Open Mike - AD Forum šŸŽ¤

Keep in mind though that there is a big pot for athletics. Some schools dump money in specific buckets and leave other sports to the bare minimum. I think Charlotte has a focus on winning across all sports so the money is distributed differently. Right or wrong that seems to be why we had so many conference championships last year while we trail our peers in the big ones. That is my hope for why we suck in those anyway.

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It isnā€™t all a money thing, but money is the route of all things.

Make a bad hire and the ability to get out from underneath is money.
Make a stupid extension and the ability to get out from that is money.
Want a bigger marketing push? Money
Want better facilities? Money
Want to hire better administrators? Money
And now want better players or retain your players? Money

I am far more concerned about Mike performance on the money side than the wins and losses. Bad hires happen - but the ability to navigate those and hire better candidates is money related. If he canā€™t raise more money then we are dead in the water in the current world of athletics.

We are more than 10 mil behind ECU in budget 20 behind Memphis and that doesnā€™t count the capital funds drive.

Big schools fuck up hiring all the time. They just buy their way out of it. We canā€™t because we are trailing our peers in money intake and that is on Mike. That to me is the #1 thing an AD has to do - because it makes everything else easier. And from the Chancellorā€™s POV I would imagine money issues trump all other concerns - besides some sort of major scandal.

Related to that student fee went up $20. Another fee came off so it wonā€™t be felt - but itā€™s bullshit. Our students should not have to see their investment in this continue to increase. It should be decreasing. And if we are raising that fee because Mike canā€™t get the fund raising done - then that is a sign we need to move on.

NC for the win, drop the micā€¦.

Iā€™ve never been as ties to Ws and Ls as some other folks. If that is your metric I get it. I have always had a pretty pragmatic view of that side of athletics. What I expect is strong strategic leadership, being able to position the university athletics appropriately and to find the fund needed to allow for success.

Just depends on what you view as concern 1 and 2. At the end of the day one feeds the other.

  • devote all available funds to mbb and fb
  • spread $ to all programs
0 voters

Wins and losses are the only thing that matters. Thats why you play

Jeff Mullins quote : If winning didntā€™t matter, they wouldnā€™t keep score!"

This is great and wholeheartedly agree

I didnā€™t say I didnā€™t care about Winning just that I have other metrics in addition to that that matter at the AD level. If you canā€™t raise money, winning is going to be hard to do and even harder to sustain.l and mistakeā€™s difficult overcome.

If we win and canā€™t capitalize on it money wise it doesnā€™t matter. Which is where Judy was.

Coaches are judged by Ws and Ls. ADs by way more.

Iā€™ve preferred the approach of if you canā€™t afford to fire them you canā€™t afford to hire them.

This is the same chicken/egg argument weā€™ve had for years. Ultimately, in the big 2 sports thereā€™s no denying weā€™ve underachieved in relation to our budget.

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No argument there. Especially in basketball.

Watching JMU and especially now today, Tulane, hire new football coachesā€¦ I feel like we make this much much harder than it is. Hiring the Troy coach at Tulane was so damn good. Iā€™m jealous.

Meanwhile JMU basketball is good too, and they play in a brand new arena thatā€™s nicer than Halton.

I was talking about this at lunch yesterday. I wish we would stop with the high risk high reward guys and just be basic. Ron was basic - given it didnā€™t work, but hiring someone that make senses is just is so obvious. I donā€™t need a sexy hire, I need a common sense blue color hire. Just a dude that has spent his life getting better or one that needs another shot.

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After seeing Duke hire Diaz, I wondered if we even talked to him?

FWIW, I would rather have the Troy coach than Diaz.


USF hired Alex Golesch, OC from the best offense in the country. They go from 1-11 to 6-6 in one year and have an identity and a plan.

Thereā€™s established ways of hiring coaches for a reason. In the AAC you hire a hotshot P5 coordinator, another G5 or FCS HC with sustained success, or promote from within.

We have broken the mold and need to break out the super glue for the next hire if Poggi doesnā€™t work.


There are no guarantees when it comes to hiring coaches, but you can make a sensible hire. If we hire the wrong guy, it happens. The question is is the hire defensible. The only hire like that that we have really made in either sport recently was Ron, AHC off #1 team.

Alan - 3rd assistant
Price - NBA guy
Lambert - DC off terrible D
Will - HC but very little experience
Biff - Not a HC and even less experience than Will

I donā€™t get why we are making this harder than it needs to be.


Thereā€™s no guarantees. We all despise him but Mike Houston is as close to a cant miss as youā€™ll see and heā€™s flopping at ECU.

Sanchez was the right pick on paper too.

I donā€™t consider Lambert a failure in spite of his last year.

Healy was a bit of a reach but I didnā€™t hate it.

Alan Major recruited better than arguably anybody weā€™ve had since the 70ā€™s but it didnā€™t translate to wins. Woods, Dorn, Lester and Izunda were big ass gets before Iā€™m shot down for that last statement.

Poggi, wasnt happy with the results, and I lost a bet but I hope he turns it around

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Major assembled a very solid recruiting staff. Not a very good HC but his staff landed talent.

Iā€™m the real idiot. I bought in and bet on us to win the conference. Like a pretty big bet. What a dummy. Totally bought in to the unsubstantiated hype.

Hope we turn it around next year but I wonā€™t be making big bets again.

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