Open Mike - AD Forum šŸŽ¤

Another day, another explanation for the logo on my chest to out of town folks. 49ers immediately invoked NFL responses. Baltimore, Des Moines, IA, San Francisco and LA on the line. More confused faces as Iā€™m explaining. So tired of this. We have absolutely zero national presence.

In a lot of ways the problems are worse than when I first graduated college because I could at least remind people that we recently danced. Now thereā€™s really nothing to say other than our conference.

Same old same old. Judy gets zero credit, shitload of blame but we were arguably better off then.

Not gonna practice revisionist history, actually Iā€™ll drop it. But I will finish with we have more excuses than Hostess has Twinkies

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I disagree that Will looked like a good hire before he got here. I drank the kool aid after he got here but he was not a good hire on paper IMO.

Edit - I see what youre sayingā€¦he was a good hire for a short window of time. Still though, with how bad it ended, I dont know that its a hire worth defending.

Hootie, I didnā€™t mean to tick you off.

I donā€™t think Mike has been a bust, but he has not gotten it done in 3 key areas. Forgot my opinion, thatā€™s a problem for his career here.

The only part of this discussion where I get riled up is the Judy stuff. ā€œBenign Neglectā€ is what the Observer called her administration. Ultimate DMV employee. Ugh.

Sloth Dmv GIF

Yeah Wills hire - like Biffs was a big huh?

His time here was good, then not good then really bad.

All I know is if we hire a new person and have the same money issues we are going to have the same results.

Most ADs, good ones, get the big money sponsors and donors in before the winning happens. They have to be able to sell a vision. That goes past Ws and Ls. So far have not see Mike be able to do that. We have gotten some money in - Will specifically closed a few multi million dollar gifts, but I donā€™t see Mike making a ton of headway there.

We were. Mostly because of Jeff Mullins who laid all that groundwork. All our basketball success had Jeffs fingerprints on it.

On the money side of things we are way better than where we were with Judy, but still no where close to enough.

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Hey man Iā€™m not mad, just agree to disagree. Itā€™s a chat board. Iā€™d love to buy all yā€™all a beer and have a round table and laugh about it. Well, Iā€™d laugh, hope yā€™all would

TSD and BigTime know me pretty well. They know I ainā€™t ever pissed about much


Judyā€™s hires:

Basketball - Melvin Watkins, Bobby Lutz, Alan Major, Mark Price
Football - Brad Lambert

Basketball - 2/4(?) - .500 (Iā€™m not familiar with Watkins as that was before my time)
Football - 0/1(?)

She wouldnā€™t fire Lambert, which led to her ouster. Judy could have been in office longer if she would have let Lambert go after the 2017 season.

Yes, basketball was better during the early part of her administration. However, it also collapsed during her administration, and she didnā€™t make a move to help it.

Jeff Mullins got us in CUSA 1 regardless who had the title of AD. Without that, we have no relevant success for the past almost 1/2 century!


She didnā€™t want to hire Melvin. Jeff basically told her she had to.

Judy nor Mike have hired a successful basketball or football coach.

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Bobby doesnā€™t count as a successful basketball coach?

Bobby was on Jeffā€™s staff. Jeff hired Bobby. I guess Judy gets credit for promoting Bobby although the precedent was already set with Melvin.

Thatā€™s my only pointā€¦she still had to promote him, which she didnā€™t have to do (though Iā€™m glad she did). So, itā€™s fair to say every hire after Booby was fired was unsuccessful by both ADs (though the jury is still out on Fearne).

I notice you set the timeframe to ignore the 70ā€™s. Nice selectivity, my compliments

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Hootie, the only time I know you to be Pissed is when you Canā€™t get a beer,.

I agree with you on Judy. There is plenty to complain about, but some refuse to ever give her credit for anything. Any credit will go to someone else even though she was AD at the time. I donā€™t really give a ā€œcrapā€ about who is better but atleast use the same metrics to compare.

Be respectable in Football (Beat App, Split with ECU) go to a bowl 50% of the time - Im Ok with it.
Would like to be on ECUā€™s level with baseball. No reason at all not to do this.
Would like to make the NCAA tourny 3 out of 4 years but would be happy with 2 out of 4 for now.
I realize after typing this how big of a step up this is from our current situation.

I will give Judy big credit for moving to just Charlotte. I know she worked hard on that. It was the right move.


On the station formerly known as 610 yesterday they mentioned the extra funding for stadium planning in the news section. Baileyā€™s comments following it were about Hill and wondering how much latitude heā€™s been given with the coaching hires in basketball and football that havenā€™t worked out (Iā€™m paraphrasing).

I just mention this here because these misses are getting talked about in the local sports media now even other good news about the program is being reported. Itā€™s obvious but heā€™s got to have either Poggi or the next basketball hire to work out.

If you canā€™t raise money - coaching hires donā€™t matter.

I am curious what Gaberā€™s view of current situation is. If Poggi doesnā€™t work that is the second high profile miss in football. He needs a splash hire in basketball, but given money constraints I donā€™t see that happening.

It all comes back to money money money. We have grown the club and itā€™s raising more than ever, so that is good. The problem is small donors donā€™t really matter to get us to the next level. They need big sponsor deals and a new really big donor or two. Havenā€™t seen any movement there.

Wins and losses and coaching hires get the pub - but it all comes back to money.

We are #79 in athletics budgets. Middle of the pack for FBS schools and top 25% overall. More money is important, but you and a few others keep drilling this narrative that we canā€™t be successful without more money.

Our budget is higher than FAU who is coming off a Final Four run. We absolutely have the resources to run successful revenue sports programs. We arenā€™t going to win a national championship, but the reason we are in the situation we are is because of bad decisions, gimmicky hires, and overall poor stewardship of the funds already available at their disposal.

Leadership has to do better. They have to be more accountable. They have to own their failures and make corrections and move forward. This absolutely is not solely a money issue and the revisionism is tiring.