obviously this season is far from over but i’m excited about hoops and i wanted to think about next season. let’s assume we have a transfer and add a graduate transfer big man. what do you guys expect for starting lineup and minutes projection?
G young
G shephard
G martin
F williams
C graduate transfer big
i think the first off the bench is robb due to experience
I hope Williams is coming off of the bench next year. It means we have someone better in that spot. If he takes a huge sophomore leap great but nothing this season gives me confidence he should be starting on a team with 20 wins.
I wonder if Carrawell will contribute more or less than Williams next year.
Sanchez should just recruit annual FOTW award receivers and we’ll be fine
i think Supica will start at the 5. I think either CSC or BW3 will take drew’s minutes. You have to be at least moderately familiar with this system to really eat minutes. That said, Drew came in and has done a great job.
I do think that should Sanchez and co identify grad transfers to come in, they have done an impeccable job identifying talent to come in, contribute immediately, and fit within this scheme.
i agree with jb. i expect at least 10-15 minutes per game, maybe a bit more if threadgill can shoot from 3 at a high rate early and garcia because he appears to be super athletic and defensively sound.
Maybe not next season, but I definitely think Robb will be replaced within the rotation before his SR season. The guy gets it done despite his lack of physical attributes and ball skills, which I love, but whether it be Threadgill or someone else, we need more length and speed in the 1-3 positions. That’s why Sanchez can’t get enough guys 6-3 to 6-7.
After a graduate transfer big man, I’d say next on Sanchez’s wish list would be a 6-3 to 6-7 graduate transfer to take Edward’s spot in the starting lineup.
i also get the feeling that sanchez wanted a couple graduate transfers this season due to our inexperience. if i’m gonna guess, let’s say we have 2 guys transfer out, i only see him taking 1 graduate transfer. i imagine he wants vasic, williams or csc to take the starting job. i agree about robb but i think sanchez loves robb and i think robb will always deserve decent minutes, no matter how talented we are, due to some thing he gives us.
Coaches always love guys like Cooper Robb. He comes to work every day and gives it all he’s got. Robb will get minutes to prove that guys who play like that get on the floor, and prima donnas sit on the bench.
I’m a huge fan of Cooper Robb, long as he is here he will get solid minutes off the bench … The best thing CSC could have done was redshirt and gain some weight …he will be ready next year so will Brice Williams …here is my starting 5
Jahmir Young
Jordan Shepherd
Malik Martin
Brice Williams
Jared Garcia
Key reserves
Caleb Stone Carrawell
Cooper Robb
Milos Supica
Jackson Threadgill
Jared Garcia will be a force to be reckoned with down low defensively …
Brandon Younger just announced his intentions to transfer…I’d bet Sanchez is looking for another big because we have shooters now in Bertram…threadgill and Seth Bennett (watch out for him in a few years)
I honesty like Brice and CSC starting at the 3/4 … but Malik Martin has shown he can be a force on the defensive end
Lastly …I think either Supica or Vasic will be the second player to transfer …just my guess .
Just a gut feeling, and keep in mind I’m almost always wrong with starting lineup predictions…
Though I have a feeling we bring in a grad big man to start at center, who hopefully can have a Bamba-like or even Uchebo-like impact. But if not I think this is how it plays out.
No, no and no to Vasic or Supica transferring. I would hate to see that. I like both of those guys, especially Vasic (and we need all the inside help we can get (Supica) even if we get an incoming transfer.
Vasic redshirted last year with an injury so if he transfers I think he would lose a year so do not see him going anywhere. I could be wrong on losing a year, but he would have to sit out a year and I think that year would count.
Supica could transfer, but I think he is in a good position here unless he were to drop to a lower school for more playing time.
i really hope vasic stays. i think he fits the system well and he has upside. i like supica too and his experience inside. it sounds like you have some insight on garcia? you seem to think he can start from day 1. what are you basing this on if you don’t mind me asking?
People don’t seem to want to consider that Vasic is coming off an ACL tear and is still getting his game legs under him. He is the type player that is ideal for Sanchez’s system; a long versatile wing player that can hit the 3. He is learning the system in game conditions and I think he will be greatly improved next year and even more of a major contributor.