Some alums from Varsity Partners pulled together a "fan theory"

I will definitely applaud the effort here. Awesome to see a new take on our brand!!

Not a big fan of the yellow, or the C-pick logo they went with, but I like some of their other concept logos that they didn’t go with. I do think we need a simple bold C type logo. what we have now is too busy and too many colors.

I really like the Norm logo. Maybe put him in the #FreeGym for a while and get rid of his beer gut. I actually thought our rebrand in 2000 would look something like this as far as updating the Norm logo.

I think this is a step in the right direction ,and kudos to the guys at Varsity Partners for taking the time to put it together.


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I love the Norm too Mr. Bo… The “NINER” in the beard is a really cool touch.


I think the gut makes him relatable.


Not a fan.

I still think if I was going to do a rebrand from scratch for the school, it would be to rebrand using Niners instead of 49ers. I think the Norm fits nicely with that, now just need an alternate mark that focuses on Niners.

I like the effort here, but that new C-Pick is straight up butt.

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History and tradition? We don’t need no stinkin’ history and tradition.

I just noticed the niner in his beard. Good touch. Hopefully we go this route with the rebrand. We need something fresh. Perfect timing if we start winning again. The cpick was cool, but busy as others have said.

I mean, the tradition, among basically everyone I know who follows the program is to call them the Niners.

If someone says to me “how are the 49ers going to be this year?” I know they are being nice asking me about it but don’t really follow the program. Because no one I know who is a big fan calls us the 49ers in casual conversation, it’s always “The Niners.” Now you can rebrand and keep the “Forty-Niners” chant which is cool, but in normal parlance, most people already use Niners. I say build on that.


Niners would be a good compromise and we could own that, we’ll never own 49ers.

That Norm needs a beer in his right hand.


clt says the millennials will want the pipe replaced with a juul