Barack Obama on campus

It was an amazing event. I don’t care if who you are voting for (JUST VOTE) … it was an amazing event.

HUGE for this campus and its focus as a major part of a growing and important city.

I took my son and he will never forget it. I would have taken him if McCain had been speaking with the same excitement, the candidate was not and is not the issue for me. It was an EVENT and important for this university and the future nationally regardless of that happens today.

My son is 12 … I hope some day he serves this country and helps others in any way that he chooses to do so, as long as it is with passion and conviction in his own beliefs, while respecting those that differ from his own. I have often voted differently than my parents have, and I want my son to make his own decisions after listening to all of the issues at hand.

This my friends is a wonderful lesson in politics and this country. I know my son was deeply affected by last night and we had wonderful conversations about elections before this, wars and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (and his grandfather getting beat up that evening for taking one of his black friends into a restaurant that now for the first time had to serve all people … obviously they did not care what President Johnson signed).

Women’s Soccer does not practice in the evening, but if we did, I would have cancelled and encourage every one on my team to go to the event, whether they like Obama or vehemently disagree with Obama. I would love to try to get more young people involved REGARDLESS OF THEIR PERSONAL OPINIONS REGARDING POLICY, PARTY AFFILIATION, ETC).

No matter who you vote for today, straight red, blue, other, or split ticket, I wish you a great day and we are all fortunate to have this wonderful opportunity to be involved and teach those coming after us to be involved!

I cant believe the classroom sticklers we have all of a sudden…

[QUOTE=cibik02;356480]Perhaps??? hahahaha…

Just say… “YES it is more important than my class.”

I remember jack about 75% of my college classes. People who attend a rally like that, should NEVER forget.[/QUOTE]

I didn’t say yes, because you’re wrong. To some people it might be more important. To people who don’t give a swimming flip about Barak Obama, but are passionate about the class subject matter, then obviously going to stand in the rain and hear the same rhetoric that you’ve already heard for the past several months-- not so important.

But again, thank you for your OPINION.

[QUOTE=cibik02;356510]It’s a presidential event. It’s not an everyday thing.

They should be punished, but not as severe as Sideshow mentioned.

How about this… Make the students that missed write a 2 page paper on what they learned and the significance of this presidential election and make them turn it in before they take the re-test. Knocking their grade 50% is kinda harsh. Maybe a 10 point letter grade deduction. AND give those that took the test a 10 point bump. AND PROBLEM SOLVED.[/QUOTE]

I hope you are never in a position of power.

Anyone take pictures?

As somewhat of an “oldtimer”, I can tell you that in the 20+ years that I have been around, I have never seen as many folks on campus for any event. Regardless of your party affiliation and beliefs, you should be proud that your university was granted some “FREE” major exposure to the general public yesterday afternoon/evening. There were people in line (that by the way snaked all the way to harris boulevard from the track stadium entrance and by the Harris Alumni Center) that had never stepped foot on campus; some of which will most likely never step foot on it again, but I heard campus/university comments and questions from many and they were all extremely positive.
As I was walking back by the baseball stadium/other fields, I gotta tell you I got cold chills thinking
"Wow, this is what it will be like to see tons of people on campus for our first football game!"

[QUOTE=Gill2003;356539]I cant believe the classroom sticklers we have all of a sudden…[/QUOTE]

I went to 95% of my classes and I took every test but one when I was in school. The one test I missed was because I was sick and my teacher told me I should have been in class anyway. We only had 3 tests in that class, and that was our only grade. He did allow me to use my score on the common final for my missed test. I went from having a 100+ average in that class to getting a B.

All because I didn’t get a dr’s note from Brocker. Oh well, it was in the syllabus, I should have thought of that when I was there!

The idea that college is anything other than an instute for learning first is ludicrous. Yes, there are a lot of other great things that happen at and around a college campus, but they are not reasons for ignoring the purpose of the institution.

But, teachers who let students get away with garbage like skipping class are the reason we have so many ignorant people coming out of school.

I cant believe the classroom sticklers we have all of a sudden...

best post in thread

[QUOTE=9erforever;356545]As somewhat of an “oldtimer”, I can tell you that in the 20+ years that I have been around, I have never seen as many folks on campus for any event. Regardless of your party affiliation and beliefs, you should be proud that your university was granted some “FREE” major exposure to the general public yesterday afternoon/evening. There were people in line (that by the way snaked all the way to harris boulevard from the track stadium entrance and by the Harris Alumni Center) that had never stepped foot on campus; some of which will most likely never step foot on it again, but I heard campus/university comments and questions from many and they were all extremely positive.
As I was walking back by the baseball stadium/other fields, I gotta tell you I got cold chills thinking
"Wow, this is what it will be like to see tons of people on campus for our first football game!"[/QUOTE]
Someone should have been passing out NSL information along the line. :49ers:

The bottom line is the students should be responsible for their actions. If the sylabus said missing an exam was a 0, then the student knew that before they decided to miss the class. Therefore they should have balanced the decision out in their head before hand.

If attending the speech was that big of a deal for them, they should have consulted with the teacher first. If the rule still applied, then take the responsibility of your actions like a grown up.

[QUOTE=Charlotte2002;356558]The bottom line is the students should be responsible for their actions. If the sylabus said missing an exam was a 0, then the student knew that before they decided to miss the class. Therefore they should have balanced the decision out in their head before hand.

If attending the speech was that big of a deal for them, they should have consulted with the teacher first. If the rule still applied, then take the responsibility of your actions like a grown up.[/QUOTE]

but…but…It was a speech!

but...but...It was a speech!

Balance them out. If the speech is a bigger deal to you than 1 test then go for it.

I know if I go out drinking on a Thursday night, I am going to hate Friday at work, but sometimes it is worth it.

[QUOTE=Charlotte2002;356571]Balance them out. If the speech is a bigger deal to you than 1 test then go for it.

I know if I go out drinking on a Thursday night, I am going to hate Friday at work, but sometimes it is worth it.[/QUOTE]

But! Obama!

I just want everyone to know Jimmyhat just apologized to me and said I was 100% right. Everything is OK again.


for our school, this was a school event. they should have requested politely that some unc Charlotte gear be back there.

edit: oops, wrong thread.

But! Obama!

Hey, I’m an Obama supporter.

Every decision has a consequence, deal with it.

[QUOTE=s9er;356575]I just want everyone to know Jimmyhat just apologized to me and said I was 100% right. Everything is OK again.


LOL… SO Obama came to campus???

I hate to do this… but back on the initial topic… The campus looked REALLY good on TV. The changes since I left are unreal and it is nice to show it off… Now hopefully Pat pulls it off and we start getting treated fairly from a funding stand point.

I didn't say yes, because you're wrong. To some people it might be more important. [B]To people who don't give a swimming flip about Barak Obama[/B], but are [B]passionate about the class subject matter[/B], then obviously going to stand in the rain and hear the same rhetoric that you've already heard for the past several months-- not so important.

But again, thank you for your OPINION.

I didn’t vote for Obama (just to note). and "passionate about the class subject matter"… I’m laughing from my personal experiences with college. I don’t think I ever wanted to go to a class because I was passionate about it. I went because I had to for attendance, wanted to make a good grade, be successful, and hopefully not be broke.

Was that really my OPINION? Thanks for pointing that out teach. Shouldn’t you be failing some students right now?

[QUOTE=cibik02;356581]I didn’t vote for Obama (just to note). and “[B]passionate about the class subject matter”[/B]… I’m laughing from my personal experiences with college. I don’t think I ever wanted to go to a class because I was passionate about it. I went because I had to for attendance, wanted to make a good grade, be successful, and hopefully not be broke.

Was that really my OPINION? Thanks for pointing that out teach. Shouldn’t you be failing some students right now?[/QUOTE]

I had classes I couldn’t wait to get to.