Assistant coaches for Sanchez

Kentucky was #1 ranked team in the country at the time

0.000% chance we hire Mcinnis.

??? % chances we hear something on Dinkins today

clt says 49%

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If Dinkins becomes the next assistant coach…great! But if not, I know the coaches will make a good choice. And, there are lots of good potential coaches available who would love to be at Charlotte.

We should probably move on at this point.

Any ideas on other assistant coaches we are considering

At this point I assume that the Dinkins thing didn’t work out and we have already moved on. You don’t realky make an announcement about something like this, you just do a press release when you have somebody hired. It is the 3rd seat on the bench so I am not too worried about it. I just want Sanchez to be free to focus on other things.

Hopefully all those fans that complained about coaches not hiring dinkins or mcinnis will now be quiet. They had their shot and moved on. So should we. I vote for Larry Dixon as 3rd assistant.

Dinkins would be finishing up the school year. I wonder if maybe, Sanchez is giving him some extra time.

I agree with those who say we are overly concerned with the hiring of the #3 assistant. That said, hiring Dinkins would make lots of folks happy, including me.

I think it is great when the stars align and former 49ers come home to help, but it will not prove the success or lack there of for this coach. Dinkins is not a priority for me, but they are smart to look for someone with ties to the local AAU scene.

We have offers to recruits at Dinks school…ha may not be able to accept just yet.

Dink may very well have taken it.

Public school employees can’t just quit one day. You have to give 20 working days, or 30 days, whichever comes first. You don’t have to respect this, but nobody will hire you again if they hear you violated it. And that makes sense in a job of that nature.

Dink may be at a private school, but I’m sure they have a similar policy, and it’s still the same scenario for him. Can’t leave people that treated you well holding the bag.

Would hiring Dinkins when we have offers to his players be a recruiting violation? Doesn’t seem like that should be if you can hire a recruits dad. Not many of the NCAA’S rules make sense though.

Yes and sometimes it doens’t work out. Look at SMU.

It is not a violation, but in this case, coach hired has to serve as a coach on college staff. You can no longer hide them as a video ops guy, etc.

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There is no way Sanchez is putting his program and recruiting on hold so that dinkins doesnt offend his employer, none.

clt likes the sun.

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Assistants are all squared away.