Weird seeing a thread with Utter’s name. Does he ever come on here anymore?
[quote=“NLP, post:1, topic:24335”]Weird seeing a thread with Utter’s name. Does he ever come on here anymore?[/quote]He did last night to laugh at us.
why would he laugh at us? i thought he went to school here.
why would he laugh at us? i thought he went to school here.[/quote]because he’s a loser.
why would he laugh at us? i thought he went to school here.[/quote]because he’s a loser.[/quote]
He wasn’t laughing at us… I think it was more of a laughing because his opinion pissed everyone off so bad. I have to admit, it is really amusing how quickly everyone gets to making assumptions, misinterpreting statements, and overall pissy around here.
you know those differing opinions go around here…
(note: not a shot at anyone above, just adding to the dialogue)
[quote=“Powerbait, post:119, topic:21184”]I think the real problem is that Jim Utter is racist.[/quote]I’d be find with Utter never coming back to the board. He can go troll a Nascar trailerpark.
Are there 19 year old boys to hang out with at a Nascar trailerpark?
I guess that would make him a pedophile using that one kid’s logic.
why would he laugh at us? i thought he went to school here.[/quote]because he’s a loser.[/quote]
laughing because his opinion pissed everyone off so bad.[/quote]
i missed all this. what opinion was that? was he trying to piss us off?
He took shots at Major and our fanbase.
Basically said we were lousy fans and laughed about how we lost our first game to a terrible team and nothing changes!
He was being the fat moron he’s always been.
[quote=“Powerbait, post:10, topic:24335”]He took shots at Major and our fanbase.
Basically said we were lousy fans and laughed about how we lost our first game to a terrible team and nothing changes!
He was being the fat moron he’s always been.[/quote]
taking cheap shots at someone coaching their first game with limited resources is uncalled for. laughing at fans of the school HE ATTENDED is also uncalled for. especially when you consider we were shorthanded with a new coach. my 2 cents.
whoa. that may be the biggest burn in nn.n history.
Don’t worry Lake… we laid into him
come on, guys. utter used to keep us up-to-date during games! etcetcetc… we luved him back then. so he got sick of us trashing him and his rag. then he got a new beat. so give him a break.
come on, guys. utter used to keep us up-to-date during games! etcetcetc… we luved him back then. so he got sick of us trashing him and his rag. then he got a new beat. so give him a break. [/quote]I never said a bad word about Utter til he came on here trashing us.
Lucky if all else fails Jim can always fall back on his modelling career
come on, guys. utter used to keep us up-to-date during games! etcetcetc… we luved him back then. so he got sick of us trashing him and his rag. then he got a new beat. so give him a break. [/quote]
Speak for yourself, I never luved him. I tried to be cordial to him and he went on a tear blasting me and saying I hated our school. He was snarky, passive aggressive and a poor journalist to boot.
Utter is an example of what my Mom used to say, “Lay down with dogs and you’ll get fleas.”
But a dog will always remain loyal to you.
But a dog will always remain loyal to you.[/quote]
Utter and I got into it in the shoutbox after we beat a top 5 ranked UNC baseball team. He said our win would absolutely not get a writeup in the Observer or any other newspaper in the state. He was half right. The Observer never mentioned it but every other newspaper in the state did have a writeup.
I did not mind him telling us we would not get a writeup as much as his condescending in your face attitude. He acted proud of it.
But a dog will always remain loyal to you.[/quote]
Utter and I got into it in the shoutbox after we beat a top 5 ranked UNC baseball team. He said our win would absolutely not get a writeup in the Observer or any other newspaper in the state. He was half right. The Observer never mentioned it but every other newspaper in the state did have a writeup.
I did not mind him telling us we would not get a writeup as much as his condescending in your face attitude. He acted proud of it.[/quote]I bet the guy has trouble sitting down, can’t be easy being a human puppet.