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There is a time line on the right side with the time of the latest post (E.G. 28 minutes). Click on the time
(28 minutes) and you won’t have to scroll.

Takes me to the latest post or to the last post I read in thread?

Example of what I’m saying… I clicked on the 23-24 basketball thread and it opened to 1 day ago post even though the “last read” line was several scrolls down

I could be wrong but I’m assuming it has to do with the Twitter api. Mine loads at the new posts and then all the Twitter posts load and pushes everything down the screen.

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Thank Elon for this one. We can’t utilize the Twitter API any longer to do the embed. Well we could at a cost, but the prices he has on it are insane. So we had to switch to the native embed. The problem is the site doesn’t know how long each tweet is gonna be when it builds the page. So, we point you to the right spot, the embeds fill in after the fact and shove it down the page.

I wish there was something I could do, but in this case the only answer at the moment is to quit posting. Tweets.

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clt says thanks for your hard work!

would threads be easier?

I would suspect that you could find the scroll spy or anchor scroll JavaScript code within Discourse and use JavaScript to delay the script for like 1 second to at least give it a chance to load the twitter iframes. I have had this issue on a project but I assume discourse makes this very hard to find in their code.

Thank you for all the hard work. It’s only a minor annoyance.

If you are as Rich as Elon, I guess you can afford to buy Twotter and crash it into the ground!

Site had a little bit of a hiccup today. But as you can see, Mac to the rescue again. Should be good to go.

Thanks again @ninermac !


Still having issues with not getting to where I last viewed a post. Sometimes I get to where I last viewed. Most times not. Continues to be very annoying. Seems to happen in posts with X posts inserted.

Elon Musk Smoking GIF

This is a very minor issue.
The chat box doesn’t get used anywhere near like the old Shoutbox, and you may not be able to alter this, but:
If you click to add a reaction emoji to a chat message, there is (errant) interaction with the page behind it.

In this screenshot, I’m on the Topics page, and as I go to add a reaction to a chat message, it moves my scroll down the Topics page (evidenced by the scroll bar on the right).

Obviously, the desired behavior is for the page behind the chat to receive no input when the chat is being interacted with.

Not reporting a bug.

Reporting awesomeness.

Is it just me or is running a lot faster in the last few days?

It is flying for me.

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clt says this is the best chat page in college sports

but what about @BurritoSlayer49? we cannot give him :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito:

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I notice no difference, but I didn’t perceive an inordinate slowness anytime before.

Mac has been working on some updates over the last few days. Think he may have some more to come soon…

It’s a real shame that an already small fanbase was split up for the purpose of being opportunistic.

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More :burrito::burrito::burrito::burrito::burrito::burrito::burrito::burrito: