 - Big Ten
10 - Southeastern
5 - Big XII
3 - Mountain West
2 - West Coast
1- Patriot, Horizon, Atlantic 10, Conference USA

I’m sure you can spin this as well. Go ahead and clarify that you acknowledged Duke and UNC are elite…blah blah blah. But several years the ACC has gotten 6 and 7 teams in the tournament. Your argument that the ACC is not one of the highest level conferences is ridiculous.

NC STATE SUCKS plain and simple. Tyler will never play in front of Ryan Harrow or Brown.

He will basically have the same role as Gonzalez took on the last half of the season.

Dont fool yourself everyone on the D-1 level is good/great in HIGH SCHOOL.

If anyone thinks that TL is to good to play in the A-10/Charlotte you must have not seen him play up close and in person.

TJ McConnell is and was a much better PG than TL at the same point in their career and he did’nt get half the hype, choose the A-10 and is having a great start.

The ACC graveyard is full of high school legends who have died in a sea of mediocrity .

Tyler Lewis could very well add another tombstone.

[quote=“sokool, post:18, topic:25154”]NC STATE SUCKS plain and simple. Tyler will never play in front of Ryan Harrow or Brown.

He will basically have the same role as Gonzalez took on the last half of the season.

Dont fool yourself everyone on the D-1 level is good/great in HIGH SCHOOL.

If anyone thinks that TL is to good to play in the A-10/Charlotte you must have not seen him play up close and in person.

TJ McConnell is and was a much better PG than TL at the same point in their career and he did’nt get half the hype, choose the A-10 and is having a great start.

The ACC graveyard is full of high school legends who have died in a sea of mediocrity .

Tyler Lewis could very well add another tombstone.[/quote]How would you have liked people saying those things about Deuce when he was coming out IF (which he wasn’t) signed with a team in a power conference?

Can you provide examples where being in the A14 hurt someone’s chances at being a pro?

If you’re a great player these days, you get a shot.