Thinking back on it, when I was a student I bought a subscription to the Observer and they gave me a pretty cool Niner shirt. It had the old school norm on the front left chest, and on the back it had something like, "Charlotte Observer- I get it before the sun rises" or something like that. Why not just do that??

That was a sweet shirt…I had one too!!


I have e-mailed Dr. Phil twice in the last 2 days about our name. First, regarding our low rankings and the fact that the only reason we hear that we must keep th “UNC” is for thenotoriety. So I politely asked that if those rankings are the notoriety we get as a UNC hyphen school then it really is time we look to stand on our own identity and to make a name for ourselves as CHARLOTTE.

I forwarded the same email back to him today with the news from this thread. Asking him again to do something to eliminate this blatant and embarrrassing disregard for our own identity and dignity.

No responses as of yet…I’ll keep you informed if I do.

But I say that everyone that called the Observer…needs to e-mail Dr. Phil. He can fix the REAL problem…not the Observer.

[QUOTE=KTown49er;254247]But I say that everyone that called the Observer…needs to e-mail Dr. Phil. He can fix the REAL problem…not the Observer.[/QUOTE]
Our administration is a major problem. So is the Observer. Both parties are guilty.

I’m thinking of becoming a chapel hill fan anyway… maybe even tell people I went to school there. After all, I got accepted there, which is better than I can say for most of their dumbass fans.

[QUOTE=Mr. Bojangles;254235]Thinking back on it, when I was a student I bought a subscription to the Observer and they gave me a pretty cool Niner shirt. It had the old school norm on the front left chest, and on the back it had something like, “Charlotte Observer- I get it before the sun rises” or something like that. Why not just do that??[/QUOTE]
We received t-shirts from the Observer way back in the 70s. An ageless idea… Observer and Athletics are you reading this?

[QUOTE=Over40NINER;254258]I’m thinking of becoming a chapel hill fan anyway… maybe even tell people I went to school there. After all, I got accepted there, which is better than I can say for most of their dumbass fans.[/QUOTE]
OMG, if Over40 goes to the dark side, the empire will be doomed forever.

[QUOTE=Over40NINER;254238]Trust me… That is a “SLIDING SCALE”… HP & BDD is a prime example.[/QUOTE]
Jealousy will get you nowhere. I saw beauty, brains and bologna in BBD, her age as a 20-year old did not matter. :drool:

What she saw in me I have yet to discover!

[QUOTE=Over40NINER;254238]Trust me… That is a “TRUCK SCALE”… HP & BDD is a prime example.[/QUOTE]

fixed. :tongue:



looks like all he needs now is a Shriners go cart.

Think about how first impressions like this affect incoming freshmen.

Did someone from the Observer or the school ever respond explaining what happened? I would love to know who is responsible. This incident is nothing but a big slap in the face and should have never happened.

It’s a new school year and Dr. Phil has a brand new Sharpie. He’ll be with the newspaper vendor this morning at 9:00 am signing the brims of any UNC hat given out.

I’ll be on campus this afternoon for a little while. I’ll check to make sure this fool isn’t out there with UNC-CH hats.

clt will loan use of his zeppelin for this cause.

go get em boys!


I have e-mailed Dr. Phil twice in the last 2 days about our name. First, regarding our low rankings and the fact that the only reason we hear that we must keep th “UNC” is for thenotoriety. So I politely asked that if those rankings are the notoriety we get as a UNC hyphen school then it really is time we look to stand on our own identity and to make a name for ourselves as CHARLOTTE.

I forwarded the same email back to him today with the news from this thread. Asking him again to do something to eliminate this blatant and embarrrassing disregard for our own identity and dignity.

No responses as of yet…I’ll keep you informed if I do.

But I say that everyone that called the Observer…needs to e-mail Dr. Phil. He can fix the REAL problem…not the Observer.[/QUOTE]

Phil thinks alumni who email him are intellectually inferior to him. His response (if he gives one) will be some omnipotent smarty pants answer.

clt will loan use of his zeppelin for this cause.

go get em boys!

Can we use it to drop water balloons on him?

Why don’t you all go protest? I mean it’s our right isn’t it?

Right in front of his house…

Phil thinks alumni who email him are intellectually inferior to him. His response (if he gives one) will be some omnipotent smarty pants answer.

for real. I can’t wait to see the response Ktown gets.

[QUOTE=ninerID;254245]you could make phil dubois masks with popsicle sticks!

however, i don’t see why were getting upset. Its taken 30+ years to get our entrance sign fixed, and that hasn’t even happened yet! I know high schools with better entrance signs. This school cares nothing about its image.[/QUOTE]
The sub bids for the project are now bidding. I would guess that construction should start in the next two months. I agree though…30 years and two months late…

for real. I can't wait to see the response Ktown gets.

Dubios: “KTown my motherFu**kin’ Boyeeeeeeee”

Dubios: "KTown my motherFu**kin' Boyeeeeeeee"


anyone swing by campus today?

They had 49er hats and visors out today.

Welcome to NNN, alicam.

I suppose the Observer staff will say he picked up the wrong case of hats in the office yesterday.

Well all the boxes are marked UNC. I can see how it can be confusing.

Wow, 2 strikes at the Big O today. Am I getting anti-O?