Charlotte Hornets 🐝

This is why the Hornets have sucked, they used a first round 11 overall pick on Bouknight and they just waive him less than 5 years later… they could have had a bunch of consistent players that were drafted after him… what a cluster.

They also blew it with the Kai Jones pick.

But hindsight is 20/20.

Those were considered good to reasonable picks at the time by every draft expert I listen to or read.

Drafting is a crapshoot.

I like the new direction to tear it down and rebuild.

Hopefully that’s the influence of the new owners.

Maybe they can make a run at Kenny Atkinson and have owners who won’t cheap out and try to dictate who his staff will be.

That really was a bummer when that deal blew up.

Atkinson is a proven developmental coach who was not allowed to finish what he started in Brooklyn due I idiotic trades and meddling.

Kenny Atkinson should never step foot in Charlotte again. He’s a clown.

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Expound on this please.

Not aware of his clownishness.

He agreed to be the coach before Clifford and then backed out. No way I give him a second chance.

The reporting I read and heard was that the Hornets brass were going to force him to keep the same assistant coaching staff so they didn’t have to buy all the assistants contracts out.

That’s not common practice in the NBA. Normally a new coach gets to bring in their own hires on the staff.

That means it was the HORNETS (ie Jordan) who were the clowns not Atkinson.

It was a complete cheapskate move by the Hornets and Atkinson wasn’t having any part of it.

I understand him backing out.

Going back to Clifford was another clown show move by the Hornets.

New ownership. They’re cleaning house for a rebuild. Maybe this new group will actually draft well.


All of the assistants did stay, but cliffford also brought in his staff too. We have like 10 assistants. I don’t know if it was being cheap or wanting to keep some assistants that had done a good job during borego

Brian Windhorst and the reporters on his podcast reported the hornets were forcing Atkinson to keep the existing staff and that’s why he backed out.

What happened after that with Clifford has nothing to do with why the Atkinson deal fell apart, which was squarely on Hornets management and ownership.

I disagree. I think what happened to Clifford has a direct correlation to what would’ve happened with Atkinson. I think all of Borrego’s staff was kept when Clifford was hired and then Clifford hired 5 more assistants. Maybe Atkinson didn’t want to keep around the other assistants, but there is nothing that says he couldn’t of hired his own assistants. Clifford’s staff is proof. I personally think Atkinson was just showing his true colors and didn’t want to have to put forth any effort to win games.

The reporting from national NBA reporters is the “something” that says he couldn’t hire his own assistants.

Again, what Clifford was able to do AFTER Atkinson pulled out has nothing to do with the negotiations with Atkinson. Hornets management and ownership may have realized after that they had to bend.

Sorry but the Hornets are not getting out from the blame of that debacle.

They had a history of being cheap under Jordan and good reporters said that this is what broke down the deal.

You can speculate all you want but I have to go with the respected and connected reporters from ESPN rather than our own guesses.

If someone on here works for the Hornets and has receipts they want to share to prove those reporters wrong go for it.

Otherwise the Hornets blew it with Atkinson.

Case closed.

Little surprised by Ish. Not saying he was a longterm answer. But with Ball’s injury and Lowery’s departure, they don’t have a proven PG. I guess they think Micic can play the role, had 9 assists in his first game.

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I agree it’s a crapshoot. But you have to agree that the Hornets have been unbelievably bad or unlucky, or both. 1 pick from Wembanyama, 1 pick from Anthony Davis, 2 picks from Anthony Edwards. Others drafted after Hornets pick: SGA, Haliburton, Donovan Mitchell, Devin Booker.

One interesting thing while looking up some of this, I always knew Cal put a lot of UK guys in the pros. But there seems to be a tendency of some of them getting overlooked. Randle, Herro, SGA, Tyrese Maxey, Adebeyo, Deaaron Fox. Unfortunately it seems the Hornets picked a lot of the ones that were over rated. Monk, Washington, Kidd-Gilchrist.

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Yeah we have had some bad luck for sure.

My understanding on the UK guys is that Calipari forces players to play his system rather than adapting to their skills.

That’s why a lot of them are under drafted because they don’t actualize all their talents at UK. Part of that may be the one and done nature of their roster. Perhaps no time to let them blossom???

Read up on Adebayo. Perfect example. He played a much more versatile and skill based game in high school apparently and then was stifled at UK.

Adebayo actually went to my kids school in High Point, they have his player of the year trophy in the case when you walk in, pretty cool for a small private school with less than 1k kids.

Back to the Hornets, Like Normm said sure all picks have some luck but it seems like either our scouts have sucked or they didn’t know what kind of player they wanted because all these other guys drafted after the Hornets pick are doing well on NBA teams and we are waiving first round picks… :roll_eyes:

The hornets even suck at tanking

Nice job trying to bury the lead.

By the way, if anyone wants me to spend your money on something I also want and will be the sole person to reap the ultimate value for, I’m here making sacrifices too.

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New owners are like “the Government”. Give us your money and we will
spend it for you.
Some friends that are long time ticket holders got caught up in the triple price increase
on their tickets.

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Man. That sucks.