Thanks 49er Alumni Staff

Well some of you may have read this originally, Id just like to go back and edit for those who havent. The staff has all gotten in touch with me in one way or another, and there was just a bit of miscommunication. I appluade their diligence in getting in touch with me.

Thanks guys.

[QUOTE=Ninercentral;199243]So, I went to the hospitality room on Sunday at halftime, and hadnt received my passes in the mail yet. Mike Roach came and met me, introduced himself, and let me and my guest in. I was pleased they were so hospitible. He also gave me his business card and asked me to email him on Monday. I did, and now it is late Wednesday and I have yet to hear back. I just want to make sure everything is in order so this doesnt happen again, as well as make some new contacts.

Also, I went on the Alumni website, clicked contact us, wrote this whole nice little message, and the script or function or whatever on their website wasnt working, and it had little other contact information on it.

So, I went ahead and found Nick McEntire’s email address at and contacted him on Monday as well. No response from him either.

I’m not complaining too much, I know people are busy, but its email people. I contact most businesses or anyone at my current school (including the Dean) and these people have blackberrys and are back to me usually within hours, not several days.

I don’t know how well they do their job, so I’m not saying they are not good at it, I’m merely saying if they wonder why alumni involvement is low, maybe this is a contributing factor. I am genuinely VERY interested in getting involved with the Alumni Foundation as well as the 49er Club, but am not getting much feedback from these guys.

Oh well, Just thought I’d vent a bit. I’m not calling anyone out or anything, I guess I’m just a little frustrated that with such a large portion of our alumni being apathetic, I would think they would be very ready and willing to engage new youg alumni who want to get involved.[/QUOTE]

You say that you are not calling anyone out, yet you wrote this message on the board???

geez these people work too. I go days without getting back to people, is it wrong, probably, but i have other things on my plate.

Just chill, and things will work out. The last thing the 49er Club/Alumni association is lose someone with a checkbook, so don’t take it personal.

[QUOTE=Ninercentral;199243]So, I went to the hospitality room on Sunday at halftime, and hadnt received my passes in the mail yet. Mike Roach came and met me, introduced himself, and let me and my guest in. I was pleased they were so hospitible. He also gave me his business card and asked me to email him on Monday. I did, and now it is late Wednesday and I have yet to hear back. I just want to make sure everything is in order so this doesnt happen again, as well as make some new contacts.

Also, I went on the Alumni website, clicked contact us, wrote this whole nice little message, and the script or function or whatever on their website wasnt working, and it had little other contact information on it.

So, I went ahead and found Nick McEntire’s email address at and contacted him on Monday as well. No response from him either.

I’m not complaining too much, I know people are busy, but its email people. I contact most businesses or anyone at my current school (including the Dean) and these people have blackberrys and are back to me usually within hours, not several days.

I don’t know how well they do their job, so I’m not saying they are not good at it, I’m merely saying if they wonder why alumni involvement is low, maybe this is a contributing factor. I am genuinely VERY interested in getting involved with the Alumni Foundation as well as the 49er Club, but am not getting much feedback from these guys.

Oh well, Just thought I’d vent a bit. I’m not calling anyone out or anything, I guess I’m just a little frustrated that with such a large portion of our alumni being apathetic, I would think they would be very ready and willing to engage new youg alumni who want to get involved.[/QUOTE]
When did you donate? And is it your first year?

I dont think he is. I think he’s just pointing it out and maybe seeing if anyone else is having the same problem,

personally, if I were an alumni, and people were constantly buggin me about money, I would be a little more concerned with each of their requests.

I donated the second of November, and this is my first year, I graduated in May. I recieved a welcome letter, but nothing else like the sticker and passes or whatever.

Im really not trying to call them out, I was more doing what Gill said, and trying to see if this is a persistant problem or if it is just case specific because they are bogged down right now.

[QUOTE=Ninercentral;199255]I donated the second of November, and this is my first year, I graduated in May. I recieved a welcome letter, but nothing else like the sticker and passes or whatever.

Im really not trying to call them out, I was more doing what Gill said, and trying to see if this is a persistant problem or if it is just case specific because they are bogged down right now.[/QUOTE]
I think that’s when I turned mine in and i haven’t gotten anything either. They’ll still let you in hospitality? Sweet! Call him. You really can’t complain about emails and contact if you haven’t called him. i called him before i signed up and though he never answered his phone, he did return my call with in a few hours. Of course I haven’t done anything yet.

I’m sure they’ll all get back to you but you have your groups and people a little mixed up.

Athletic Foundation is who you go through for 49er Club membership and contributions to Athletics. Mike Hummer is the Director. Mike Roach is in charge of Annual Gifts I believe. They send out your parking passes, halftime passes, media guides, etc.

The Alumni Department is run by Nick Mcintire. Separate group. They hold events to get Alumni involved/reconnected with the University and other Alumni based stuff.

Btw, the Alumni house is open and they hosted an event Sat night. It was the Alumni Hall of Fame induction. Clay Aiken was honored as outstanding Young Alum.

Clay Aiken was honored as outstanding Young Alum.

I would have elected Calvin Brock or John Maine.

Btw, the Alumni house is open and they hosted an event Sat night. It was the Alumni Hall of Fame induction. Clay Aiken was honored as outstanding Young Alum.

When do they induct you Lefty?:eek:

Lefty, the reason I contacted Mike Roach was because he gave me his business card and ASKED ME to send him an email Monday. Additionally, I do realize the difference in the alumni dept. as a second group, which is why I contacted Nick McEntire.

I would like to get involved with the alumni group, in addition to my already having joined the 49er club.

[QUOTE=MKNiner;199259]When do they induct you Lefty?:eek:[/QUOTE]

I’m going for the lifetime achievement award. :headbang:

[URL=]UNC Charlotte Honors Outstanding Alumni[/URL]

I just found these Photo Galleries the other day. A bunch of board folks in them.


I’m the big guy. :doh:

Clay Aiken was honored as outstanding Young Alum.

You have got to be kidding me.

According to most news reports he graduated from UNC. I am really shocked that they didn’t choose Raymond Felton or Julius Peppers, I mean it is the UNC name that give UNC Charlotte recognition, not its own students, faculty, or alumni.

Not to make excuses for the Alumni Office staff, but they took ownership of the new Harris Alumni House last week and the first event held in it was the Outstanding Alumni Dinner on Saturday night. They are likely trying to get moved and settled in from the old building to the upstairs of the Alumni House.

If you want to score big points with Nick, tell him you’re from the Make a Wish Foundation when speaking to him.

^ is that an inside joke or something?


put on a damn tie and a nice pair of pants Clay,

Seriously Eric Crouch looked better at the Heisman Induction.

does anyone want to try to make clay aiken a football fan?


put on a damn tie and a nice pair of pants Clay,

Seriously Eric Crouch looked better at the Heisman Induction.[/QUOTE]

wow… sweater over a shirt with jeans to an obvious coat+tie affair, of which you are a noted guest?!

I don’t know which is more sad… the fact he showed up like that… or that the university invited him. :frowning:


Stevie Wonder went here? :wink:

[QUOTE=LeftyNiner;199257]Btw, the Alumni house is open and they hosted an event Sat night. It was the Alumni Hall of Fame induction. Clay Aiken was honored as outstanding Young Alum.[/QUOTE]

Lefty, did you actually go to this? If so, how did you get invited? I was a little upset that they did not honor me.