ESPN - Minnesota’s Mindset

Always was, and always will be a Vincent Grier fan. Thought this article was kind of interesting since alot of people keep saying he wasn’t a team player.

“I think they’re very unselfish,” Penn State coach Ed DeChellis said. “The kid Grier is a very, very good player and he really never forces stuff. I think he could score every time he touched it, but he doesn’t have that kind of mentality. He has the mentality that he’s going to get his teammates shots and make other guys around him better.”

[i]Originally posted by ballboy[/i]@Jan 13 2005, 08:46 AM [b] [url=http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/columns/story?columnist=shelman_jeff&id=1965263]ESPN - Minnesota's Mindset[/url]

Always was, and always will be a Vincent Grier fan. Thought this article was kind of interesting since alot of people keep saying he wasn’t a team player.

“I think they’re very unselfish,” Penn State coach Ed DeChellis said. “The kid Grier is a very, very good player and he really never forces stuff. I think he could score every time he touched it, but he doesn’t have that kind of mentality. He has the mentality that he’s going to get his teammates shots and make other guys around him better.” [/b]

People on this board just bash him because he left here and he didn’t like Lutz. Bottom line is that the kid is a player and we ran him off. It’s a shame.


There were and are still a lot of Grier fans. I still watch him when I can. He would have been a great addition to this team.

Count me in as a Grier fan. I had a problem with him when he was here, but looking back, that might have been more a product of us having a terrible season.

I don’t think he was given as much of a chance as he deserved, he was only here one season and he had some awesome games.

One thing we can all agree on, he is no Plavich.

17 points a game for a 12-3, 1-1 in the Big ten team. What a bad attitude.

81% from the free throw line.

Greir did wonders for our team chemistry, hey maybe we could have made him team captain so he could punch the lights out of anyone who he didnt agree with. Greir wouldnt be alive right now if Clemmons had decided to fight back. But then again neither would Clemmons, Griers posse would have smoked his ass like a cheap cigar.

Seriously I wish Greir the best, but I’m not unhappy at all thet he is gone, it was best for him and our team.

Grier may have been bad for chemsitry, but like I said, it was likely more a product of the environment. There was more than one problem on that team, and looking back I wish we could have gotten another year out of him to see how things worked out.

Regardless, he’s nasty and looks like he’s doing great things for Minnesota.

Sorry guys I have to disagree with you on this one. Lot of guys on the team did not like Vince. He was bad for chemistry. He had a ton of heart and his playing ability was never a question, but he didn’t have the team first attitude. He was a me player and for a freshman who wasn’t a paticularly good scorer anyways, that type of attitude rubs teammates the wrong way. He came in telling the team how he would be a one and done, he was cocky and some of the guys didn’t like that. Not to mention the fight with Cal. I’m not sad he’s gone, OK guy outside of basketball, but he was a little too egotistical for our team IMO.

[i]Originally posted by 49erpi+Jan 13 2005, 09:27 AM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (49erpi @ Jan 13 2005, 09:27 AM)

Maybe the Charlotte Obs will do an article on him sometime when Justin Gray has an off night.

[i]Originally posted by 49erFan1[/i]@Jan 14 2005, 09:03 AM [b] Sorry guys I have to disagree with you on this one. Lot of guys on the team did not like Vince. He was bad for chemistry. He had a ton of heart and his playing ability was never a question, but he didn't have the team first attitude. He was a me player and for a freshman who wasn't a paticularly good scorer anyways, that type of attitude rubs teammates the wrong way. He came in telling the team how he would be a one and done, he was cocky and some of the guys didn't like that. Not to mention the fight with Cal. I'm not sad he's gone, OK guy outside of basketball, but he was a little too egotistical for our team IMO. [/b]
Fan1, are you a former player? I knew about the Clemmons altercation but didn't realize it was that bad.
[i]Originally posted by 49erpi+Jan 13 2005, 09:27 AM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (49erpi @ Jan 13 2005, 09:27 AM)

Grier didn’t like playing behind Eddie. I’ll take Eddie over Grier every day and twice on Sunday.

As 49erfan1 said, he was a killer to team chemistry. Tons of talent and I wish him the best. But he’s better off where he is and so are we.

I heard reports from people that played on his AAU team and they stated he was a chemistry problem and would be to whatever team he plays for.

Grier’s a good team player as long as he’s the man and his team is winning.

Chemistry- the second most overused and worthless term in all of sports, potential being the first.

The Oakland A’s in the 70’s hated each other and won titles. The Raiders of the 70’s didn’t exactly sing together in the 70’s and 80’s but they won. Thurman Munson hated Reggie but it didn’t hurt the Yanks much.

I could not care less if Grier or Minnesota win or play another game. He’s gone, piss on him. If he has a great year he’ll go pro, make a lot of money, get a few more tattos.

The reason we had a bad year wasn’t because of chemistry, it was be cause the best talent we had was inexperienced and we had no inside game. The games we won were because Demon caught fire a few times or the other team was bad. Not downgrading the program, we just weren’t very good that year.

[i]Originally posted by Mike Niner Hunt[/i]@Jan 14 2005, 03:50 AM [b] One thing we can all agree on, he is no Plavich.

17 points a game for a 12-3, 1-1 in the Big ten team. What a bad attitude.

81% from the free throw line. [/b]

It wasn’t between he and Plavich. It was between him and Eddie.

EB - 15 pts, 9 reb, 4 assist, 3 steals, 40% 3pt
VG - 17 pts, 5 reb, 3 assist, 1.5 steals, 37.5% 3pt

Normmm, he is actually playing the 2 now and wanted to do that here…since his only chance ot play pro ball is at the 2. He takes a lot of shots and is their go-to guy. He’s not an ideal 2 for our system, although I could have seen him develop into it. Bennett/Alexander will most likely be the 2 next year and they’re jump shooters, not necessarily “3-pt shooters”.

Would Lutz ever have started Grier over Plavich? I think that’s what it comes down to. There’s NO way he ever would have gotten ahead of Eddie. It just wasn’t a good fit here and Grier didn’t want to be a 6th man, so he left. I have no hard feelings, he never would have been the man here, he would have been a nice role player, but we are 11-2 right now so it’s hard to say “what if” when we’ve been in position to win all of our games this year.

[b] Lot of guys on the team did not like Vince[/b]

We can thank Demon for a lot of that. He took VG under his wing and that was Grier’s first mistake. Demon had him in a bar fight before the first game.

Those same players didn’t like Demon either but it didn’t stop him from playing here.