UNCC Endowment ranked #337



For some reason, I didnt expect Xavier to be right above us (or just about)

We definitely need to switch to whatever company is handling Tuftā€™s endowmentā€¦ 44% > 5%

Not alot of public institutes around Charlotte

app 472 and ECU is 387 I believe

winthrop and high point at the 490ā€™s

JCsmit at 516
UNCW 522 UNCA 670 UNCCH 54 NCSU 143 UNCG 275 NCSA 617

We are still an [I]extremely[/I] young university. By most schoolā€™s standards, weā€™re a newbie. I think thatā€™s pretty decent considering almost all of these schools have been around way longer than us.

We need to be ahead of UNCG though.

Lots of troubling statistics lately involving them stealing our thunder.

Boise State, currently ranked #440ā€¦ about to get MUCH LARGER.

UNCW #522

I thought 337 was pretty bad until I saw those rankings from other schools in the state.

Iā€™ll have to admit, I thought chapel hillā€™s and Stateā€™s would have both been a little higher than they were.

We need to be ahead of UNCG though.

Lots of troubling statistics lately involving them stealing our thunder.

They have a better, more effective and efficient administration than we doā€¦ and, itā€™s starting to show. Theyā€™re doing a better job and will soon be pulling away if we donā€™t get it togetherā€¦ more PhD programs being approved, better fundraising w/the endowment, etc.

Say how good or whatever this is compared to last year but fact is we were #335 last year and we got passed.

We only grew at 5.8%, the AVERAGE public university grew at 10% [URL=http://www.nacubo.org/documents/research/2006NES_Returns.pdf]http://www.nacubo.org/documents/research/2006NES_Returns.pdf[/URL]

Here are last years:

Say how good or whatever this is compared to last year but fact is we were #335 last year and we got passed.

We only grew at 5.8%, the AVERAGE public university grew at 10% http://www.nacubo.org/documents/research/2006NES_Returns.pdf

Here are last years:

that sucks.

We need to be ahead of UNCG though.

Lots of troubling statistics lately involving them stealing our thunder.

If you ever find relation between Charlotte and UNCG to be troubling, go visit UNCG. That will alleviate all your troubles. I promise.

[QUOTE] We only grew at 5.8%, the AVERAGE public university grew at 10%[/QUOTE]

Let me just point outā€¦ that while that statistic in and of itself may be disturbing, the fact of the matter is that we just finished a huge capital campaign spanning many years. Some people may have donated large amounts during that period and slacked off since, or some companies may have backed off a bit as a result. Iā€™d say if it is still sub-par on % increase after that, then there is a problem. But overall, Id say consider we just finished raising 100mil plus, itā€™s not that bad.

Let me just point out... that while that statistic in and of itself may be disturbing, the fact of the matter is that we just finished a huge capital campaign spanning many years. Some people may have donated large amounts during that period and slacked off since, or some companies may have backed off a bit as a result. I'd say if it is still sub-par on % increase after that, then there is a problem. But overall, Id say consider we just finished raising 100mil plus, it's not that bad.

While I do agree with you to a degree, being at nearly half the national average is disturbing. Another thing to account for is that we gained 6 million dollars, if UNCA gains 6 million they go up 35-40%.

100 Million is nice, but I look at Cincinnati at 1 billion and get a little jealous.

Say how good or whatever this is compared to last year but fact is we were #335 last year and we got passed.

We only grew at 5.8%, the AVERAGE public university grew at 10% http://www.nacubo.org/documents/research/2006NES_Returns.pdf

Here are last years:

The casual alum doesnā€™t know just how good Goshen College really is.

[QUOTE=survivor45;212754]The casual alum doesnā€™t know just how good Goshen College really is.[/QUOTE]
:lol: lol nice one

We should not be in an ā€˜arms raceā€™ for who can grow the biggest cash hoard. What I find very disturbing as a taxpayer, is that large tax supported state colleges are hoarding donations whilst still constantly asking for increased funds from taxpayers. That is fiscal shenanigans at its best and is absolutely no good for the state. These massive sums of unspent private funds should be factored in to any state colleges budget from the state.

We should not be in an 'arms race' for who can grow the biggest cash hoard. What I find very disturbing as a taxpayer, is that large tax supported state colleges are hoarding donations whilst still constantly asking for increased funds from taxpayers. That is fiscal shenanigans at its best and is absolutely no good for the state. These massive sums of unspent private funds should be factored in to any state colleges budget from the state.

I wouldnā€™t call it unspent at allā€¦ unless you see an investing in an annuity in order to generate cash flow as unspent money. The money is usually invested which provides annuity payments that are used for professor salaries (chairs, etc.), academic scholarships, capital expenditures, debt retirement, etc. Itā€™s not just sitting thereā€¦ itā€™s working.

I agree those contributions should be factored inā€¦ however, they are to a certain extent. I mean, logically speaking, itā€™s public information, any member of Congress or member of the Board of Governors can look and see how much money a university raised or has in its endowment. They know this before they vote on appropriations. They can always still say ā€œno.ā€ They just donā€™tā€¦ (and these are people you are in direct control of by voting for or against them) Perhaps, they believe that even with their endowments, the universities wouldnā€™t be asking for money for projects if they didnā€™t need itā€¦ I donā€™t know what their thoughts are, so I probably shouldnā€™t take a stab at guessing.

Understand the idea about investment. However, letā€™s not forget that itā€™s only been a few years since NC State wanted the taxpayers to pick up the tab for essentially a TPC Golf course on campus. Being a native from Va, Iā€™m appalled that UVa is sitting on so much cash yets has come to Richmond for years with itā€™s hat in hand, like a poor cousin, asking for alms. Iā€™m sure NCState and UNC-CH do the same. Someone needs to apply some fiscal oversite on this type of behavior-> Itā€™s not ethical and certainly is not good stewardship for state tax $$$.