The EV news thread šŸ”Œ

ā€œSure, this invention will never provide the same vibrations, responses, and feelings that a true manual would, but itā€™s better than nothing.ā€

Sums up my feelings.

IGN: The DeLorean Is Officially Back, And Itā€™s Electric - IGN.

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Ive been saying for years now that the Delorean needs to be revived as an EV. So glad itā€™s finally happening. I would love one, but I imagine they will be quite pricey.

The fact that they are only getting 329 miles of range out of a whopping 212 kWh battery is absolutely embarrassing. A Model X has half that battery and goes just as far. The legacy companies are utterly incompetent when it comes to battery tech and software. As Iā€™ve been trying to explain to people for years who shout ā€œThe competition is coming for Tesla!ā€, the competition has no idea what they are doing. People mistakenly think that any old car company can just slap a battery and a couple electric motors in an ICE body, and call it a day. There is soooo much more to it than that, and itā€™s highly complex. Aside from Tesla, Iā€™m not sure who the dominant EV companies will be in 5+ years, but Iā€™m getting the feeling it will be either pure-EV companies like Rivian, or the few legacy companies who are actually putting massive R&D dollars into getting it right, like VW. In fact VW is the only legacy OEM that I can think of that is actually giving it an honest effort.

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Hyundais ioniq gets 303 miles of range in 77.4kw. Car and driver reviewer said he got 330ish miles in city driving. Hyundai nailed just about everything about that car. Itā€™s not as fast as a Tesla with a 0-60 around 5.1 seconds but thatā€™s still pretty speedy.

Itā€™s probably the closest competition Tesla has had so far.

Itā€™s only real draw back is that it canā€™t use the super charger network. It can charge faster than a Tesla on an electrify america fast charger but those are less plentiful than super chargers by a lot.

Toyota has to commit to SSBā€™s. Their management is still divided on the issue. That is the game changer for the industry. Itā€™s the hardware answer to what Tesla has been able to achieve.

The flip side is that Tesla still doesnā€™t come close to build quality of any of the big boys.

I wish they would lease out their battery tech and software to someone like Mazda or Toyota and let them build the vehicle. Iā€™d rush to the dealership to buy that.

That said, Mazda is supposed to be releasing PHEV straight six RWD SUVs later this year on their new ā€œlarge vehicle platformā€. All over 300 hp with probably 35+ miles of EV range. That could be special.

Oh yeah canā€™t believe I didnā€™t mention Hyundai. They are doing a great job.

The Kia EV6 is not too bad either. Same platform as the Hyundai.

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I was going to test drive one but the only one I saw had a $10,000 market adjustment on it, so that made it a hard no.

Probably going to buy the ioniq 5 this week.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Classic / ICE cars

I love the look of that.

But I am still frustrated that these vehicles arenā€™t really available, and certainly arenā€™t price competitive yet. Not even close. Even with the overheated market on ICE cars inflating their prices (here is your telluride with a 20k markup).



Ended up buying the ioniq and it Is a really fun car to drive. Couldnā€™t disagree with nwa more about it being a soulless driving experience

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Man how in the hell did you get one? I was told it would be a 12 month wait.


No motor sound no shifting no exhaust note = soulless. It might be nice and a great experience but I have yet to drive an ev that conjured up any attachment. Tesla, BMW Honda - all felt like I was riding in a appliance vs a connection to the vehicle and road. You canā€™t replicate the feeling of a v8 whirling or the turbo sucking in air. Glad you like it, itā€™s your car. ill avoid them as I can. A computer doing the driving for me isnā€™t what I want.

The car he got isnā€™t self driving.

No but EVs take care of a lot of the driving for the driver and most are just a software update from self driving. Hell most modern ICEs do a lot of the driving for you too. I hate automatics, I donā€™t really like SUVs. I canā€™t wait To get the wife one. But Iā€™ll probably go to my grave hating driving them. Thatā€™s just me though. Rest of the world can embrace them all they want. Iā€™ll just drive a 50 year old car when Iā€™m 90 :grin: