Lost (May Contain Spoilers!!)

[i]Originally posted by CPA_Niner[/i]@Sep 29 2005, 08:57 AM [b] Any thoughts on how Jin got back to the island? I'm wondering if the others on the boat somehow picked him up. Surely he would have heard Sawyer or would have seen them unless he passed out on another raft.


Considering his hands were bound behind his back, I’m assuming The Others picked him up. I doubt he could have drifted back to the island any quicker than Sawyer/Michael made it back. I’m still not convinced that The Others have ANY affiliation with Desmond. I think Desmond will end up being more of an asset to the castaways than trouble.

And yeah, the entire ocean segment with Michael/Sawyer was great. I love Sawyer’s sarcastic sense of humor. :stuck_out_tongue:

My favorite part by FAR was the Kate boobie-shake through the air vent. Talk about good TV. :wub:

I agree about Desmond. I wouldn’t be suprised though if Ethan was (is?) a link between the others and Desmond though. Maybe and emblem wearer who became an other.

It’s weird that the sequence of numbers adds up to 108 being that it’s what the timer is reset to. I’m thinking if it gets down to 0, something pretty bad happens. Maybe a self-destruct sequence or end to the quarantine.

[i]Originally posted by LeftyNiner[/i]@Sep 29 2005, 09:49 AM [b] What's an enbelm? :wacko: :D Apparently, they're all working together. [/b]
Enbelm = Emblem at 1:54 AM.

I think the quarantine is over with since they blew the hatch open. In the first episode, Desmond is on a bunk bed, so either someone else (Ethan) was using it or either it’s there to be able to house other people. You would think he would have noticed Ethan being gone and probably would have accused Kate and Locke of killing or kidnapping him.

I wonder if those that have heard voices, Sayid and Shannon are getting “sick?” Maybe Jack as well for seeing his dead father.

[i]Originally posted by BPfor3[/i]@Sep 29 2005, 10:49 AM [b] My favorite part by FAR was the Kate boobie-shake through the air vent. Talk about good TV. :wub: [/b]
Here ya go!

We need a flashlight on that video clip…lol

A few things I came across online:

The polar bear that we saw last season had that emblem on it’s tongue. With that and the one on the shark, it’s hard not to think the island was some sort of Jurassic Park experiment.

When Desmond was asking Locke if he was “him,” he asked “What did one snowman say to the other snowman?” This is a joke that Hurley told in one of the season 1 episodes. (BTW: The punchline was “FREEZE!!!” or “Hey, do you smell carrots?”) Obviously, we all know that Hurley is a big key to everything because of the numbers but apparently, he is the one that Desmond has been waiting for.

When Walt appeared in the woods, he was speaking backwards but was saying something about pushing/not pushing a button. This is likely referring to the “execute” button on Desmonds computer.

Another note: In season 2’s premier, there is a shot of a washing machine/dryer down where Desmond is at. Everything down there is associated with the 70’s but that washer/dryer are models that are less than 2 years old. They were a pair of those funky blue ones that recently came out. Could have simply been just a prop goof or maybe there’s more to it.

[i]Originally posted by jcl49er[/i]@Sep 30 2005, 10:04 AM [b] The polar bear that we saw last season had that emblem on it's tongue. [/b]
I have not heard about this one.... cool. Is it in the "Pilot" or in "Special"?

I have always thought that the bear was somehow manifested by Walt. Maybe Walt manifested the shark too? Bizarre.

[i]Originally posted by jcl49er[/i]@Sep 30 2005, 11:04 AM [b] We need a flashlight on that video clip...lol

A few things I came across online:

The polar bear that we saw last season had that emblem on it’s tongue. With that and the one on the shark, it’s hard not to think the island was some sort of Jurassic Park experiment.

When Desmond was asking Locke if he was “him,” he asked “What did one snowman say to the other snowman?” This is a joke that Hurley told in one of the season 1 episodes. (BTW: The punchline was “FREEZE!!!” or “Hey, do you smell carrots?”) Obviously, we all know that Hurley is a big key to everything because of the numbers but apparently, he is the one that Desmond has been waiting for.

When Walt appeared in the woods, he was speaking backwards but was saying something about pushing/not pushing a button. This is likely referring to the “execute” button on Desmonds computer.

Another note: In season 2’s premier, there is a shot of a washing machine/dryer down where Desmond is at. Everything down there is associated with the 70’s but that washer/dryer are models that are less than 2 years old. They were a pair of those funky blue ones that recently came out. Could have simply been just a prop goof or maybe there’s more to it. [/b]

I think you might be getting a little TOO into this show… Open the shades and step outside once in a while, stop spending 20 hrs a day combing through every episode. GET A LIFE MAN!!!

IMO there are 5 groups on the island

The Lost-aways
French Chick
Folks in the tail section (i.e. Chick talked to in the bar, who will be intoduced next week)


That’s no chick, that’s Michelle Rodriquez, and she’ll probably beat down some male on the show. Fits her type cast.

[i]Originally posted by Jimmyhat49er[/i]@Sep 30 2005, 11:49 AM [b] I think you might be getting a little TOO into this show...... Open the shades and step outside once in a while, stop spending 20 hrs a day combing through every episode. GET A LIFE MAN!!! [/b]
So I check out the Lost forums while you look at gay porn...can't we just accept each other's habits for what they are? :P

And besides, I get paid to do very little so I usually have a lot of free time on my hands at work. Of course, as much as some of you are on this board, I’m starting to think that I’m not the only one with too much time to kill during the work day. :huh:

jcl I’m calling bullshit on the symbol on the bear’s tongue. I’ve got people slowmotioning the DVD from season one who can’t see it in any shot of the bear. :frowning:

I don’t see it anywhere…


With as much time as people spend combing over the episodes they’ve taped, I’m sure they are getting pumped full of subliminal messages.

I hope they’re wearing their tinfoil hats.


[i]Originally posted by NormanNiner[/i]@Sep 30 2005, 02:51 PM [b] jcl I'm calling bullshit on the symbol on the bear's tongue. I've got people slowmotioning the DVD from season one who can't see it in any shot of the bear. :( [/b]
Got me...just posting what I read off one of the more popular Lost forums. There were two polar bears in the first season. The one that had Walt pinned in the tree and another one before that I think. Maybe it was one of the two or maybe someone's imagination was just running wild.

half way thru tonights episode, I thought it had “answered” too many questions… needless to say, the 2nd half restored my “lost is badass” opinion.

the chick being apart of the group after she was thrown down the hole, got me. good stuff.

I really liked the locke backstories in tonights episode.

jack going “faith” on us?

I bet hurley (or whatever the big guys name is) eventually jacks up the countdown… you know he hates the numbers.

and where did desmond run off too? $100 says he disappears for 2-3 episodes and then makes a reappearance.

the food pantry is gonna make some serious ripples among the initial group. let the tension and infighting commence.

I wonder if the black guy carring the big stick is Rose’s husband. They show her in the next episode. And what’s up with Jin speaking in english?? I figured it would happen at some point, but why play dumb for so long. I wonder who’s side he is really on.

Does anyone know who Locke was talking to on the phone in last season’s episode when he would call some woman and bought her a ticket for the walkabout? I was under the impression it was one of those 900 numbers because I thought he was referred to as a customer. But maybe it was Helen?

BTW, Peggy Bundy doesn’t look to bad for an older woman.

I’m 100% convinced that the entire island IS in fact one big experiment on the human psyche. I think Hurley is one of the masterminds behind it all (certainly had the money to do so). I don’t not believe that the plane ever even crashed (website showed it landed). I think the pirate ship/drug plane/main plane were planted. I think that the majority of the people on the island are in on the experiment and playing their part. Locke obviously worked for Hurley at one point and is part of the scheme (hence asking “what do I do now??”). Desmond is not in on it and I do not believe that Jack is either. I believe it’s all just one big psychological experiment. Nothing is gonna happen if the button isn’t pushed, which I feel is pretty obvious.

There are still some ambiguities but I think a lot of the pieces of the puzzle are coming together now.

Great episiode last night!!