clt says half of that time is the civil fighting with the architect over the design.
Give me a break. This way of thinking only props up our incompetent Mike Hill. He probably has a sign on his desk saying something like, the buck never stops here. This stadium was originally designed and constructed for future expansion. The truth is the damn thing should have already been expanded by now and before the great inflation. I am tired of the tired excuses. Mike Hill is the root cause of our embarrassing situations on all fronts that matter. The board needs to take action and if our Chancellor went rogue and extended Mike Hill, she needs to be censured publicly or removed and replaced.
Not to be critical
You can almost blame the architect, and be right more than 90%. In this case, we will keep our highschool football stadium at least a few more years because of Mike Hill. It’s fitting Mike Hill hired a highschool football coach to fail in our highschool stadium. By the way, I find the basketball win loss record under Crocodile Dundee to be hilarious. Remember, I am laughing at you, not with you. Gold Standard = Last Place In The American
Sad but true. It’s ultimate gas lighting.
Lack of funding and poor fund raising are absolutely on Mike.
Initial costs being off, permits, state delays, following established campus rules and chancellor directives etc - thats not on Mike.
Blaming him for things that are out of his control actually undercut the argument that perhaps his time here is up as it makes you argument look weaker because you are grasping at things.
Hiring Biff, Extending Ron, fund raising, ticket prices, basketball record those are objective failures that Mike should be held accountable for.
You give plenty of excuses to Hill, but to your credit, you can assign some blame. The problem is, the world begrudgingly allows excuses for failure even with successful people. The more one fails, the less they deserve passes for failing. Mike Hill is the Athletic Director, and most every Charlotte 49er I am aware of is flat out embarrassed by Niner football and basketball because of Mike Hill’s failures. His win loss record and facilities record relative to football and basketball is what Mike Hill has been, and all he Will ever be. So most Niners no longer care enough to be mad long, but they angrily laugh at the Mike Hill product history.
I’m not embarrassed by football but I am so disillusioned by hoops. To me football is a bonus pure and simple. Be competitive and I’m happy.
Hoops? I played against the guys that were winning titles in the late 80s and early ninety’s so it kills my soul. That what bothers me
We may never come back from Phil’s reign of terror on our basketball program
I don’t think you could have said it any better. We are apathetic as a fan base. Which I never thought we would be. Mike Hill’s ego and lack of accountability has led to this.
Why are these unrelated comments in the stadium construction thread?
I’m a real estate developer. Everything is slow right now. 8 months for a driveway permit from SCDOT from the time of full submittal. 9 month review time with the coastal commission for a small retail building. State review times are atrocious right now. They just cannot keep enough staff.
Hell, I’ve been working on a car wash in Florida and there’s only 1 plan reviewer in the entire county with 100 applications awaiting approval.
Lay some blame on Hill for fundraising issues. that’s fair. Can’t blame review time on him. You want state money? Get state processes.
So… construction is supposed to start this summer is that correct?
Hill is the root cause of the stadium expansion delays, the chronic failures of our basketball and football program. He is only followed in contributing to our embarrassing athletic program by people who support Hill, despite his performance and production. We have a high school stadium and are always at or near the bottom of the conference we play in, except the year Healy had with Lambert’s team. This year should be rock bottom, but it’s apparently not yet embarrassing enough. Glad you get it, but it’s a damn shame how many tolerate losing
You really need to read the Serenity Prayer. It explains my and I dare say others attitude to our programs and college athletics as a whole.
When Hootie goes full Southern Baptist on your ass in the thread it is time to reevaluate a lot of your life!!
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Take a look here: What The 49ers Can Learn From The Panthers Stadium Renovation
With all the tariff stuff going on I wonder if we are at risk of cancellation or delay?
It’s not going to get any cheaper if we delay, but yeah it’s definitely going to push the price up.
clt says this with peace and love, but this group isn’t exactly the urban institute
I hope administration is making a plan to add temporary seats to our stadium for the UNC football game - and max it out. At the current rate and cost of inflation, especially if the current project stalls, this may be all we can afford in the future.
There are nice expansion seats that can include luxury suites, etc. See PGA golf tournaments for example.
This is an opportunity to show off our stadium and campus. It should improve demand for our program. Get graduates from years ago back on campus.
Most in our area have no idea what is on our campus as it is somewhat secluded. We have to find a way for the public to discover what we have. I have never brought someone on campus for the first time that they did not walk away extremely impressed.
Do some marketing. This will bring positive attention to our campus.
A number that visit for a game will return in the future. This is how we grow!