Charlotte Hornets 🐝

Glad you enjoy the current version of “basketball”. Completely about perspective. Mine is just different than yours.

Not to get on a high horse here. Im a huge sports fan and enjoy the NBA. I live in the Triangle but want to support the Hornets. I just can’t bring myself to root for Miles Bridges. Does anyone else feel this way?

Its kind of sick what he did and he paid dues sitting out a year and forfeiting probably larger contract opportunities. But I cant bring myself to root for him and honestly feel like a bad parent ignoring what he did and opening my kids to root for the team. If a video got released of his incidents would things be different?

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There was at least one video, and honestly the girlfriend seemed a bit crazy and like a stalker.

Honestly unbelievable logic…NBA athelete beating the daylights out a woman is ok because she seems crazy. Genuinely, I must be missing something

You’re missing something because I never said it was ok. I simply said that the only video that I’ve seen makes it look like she’s crazy. When he filed a restraing order against her, he stated that just 2 days after their case ended, she showed up at his house. On another occassion, she showed up at 2:30 AM and wouldn’t leave, stayed in her car in the driveway for 6 hours before leaving. In the video incident, she is seen trying to break the glass of his sliding door. Keep in mind, in all 3 incidents, she has the kids with her and is doing this in front of them while they’re crying, and it’s after she won her case.

While I do not condone Bridges behaviour. I’m simply saying I was not in the courtroom to hear/see her evidence against him. What I have seen is that I believe the kids are the real victim in their situation.

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Just a reminder that Bridges was already on probation for an earlier domestic abuse incident involving his children in 2022 for which he pleaded guilty in exchange for no jail time. In addition, he agreed to attend both anger management and parenting classes for a year and complete 100 hours of community service. Also had to sit out all of the 2022-23 NBA season. Guy ain’t no saint.

Heard Willie P on FNZ railing a little while ago about Ball not making the All Star team, which he thought was unprecedented for the 4th leading scorer in the league (I honestly didn’t know he was top 5)… Had some other discussion about the league not respecting the family or this franchise.

I had another thought - what’s a good way to make Ball want to leave and join a “better” (aka more marketable) franchise? Any chance the league wants to add an all star snub to his reasons to GTFO of Charlotte?

Brad Botkin of CBS Sports agrees:

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Complete slap in the face to the fans. If you are going to ignore the fans why ask them to vote? The fans voted Melo 1st of all guards in the East. The players voted him 3rd and the media 8th, which is what kept him from being a starter. The All Star game isn’t for teams or about teams, that is what the playoffs are for. To knock a player because his team sucks makes no sense. The all star game is for the fans not the media. All the media are going to do is write after about how much of a waste of time it is. This is what is killing the PGA Tour, not realizing their target audience is changing.


Not making the all-star game while being the #1 vote getter is a good start. For this season, I think there’s a chance that his injuries played a factor in the media’s vote.

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Does anybody think he’s a saint? I don’t. I said I think the real victim are the kids.

If you’ve never had a “crazy” girlfriend, I imagine it can be difficult to see the other side. For example, I was once with a friend at a pool party. The girlfriend made a degrading comment about him. So he said something back about her. She immediately slapped him, jumped on him and was scratching him on his chest and face. In self defense, he threw her off him. Keep in mind we were in a pool when I say he threw her. She immediately started getting out of the pool, screaming she was going to file a report of him hitting her. She kept saying over and over, I can’t believe you hit me. Of course he started freaking out, saying he shouldn’t have done that. Lucky for him, there were about 8 other witnesses. We all said he defended himself. That there was no simply turn around and walk away, she wasn’t going to stop. But it made me seriously wonder what would have happened if they were the only two people there.

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How is this not a slap in the face? Not only is he top 5 in scoring, but he leads all of the reserves that were put on the team in his place in ppg, rpg, and apg. Don’t tell me that isn’t a slap to the face. Oh and he won the fan vote for East Guards by a large margin.


Speaking of Bridges, would it make you feel better if the girlfriend came back to him, after all he crazy shit was settled, and got pregnant again.
Not sure which one is the craizest here???

Bridges situation is messy, not getting too much into it. Both have some degree of blame but Bridges more obviously.

In terms of Lamelo, he wasn’t voted because regular media don’t watch hornets games or pay any attention to us. They say he’s not a winning player, we’re 1-13 with him not in the lineup, 11-19 with him in it. He makes a huge difference to our team. Front office has to put more talent around him next year so we become more nationally relevant, we have plenty of draft capital and assets to work with


That’s an understatement. On the original domestic assault charges in LA for which Bridges pleaded no contest, his ex-wife (or ex-girlfriend depending on the source) listed the following on her complaint:

• strangulation to the point of passing out
• fractured nose and wrist
• torn eardrum
• severe concussion

Just looked at the post assault photos again and they are quite damning.

The LA incident resulted in a 10 year protective order for the ex and the children against Bridges in the plea bargain that kept him out of prison.

Yes, the latter encounter in CLT is murky. Did Bridges damage his ex’s vehicle or did the new girlfriend do it? Both? Or even the ex? Fortunately for everyone involved - especially the children - there seemingly haven’t been any further confrontations.

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WTF are the Hornets doing??? Williams gone. Thought they were building around him for the future.

Williams and both Richards traded. Who plays center?

Tank on!!!

will ferrell frank the tank GIF

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